Swelling, pain and cramp in left side ... - British Liver Trust

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Swelling, pain and cramp in left side of abdomen

Diamondbabe profile image
12 Replies

My husband has been having extreme pain across the middle of his back.I have noticed a large lump in his abdomen on the left side. He is having discomfort there and cramps.

Our gp examined him a couple of weeks ago and suspects inflammation in his lower spine.

He had a lumbar x-ray last week . I am worried the lump and discomfort is liver or kidney problems.

He is still a heavy drinker and is sleeping much more and not eating well.

He seems to have a lot of wind and (sorry if too descriptive) funny motions.

He has had 12 Colin polyps removed and is waiting for another appointment for colonoscopy. The polyps removed were pre cancerous.

His mobility is very bad now, shuffling with a walker to the bathroom and sleeping in his clothes.

His personal hygiene is appaling.

Sorry for the rant. Just feeling very overwhelmed at the moment.

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Diamondbabe profile image
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12 Replies
NICSAR17 profile image

Hi Dawn

Oh dear you sound like you are having a terrible time Ste seems to have all but given up have you rung his GP about the new lump ???

Hope you manage to get something sorted ??


Diamondbabe profile image
Diamondbabe in reply to NICSAR17

Hi Sarah, I hope your keeping well.I told the gp about his lump and she examined him but didn't comment on what it was. She was just focused on his back pain.

I joined a gym today and took my frustration out there.

He is going for more blood tests this Saturday so hopefully next week we will get news her is happening.

I know it won't be good news but at least I will know what we are dealing with.

Take care x

NICSAR17 profile image
NICSAR17 in reply to Diamondbabe

Hi dawn

I am ok thank you back at work as of yesterday no decisions made really but had time to think and get a few things in order .....It sounds like you are having a terrible time bless you the gym is a good idea for sure ............... Your description of Ste is so sad... thats the difference with Rob he was like that in 2021 when hospitalised although never gave up on self hygiene his determination to keep going now even when he clearly is really struggling and not drinking for nearly 17 months obviously improves his health but too late for his liver ............He has a load of appointments coming up and is having his first cataract done on 20/02 so obviously needs to have someone with him afterwards so again there is always something clouding my decision to leave !!

I hope you get some answers so you do know what your dealing with my heart goes out to you

Sarah Xxx

MrsWorried profile image

Hi there, so sorry everything is so stressful. I can't offer any practical advice, just letting you know we're all here, supporting you xx

Diamondbabe profile image
Diamondbabe in reply to MrsWorried

Thank you.Such a lonely feeling and so helpless.


MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Diamondbabe

I know it is, hubby got out of hospital and has just resumed drinking. Apparently it's his life and he'll live it how he wants......

Diamondbabe profile image
Diamondbabe in reply to MrsWorried

Oh no!

You are really going through it.

I don't fight his drinking any more,Because it's like Stephen thinks that way too.

I am dreading the next set of results, but in a way eager to know what is happening with him now.

I suspect it won't be long before R is back in hospital.

Here for you too


MrsWorried profile image
MrsWorried in reply to Diamondbabe

I hope you don't have long to wait for results. Keep strong, he's the same person, just in the grip of something stronger than himself xx

Fuggs profile image

Still a heavy drinker.!!! That's not clever. Full lower scan and colonoscopy

Diamondbabe profile image

Morning,Your right indeed.. Not clever!!!

I think the gp should have arranged a lower scan imo.

I do try and trust the doctor, but as we all know they are very overstretched and possibly frustrate that he won't accept help for his drinking.

We were both told quite frankly by our gp and hospital consultant that if he doesn't address his drinking his liver is going to fail last May.

Since then his drinking has increased.

I have tried so many different approaches with him ,including leaving him twice to get him to get help.

He is so frail now . When I eventually got him the gp appointment and got him there he fell asleep in the waiting room.

He can't even stand without support .

His hepotology appointment was due last November, but was cancelled until this March, which is a telephone appointment.

Does anybody know how that will go please?

Thank you

Readlots profile image

Hi Dawn, I think there are times when we’ve all wished for a crystal ball. Livers are notoriously unpredictable and it sounds as if your husband may have other things going on as well. I know the waiting is hard but until you’ve got the results of the latest tests you don’t know what you’re dealing with so no one can tell you how it will go. Hang in there and try and do nice things while you wait.

Chick_atee profile image

Hi Dawn, I’m a recovering alcoholic myself. Acceptance is the key and for him to get help. I achieved many years of recovery with admitting myself for a 28 day program and attending AA meetings. Life dramatically changed for the better until Covid hit and I had to deal with some traumatic events and I relapsed. Being diagnosed with end stage cirrhosis last year was my rock bottom. While too late to change the damage I simply never want to pick up again.

Alanon is a great support for the partners/families who are dealing with someone they care deeply about in addiction. You can even do this via zoom meetings. It helps one understand addiction because if you are not an addict then it is impossible to understand.

The sleeping a lot, not eating well, bowls and hygiene are all part and parcel of addiction & liver disease. He has not I’m sure chosen this and my heart goes out to you both suffering in different ways. Those symptoms do sound alarming and I hope you guys get some answers. AA now do zoom meetings too because obviously he is too unwell to physically attend.

Each day is a gift and precious. I find with cirrhosis and recovery a one day at a time approach works well.

My consultant, her team & anyone I’ve seen say No alcohol whatever type of drinker you are.

Apologies if I went down the addiction route and it is not relevant to your circumstances. I hope you can put yourself first and look after you. That is most important.

Wishing you both the very best on your journeys.


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