Hello there,
I'm a 42-year-old man. I've been experiencing significant anxiety over the past weeks as I'm preparing for a medical check required for a residency visa in a foreign country after about 3 weeks week. I've been feeling fatigued and very tired, so I decided to have a general blood test before the upcoming health check abroad. Below are the results:
ALT 53 u/L (elevated), AST: 26 U/l, GGT: 32.5 u/L, ALP: 34 u/L, LDH: 128 u/L, Albumin: 46 g/L, Bilurubin: 10.5 µmol/L, WBC 6.54, RBC 5.27, HGB 15.3 g/dL, HCT 44.5%, MCB: 84.4 fL, MCH: 29 pg, MCHC: 34.4 g/dL, Ferritin 379.1 µg/L, Iron: 17.3
As you can see, most of the results are within the normal range. Still, I'm very worried about the elevated ALT and I've been having some terrible thoughts that it could be hepatitis, especially since I had 3 protected insertive vaginal intercourse with a female about 45 days ago. Note that I took one tablet of panadol (paracetamol the night before the test) and I had one shot of vodka about 36 hours before the test, I also had very spicy Thai food one day before the test and I had stomach problems in the washroom in the morning I had the test. My stool colour isn't dark brown. In fact, it leans more towards light brown but it's not yellowish. I didn't notice any yellow skin or eyes. Note that my Ferritin is also on the higher side but my Ferritin has always been on the higher side but it's the first time ever I experience an elevated ALT and it's accompanied by fatigue and bad mood.
Should I worry about my elevated ALT levels? What could it be? I'm worried that it could be something such as hepatitis. Please advise.