In routine full body checkup .30 July done fibrosacan due to loss of appetite and unexpected weight loss.blood test reports normal ,ultra sound report shows grade 1-2 infiltration of fatty liver , what does this mean.
Fibroscan report liver stiffness 4.6 k... - British Liver Trust
Fibroscan report liver stiffness 4.6 kpa , 197 dbm , what does it shows

If considered accurate when taken along with all the other tests you've had then our fibroscan results are brilliant - 4.6kPa reflects F0-F1 so next to no fibrosis and the CAP (dbm) score of 197 reflects below the level where they grade start to grade steatosis grade 1/fatty liver grade 1 so less than 11% of your liver is showing any degree of fatty change.
It's only when CAP score is above 238 that they start to grade steatosis - 238 to 260 dB/m is considered S1 Less than ⅓ (11% to 33% of liver affected by fatty change).
Tnx for sharing your good knowledge, that's means no major issue. Due to unexpected weight loss feel anxiety and sleeplessness. How to attain healthy liver again.
It doesn't appear that your liver is the issue based on all the results you've shared. Maybe your issue lies elsewhere - are you losing weight because you are anxious? Sleeplessness also can go hand in hand with anxiety.
Yesterday visited liver specialist told me that I do not have fibrosis or cirrosis .but liver was swallow and some ulcers but liver is ok , discuss regarding weight slow weight loss .he changed some medicine and call me after one month. How can I improve my weight. I totally left alcohol and doing regular exercise.any suggestion
Kate you are right i am very much worried abt my health. I plan to do regular exercise and good diet to increase weight. Any inputs most welcome