I’m sorry to be on here yet again, but I have just picked up my blood results, they are not the main liver ones but I’m a bit worried and would appreciate any help as to what they mean, six months ago my platelets were 268 they have now dropped to 229 I’m worried that they will keep dropping cos I know these are important regarding the liver…. My white blood cells are also lower but I never understand whether they are better to be low (I would assume no infection) or should they be higher as in ready to fight, my red blood cells have yet again risen, they rise every time and are now 5.59 (limit is 4.80) even my haemoglobin estimation and haematocrit have risen and are above the cut off, im assuming these are all liver related, im a bit worried that they will keep rising but I have no idea what they mean apart from the rbc not having enough oxygen , weirdly my creatinine is always low on the start of normal at 44 and even that is now 56 I know it’s in range but it’s never been over 45 …. My potassium first time ever is also just above cut off I just wonder if anyone could tell me what these over the limit bloods actually mean , I don’t mean as a diagnosis but just to learn thier relevance I supposed thank you x
Blood Tests : I’m sorry to be on here... - British Liver Trust
Blood Tests

Stop worrying love. I don’t think we are allowed to post test results.
But my platelets are only between 50 - 60. They’ve been this low since diagnosis nrly 11 years ago. And I’m doing ok. Not a perfect life but I’m still here.
Speak to the GP or ring the nurses on here tomorrow. They will explain the results to you b
hi I’m sorry to post on here, I purposely didn’t include a lot of the numbers because I was not sure if I was allowed to, I didn’t want a diagnosis but just wanted to understand I suppose, I have a heart scan next month and some of these bloods point to the heart so I’m just getting a bit freaked out, esp as I’m still dealing with the liver problem , thank you though my lovely xx
Hi SophiaWhere did you get the results from? If your GP then they should be able to explain them to you. I'd expect if they were concerned they'd be calling you. But if you need to ring the nurses here they should be able to help x
yes from the gp, I have mentioned my concerns regarding the rbc keep rising , but I just feel that the doctors do not have the same time as they had before and only deal with emergencies now, my reads have been rising and rising but it’s ok I’ll just leave it cos I will only stress trying to get some one to listen, thanks for your help hun.
Hi Sophia, try not to worry too much I know that’s easier said than done. I’m sure the drs would of contacted you if they was concerned of the readings. I’ve read your posts and seen how hard your trying keep this up and stay positive 🙂
thank you so much , I really feel like I’m a nuisance to you all, but sometimes I just can’t cope with all the worry, I kvow things are wrong but I feel like I’m on my own and I get scared, I’m dreading the heart scan cos after the liver one I’m just scared they will find a problem there as well, esp with these raised bloods etc 😥 I feel so guilty because I was cross with that man who kept changing his name and listing every symptom of liver cirrohsis, because I felt he was being disrespectful keep asking the same things, I can honestly see where he was coming from now, he was scared , I feel awful and wish I could find him to apologise because I feel like I am now him , I am doing all he did and I understand now, poor man …. im usually so compassionate and full of empathy but I wasn’t and it plays on my mind, I can’t find him as I can’t remember any of his names ….. I just feel so messed up and I’m sorry I put it all on you lot, but I thank you so much for replying and I really mean that xx
Your definitely not a nuisance and you will always find support here. It’s better to ask questions and find support no matter how silly the question may seem if it’s on your mind there’s a chance someone can help you. From my diagnosis 7 months ago I never would of believed things could look how they do now you’ve got to keep having faith your doing the best you can for your body and hopefully in time your body starts to respond. Yes there is still bad days and suffering with mental health as well I know how worry effects you. Take one day at a time and keep praising yourself your doing great 😊 Always here for a chat
sorry to jump in here. I understand and know what you’re going through with results and health worry. I’m the same. Can’t relax. Feel like a trapped animal some of the time.
I had an abdominal ultrasound on 27th April. Had to wait an entire bank holiday and didn’t get results until 5th May. Moderate fatty liver parenchyma and pancreas and haemorrhage cyst on right kidney. Result were post on online patient record. Thrn, had to face ANOTHER bank holiday! Not heard from GP but they been in contact community diagnostic and they recommend further scans/different scans. Don’t know if that’s for all three problem or just the cyst. I’m phoning them today see what they say. I’ve really waited long enough.
Yeh, I understand what you’re going through. You all come here because while waiting doctors etc to contact you, you need someone to talk right now. Places like this offer instant contact while waiting. Sharing experiences really do help a bit. I’ve been tracking this hub just to learn more about what going on with me. What to expect etc. you just wanna know at the end of the day.
Take care and try to find moments to relax and distract yourself. Just to get through the wait and the not knowing for sure.
DO NOT THINK YOU'RE A NUISANCE. You are not.That other person wasn't legit.
We're all here for you xx

Dear Sophia1968
Test results vary according to both the individual’s whole health and the laboratory analysing the results and should always be interpreted by the user’s own health care professionals.
We suggest talking this through with your own doctor or health care professional.
As others mention, if you would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays) or you can email them: helpline@britishlivertrust.org.uk
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
thank you for your reassurance hun, I’m just worried they will keep dropping like my rbc keep rising, if I’m honest I’m more worried about my blood count than anything else, I’m sure I have something else going on as well as the liver, im gonna speak to my dr on Tuesday and tell her I need to get to the bottom of things, it’s been going on for too long now xx
I wouldn't worry too much about that platelet level. Mine are usually around 75!! I have to have monthly bloods and if they go down to 50 I have to stop all medication and immediately go on steroids. Neither my hepatologist or haemotologist are panicking at 75. Not sure about the others as they have never been raised as an issue, but maybe I should have a look at them as well!! X
aww thanks for your reassurance hun, I’m sure your rbc and haemocrit are ok, im not even sure they are to do with the liver, I honestly think mine are a separate issue, I wonder why platelets go up and down though , I was disappointed more so because I have been eating more healthy than I ever have and thought they would be better not worse lol, I hope you are doing ok though my lovely xx
Thanks for your kind words. I am doing ok. 4.5 years since I bled out at home and 10 weeks in hospital. 22 gastroscopies, more than 70 variciles banded but I'm here to tell the tale. X
oh bless you hun, you have been through so much, I hope all is ok for you now xx
thank you for your reply, I prob am worrying too much, but you know your own body don’t you, I just worry because I feel things are not right and I want answers , but in reality everything takes so long esp now, my c reactive protein (crp) was 14.5 in oct 22 ( should be below 5) it is now 10.5 so lower but still high…. My esr was 37 and now 24 so it’s also come down a bit, my dr said these inflammation markers are not usually liver though, not sure if that’s true….as for zoom, I’m useless with technology and have never even Skyped or face timed lol, maybe one day I’ll learn to be a bit more modern and tech, then I may surprise you and pop up ha ha xx