This may seem a very random question, but I wondered if anyone lives by the sea, regularly exercises on the beach or swims, rows or does some boating activity?! If so, has inhaling the salty air had any adverse affect upon your liver disease in terms of fluid retention, sudden change in diuretic dose etc.
I’m asking as I have recently had a very small win in that my fluid has very suddenly resolved to some extent. My diuretic was reduced and I put on a lot of fluid weight immediately, after some weeks however there was a change and my body somehow kicked into action and this has gone, as proven by ultrasound at the weekend.
I am obviously trying to maintain my health as much as possible both physically and mentally and wanted to prevent a reoccurrence, therefore any thoughts on the benefits opposed to any risks, if there are any, would be much appreciated.
The reason, I ask is because inhaled saline has to be thought about in those with all sorts of pathologies, as well as liver disease, on diuretics etc. I am unsure if sea air would have the same precautions but it can seem very salty on a windy day!
Thanks so much x