Sorry for yet another post,My husband has decompensated liver cirrhosis and his legs are extremely swollen and he is at the point of not being able to walk now he's in so much pain he also has pain in his lower back, should he go to hospital? If so does anyone know what they will do?
Extreme pain in legs : Sorry for yet... - British Liver Trust
Extreme pain in legs

You need to call 111 and sounds like fluid build up or as cities that needs some treatment.

Dear Hithereeveryone
If your husband's symptoms are getting worse as you describe, we suggest contacting 111 in the first instance.
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
If it is ascites then they may prescribe him dieretic medication to help aliviate build up of fluid, they may also run blood tests or scans to give him a check over. He will feel alot more comfortable once he's seen, it's always the unknown that's scarey but getting on top of symptoms will help keep him comfortable. As above contact 111 service xx
2022minksThankyou for your reply, he has bloods done last week and the doc phoned the same day, the result was not good he has a very low protein level and so took him off his diuretics, we have had no more info from his doctor about what it means, I think it means that his liver has now stopped making protein and I'm not really sure how that affects anything. Xx
If you are unsure about what they have told you ask them again to explain everything, it is hard to take everything in and to understand medical terms and what they mean short term and long term and how things can be improved, write down your questions so you go into your doctor with what you want to know, hope you can get some answers x