From my Mother in laws last hospital notes it says she has acute decompensated liver.
She has Cirrhosis from NASH.
She has been hospitalised in July and we nearly lost her , she had sepsis, pneumonia, her fluid from her ascites was infected.
Bu t she did pull through and has been hospitalised a few times since, mainly from fluid draining to HE.
Lately she is getting depressed, struggling with balance, jaundiced, very emotional and sleeping a lot. She does have thin blood and when she wakes up in the morning she has blood on her pillow.
she does see her consultant every six weeks and has blood tests weekly.
Her blood tests are high but are stable.
My mother in law is 71 , she is not down for having a transplant or TIPS procedure.
Any advice on how we deal with all this as we are trying our best to keep my mother in law positive but it seems like she has given up.
Thank you for any advice.