Hi, Can anybody tell me if 43.2 is a good or bad result for fibrescan and cap is 154. Thanks
Fibroscan: Hi, Can anybody tell me if 4... - British Liver Trust
It would depend on what your bloods are saying since the kPa figure (which reveals liver stiffness) can be falsely inflated if there is ongoing inflammation in the liver. At 43.2 then it is revealing a pretty high figure.What have your doctors explained already because it would be wrong for us to interpret this result before doctors have told you their findings.
The CAP score is the amount of fatty change in the liver and your looks ok. Below the score for S1/steatosis grade 1.
What do you mean falsely inflated
Fibroscan can't tell the difference between inflamed liver tissue and that which is actually denser due to fibrosis. It is important that fibroscan is looked at along with other tests, if there is ongoing inflammation it's possible that kPa figure isn't accurate (potentially over inflated). In the absence of inflammation it could be well into cirrhosis range BUT fibroscan alone can't confirm that diagnosis.
* we've had people on here in the past who have scored the full 75 kPa but it's been inflammation rather than cirrhosis and when the inflammation has gone their kPa has come right down again.
Which blood tests are the main ones to look at ???.
Liver inflammation markers like ALT, AST, ALP, GGT. If these are elevated significantly it can cause your fibroscan kPa to be reading higher than is actually the case
The only one that's high is ggt it was 222 last test. But that's always up and down. Thanks for your time by the way much appreciated.
The last time we conversed you had just had a liver biopsy assessing whether or not you had PSC and you'd previously had scans commenting on coarse echo texture I believe. Have you had a firm diagnosis now, biopsy would also have revealed how much fibrosis etc. was present.
I don't have PSC, this fibroscan wasn't booked through my consultant, this was done has I was on my out from a appointment it's a new fibroscan of the spleen it was my choice to say yes or no. My consultant is aware this was going on has it was the next room. I.ll be seeing him again on 8th June. While they did the spleen it wase that asked can you do the liver so she did.
All Fibroscan tells you is how hard the Liver is mine was 39.2 L4 I'm early Cirrhosis. People should discuss their readings with their Liver nurse or consultant. Everyone is different. Every reading is different. No point discussing readings on here, unless your history is known and full details. I can discuss my readings but I'm not medically qualified to do so, nobody here is.
I cannot understand why a specialist Liver nurse, via their consultant, isn't communicating these issues. All that was in place by the time I had a fibro scan. Patients should get a letter or call in follow-up to this scan. All the scan does is measure how hard the Liver has become. It's sonar, so it bounces back. When it hits tissue, it cannot penetrate. It has nothing to do with blood readings or other results because of all that has been previously done. This is a non-invasive confirmation because they suspect. That was my experience. People should contact the specialist Liver nurse that deals directly with them.
no,it s not good at all...Mine was 14.5 and i ve already been told is cirrhosis...The ggt parameters are also very high,indicative of problems with your liver.
Talk to your consultant or Liver nurse will have all the answers.
My reading was 39.2 at Level 4 fibrosis.
My Liver nurse told me it was very early stage one cirrhosis, and my Liver generally behaved in the context of doing what it had to do.
I get scans every six months for surveillance tumours to check and a blood test every 12 weeks.
People should have a consultant and a specialist Liver nurse by the time they are having a fibro scan. They deal directly with you and guide you.
This is my personal experience over three years. I live in Scotland. I get excellent service.
I cannot understand why patients and your support team are not communicating clearly.
Dear Belleben
Test results vary according to both the individual’s whole health and the laboratory analysing the results and should always be interpreted by the user’s own health care professionals.
We suggest talking this through with your own doctor or health care professional.
If you would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
It's certainly VERY concerning and very high.Only your Dr can comment fully but certainly needs further tests and ongoing surveillance.