Has anyone else had severe side effects when reducing their steroid dose? I was on 5mg prednisolone a day for at least seven months and reduced to 4mg a week ago. Feeling very unwell especially overnight which is the furthest point in any 24 hours from taking the steroids. I realise there will be a delay before my body compensates by making additional cortisol itself and I may have to grit my teeth and get through that. Any ideas on how long the adverse reaction might last?
Steroid tapering: Has anyone else had... - British Liver Trust
Steroid tapering

Dear Ambrosian,
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British Liver Trust
hi I know for myself it is tough. Tapering and you should call GP talk with someone sometimes tapers need to be adjusted to how you are feeling. I could tell if my taper was too fast because I would feel just lousy mostly in my hips legs hard to explain but I can feel my body doesn’t like it.
but call nurses line maybe for some advice.
Hang in there
Thanks for your reply. On a previous occasion my dose was lowered and then increased again. But I'm keen to get on the lowest possible maintenance dose as soon as I can because my consultant says the longer you're on them the more pronounced their negative effects become. Steroids are a very blunt instrument but they can save your life and they're the best we've got at the moment.
Tapering from 5mg to 4mg is a very big drop. I have polymyalgia and our tapering is usually half an mg each step, especially when under 10mg daily. There is a method called DSNS Dead Slow Nearly Stop which goes through the steps to take when trying to taper.
I was originally on 40mg a day, dropping by 5mg every 7 days and then staying on 20 mg for quite a long time, then 10, then 5mg. The dose was put back up for a while because of side effects. It probably depends on the nature of your condition. Fortunately, although my form of hepatitis can make me feel ill it doesn't usually cause pain. My consultant did say it has to be lowered extremely carefully with monthly blood tests to monitor liver function.
Thanks for your reply.