Hi everyone,
Two weeks ago, I woke up with horrendous abdominal pain. After a trip to A&E and around the houses a bit, I was told there are some fat deposits in my liver and my liver blood tests were abnormal.
As I'd ended up in a gallbladder dept, they confirmed it wasn't my gallbladder and they would refer me to the GP for next steps.
More blood tests at the GPs - 6 in total I think. I rang them to chase results and was told I was given advice at the hospital and I confirmed advice was to see GP.
Managed to get a phone app for Sat morning, they confirmed liver blood tests were abnormal and as per hospital advise, I need to lose weight. I wasn't told this at the hospital, but must be in the notes that were passed to the GP. They said they'll check my blood again in 3 months. I don't know what any of my other results are.
I went out for lunch yesterday and had a bad reaction to the food and the excruitiating pain came back, it's only just starting to wear off now.
I've requested the blood test transcripts from the GP, so I can figure out what tests were actaully done and what the results mean.
What should my next steps be? I don't drink often, maybe once or twice a year and I've proactively made some changes to my diet - more lean meat, more fruit/salad/veg etc. Changed pasta/bread to wholegrain versions. Cut out on the chocolat/biscuits/cake, but I'm just feeling a little lost now - do I need to go back to the GP and question them more?