I recently had my Carvedilol increased to 6.25mg twice a day. Lately, I am freezing to the bone. I turn my heating up and up and am still cold when everyone else says its like a sauna. I just wondered if anyone else has this? It could also be my recent addition of diabetes medication, Sitagliptin. Never felt cold before January this year when I was put on these meds.
Is carvedilol making you cold? - British Liver Trust
Is carvedilol making you cold?

I’m on 3.125mg twice a day and have been cold all winter my wife has been hot and I’m sitting in front of an electric fire with the heating on.so I wonder how many more like us? All the best
Am on two day and I am always cold
I’m on 12.5 mg daily and I’m cold too, find I’m using a hot water bottle as a companion ! But I would rather be cold and keep my portal hypertension / varacies in check .
it’s not the being cold as such but I think it could be a side effect off the beta blocker ( Carvidalol ) that helps to reduce the portal hypertension and reduces the risk of bleeding varices .
I have not discussed it with my GP or Consultant .
I dress in several thin layers of clothing and keep busy .
I’m otherwise well at the moment so don’t want to mess with my meds .
Feeling cold, especially peripheries, is a side effect common to all beta blockers. Hence they cannot be used easily in conditions such as Raynauds.
I have taken 6.25 Carvedilol twice a day and I wear long pj's,long sleeve shirts, & insulated socks to bed while my wife is in shorts, I just thought it was me from old wound of frostbitten feet but, now you have me wondering???
My husband is cold too and has been on Carvedilol for just over a month but he was cold before that. Our heating bill this winter is astronomical. In fact, our usage this winter is double last year and I am boiling. He is also on fuoresimide and I had put it down to that.
I get very cold. Sometimes my magnesium and my iron levels are off. Get real cold. I would say check levels.
I do have pancytopenia so iron is low and i do take a supplement, I do take a magnesium supplement too but only about once a week. I have an FBC every 3 months so I don't think I am defficient.
Sorry for the late reply, it's strange that you say that. I am on the same dose as you and I have never felt the cold like I do now. It's late April and I still put my heating on. Maybe one to bring up with my consultant when he stops cancelling my appointments. I haven't a clue how I am doing even though my local surgery has referred me twice ! It could be that that's making me cold. Put it this way my heating bills have gone up and even when I put more layers on I'm still cold. Sorry I couldn't really help but it's definitely one to think about. Thank you.
Yeah I still have my heating on, but I thought most people still do. Sorry your consultant keeps cancelling you, it's not good is it. I phoned the Liver Trust today to ask them to clarify something and she made me aware of the patient support line at my local hospital, where I can phone or write about cancelled appointments or lengthy waits, they step in and help apparently. All hospitals have these support offices, if you call the Liver Trust they can give you the number for the hospital that your appointments should be with.
Since starting carvedilol I have been very cold, I thought it was because I had lost weight quite quick and felt it in November.
I’ve always been shorts and T-shirts in the house. Now it’s thermals ( honestly) seems to be a bit of a trend looking at the comments .