Hi there,
I haven't posted anything for here for a while - but do read other's stories and experiences which is often very helpful - so thank you!
I am now taking 12.5mg of carvedilol per day - taking one in the morning and one at night before going to bed - I often feel the morning dose leaves me feeling tired and sluggish - but this could also be a general result of my liver chirrhosis and other related health issues?
I was recently in hospital and my blood pressure was a bit low so they cut the dose down to 6.25mg - which I stayed on for about 6 weeks - the dose has now gone back to 12.5 - The consultant said I could take both doses at night as I'd be asleep and wouldn't feel the sluggishness of the daytime dose - so I wanted to know what other peoples' experience of this has been? I also started having quite vivid and exhausting dreams and read that Carvedilol can have this affect - again wondering if anyone has had this too? I'm concerned the exhausting dreams and disturbed sleep will increase and my blood pressure could become very low if I take both at night? - But guessing the Dr wouldn't have suggested it, if that were the case?
I also take Apixaban 5mg x 2 daily as I have a SMV thrombosis -
Generally I'm very conscientious about my health - exercise and diet is good - I just get anxious about taking the medication - eventhough I know I need to - and understand that the carvedilol is reducing the risk of further varices!