Hi! New here. I had been experiencing vague, debilitating symptoms occasionally for a few years, fatigue, nausea, chronic back pain, itchy skin, brain fog, etc. November’23 symptoms became acute, as well as dark urine and jaundice and I was basically incapacitated. Hospitalized December’23 with ALT 2300+ AST 1700+ DX AIH. Levels moving in right direction with Imuran and prednisone titrating down 5mg weekly from 60mg.
Frustrating though that I don’t know if my actions are directly positively or negatively affecting my symptoms or labs. Like with my daughter’s type 1 diabetes, we exhaustingly manage all day. WE manage it, we dose the insulin or give carbs based on a high/low blood sugar, not an exact science, but still a cause and effect.
So a few questions, how do I have more control and management over this disease instead of relying on medications and waiting on weekly lab reports?
What factors directly impact autoimmune hepatitis like nutrition and exercise?
Has anyone tried ALA, low dose naltrexone, or other supplements?
Has anyone gotten off of traditional medications and successfully kept enzymes in range and flares away?
Can we prevent the immune system from attacking without these medications?
Thank you!!