Hello everyone, hope you are doing well.
I just recently had LFT, 3 enzymes came back a little elevated. Alt was 52, Alp was 121 and GGT at 72.
Ast according to the lab was normal at 35.
CBC was all good too, ANA was negative, kidney function test was normal as well.
All the other protiens and enzymes were in normal range including billirubin, albumin etc.
My doctor said that these elevations were slightly above the normal ranges and that the cause shouldn't be too serious and there's nothing to be worried about and that simple lifestyle and diet changes should bring these numbers down.
But I have health anxiety and I always google my symptoms, and test results and always find my self more depressed. According to google cirhossis or advanced fibrosis and chronic hepatitis can also have similar numbers, is that really true?
Can anyone with similar numbers share their story?