It never rains but it pours: Hello... - British Liver Trust

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It never rains but it pours

63 Replies

Hello everyone

How are you all doing?

Not been a good day. Hubby has had a pain behind his eye, went to eye clinic, he's being seen tomorrow afternoon, said there's something squashing his pupil.

And I was examining myself this morning and didn't feel right. Didn't think I'd get an appointment but our pharmacist phoned and got me in. Dr examined me, he said he could feel a lump on right breast and slightly on left one, I'm very sorry. He's referred me and I will be seen within two weeks. What a day. But as the saying goes there's always someone worse off than yourself. Sorry to rabbit on . Love and hugs to you all Lynne xxxx

63 Replies
TriggerPoint profile image

Prayers For Ya~* & Hubby....

in reply to TriggerPoint

Thank you so much . Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to TriggerPoint

How are you feeling? Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

GrandmaDylan profile image

Oh lynne what a horrible time you're having. We can only hope that you both are fine. I know it's scary being put on the two week pathway but it's usually just to be extra careful not to miss something. I've been on it three times and everything was fine. Take care and try not to worry too much. Debxx

in reply to GrandmaDylan

Thank you so much. Luckily we have a good support network and everyone on here brilliant. How are you? Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

GrandmaDylan profile image
GrandmaDylan in reply to

I'm glad you have a good support network, it really helps to be able to talk to people you love.

I'm feeling a bit rubbish at the moment. I've started taking iron again so hopefully I'll start to feel like I've got some energy. I don't know if I mentioned that I have candida in my esophagus so I'm taking even more tablets to get rid of it. I'm also feeling a bit down. Sorry to moan when you're going through something serious. Xx

in reply to GrandmaDylan

You aren't moaning, it's good to get off your chest. I really hope you start to feel better soon. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Lynn. What a horrible time for you! Hope that everything turns out ok for both of you. I had a blood clot behind my eye a couple of years ago and it dispersed itself over several months. Also wife had a breast lump that turned out to be a lipoma and she decided to have it removed anyway. Thinking of you both. All the very best Alf

in reply to alfredthegreat

Thank you so much

Hubby's Mum had 2 brain haemorrhages in 2001 called moya moya, it was very rare and she got through it!! Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Isabelle2 profile image

Oh Lynne

I’m sorry, you’re right it’s not a good day. At least hubby is being seen tomorrow and you will be in a couple of weeks. It’s probably nothing but as we know it’s better to be checked as soon as poss.

Sending you and hubby lots of love and positivity!

Isabelle xx

in reply to Isabelle2

Thank you so much. Everyone is so kind. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Porphyriamaniac profile image

All the best to you and hubby Lynne. Let us know how you go. Xxxx

in reply to Porphyriamaniac

Thank you so much and yes I will. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

jojokarak profile image

Fingers crossed for the hubby and just so you know pre transplant I kept getting abscesses in my boobs and it took a while for them to rear there ugly heads on the surface but I could definitely feel them until they popped up so I hope it's the same, even though there painful little buggers xxx

in reply to jojokarak

Thank you for your kind words. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Owlie profile image

Oh no Lynne I’m so sorry. I hope everything turns out okay for you both, a hellish wait for you but try and keep being the positive,happy, bubbly, supportive person that you are and fingers crossed everything will be okay. Sending you virtual hugs, Owlie xx

in reply to Owlie

Thank you for your kind words

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Owlie profile image

You’ve got this! Xxx

fizzy42 profile image

Hi Lynne, hope your husbands eye is ok!? And also your problem! Bless you, your quite right it never rains but it pours! Recently the day before my 60th Birthday my leg gave way and ive broken my ankle! But hey ho after 9 days in hospital, im home thank God! Hope your and hubbys problems are not too serious Lynne. Takecare and hoping to hear good results from you xxx

in reply to fizzy42

Thank you so much for your kind words. How's your ankle now? Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

fizzy42 profile image
fizzy42 in reply to

Hi Lynne, ankle is pretty sore have another 3 weeks in plaster. Very inconvenient as im hoping to move house in 4 weeks :-( I also had a scary 2 week referral a few weeks ago, I got up one morning and had had a rectal bleed! Bit panicky! So down doctors again, and thankfully it was only my Diverticulitus playing up! Ok since thank goodness. Better to check all these things out we encounter. Best wishes, Lynda xxx

in reply to fizzy42

Thank you and yes it is. I had a diverticulitis flare up a few weeks ago. Please take care. Love and hugs Lynne

Millie2014 profile image

Hi Lynne I hope all works out fine for you and your hubby. Keeping you in my thoughts. Xx

in reply to Millie2014

Thank you so much for your kind words. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Lots of love and Hugs. 💕♥️🙏. You both are going to be Fine ♥️. Keep us posted 😘.

in reply to

Thank you so much for your kind words. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Smyally profile image

Oh Lynn what a horrible day you had. I can imagine that you are very worried right now. My husband had something very similar to do with his eyes. He did get referred to Moorfields in London but I did just turn out to be a cyst that was easily treated. Hopefully your husbands eye problem will turn out to be something similar. I hope you both get answers soon. Take care xx

in reply to Smyally

Thank you so much for your kind words. I will tell my hubby about what your husband had, it will help to put his mind at ease. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Peeps7 profile image

Morning Lynne, so sorry to hear about both you and your husbands’s awful days. Very much in my thoughts, good luck, love always Anne xx

in reply to Peeps7

Thank you, you are all being so kind. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx


So sorry that you are having quite a few issues lately. I hope that you see a ray of sunshine behind this dark cloud.


in reply to

Thank you, everyone is so kind. Take care Lynne

Catherine2017 profile image

Good luck to you and your hubby keep us posted .

in reply to Catherine2017

Thank you so much. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Mt thoughts are with you and yours, lets pray for the best news for you both



Firstly please try your best to keep focused on yourself as well as your hubby, I know from personal experience how very tough it can be!

Many years ago a very large lump was found in my right breast which they thought was cancer due to strong family C history. It ended up being a large cyst so try not to worry to much at this very early stage as worrying can make you poorly!:

Lynn feel free to PM me anytime as I'm a good listener!

Please take care of yourself !

Love Trish x

in reply to

Thank you so much

Everyone is being brilliant. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

davianne profile image

Oh crikey, It never rains, but it pours, but it can't last forever. So I hope and pray that the sun shines on you both very soon.

Take care,


in reply to davianne

Thank you, everyone is being so kind. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Adelou profile image

That's not good, hoping it's nothing serious

in reply to Adelou

Thank you xxxx

Dogbot profile image

So sorry to hear you and your husband are having a rough time, I do hope that it turns out ok all my best


in reply to Dogbot

Thank you so much, you are all so kind . love and hugs Lynne xxxx

GrannyDoll61 profile image

We are all here for you Lynne.Really hope its all good for you both. Xxx

in reply to GrannyDoll61

Thank you so much

Everyone is so kind. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Hang in there Lynne and keep us all posted. I know there are many members on here who will support you.

Warm wishes


in reply to

Thank you so much, you are all brilliant. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Radnor profile image

What an awful time your going through, you are always there for everyone on the site so its particularly hhorrible. Hoping you both get nothing to worry about diagnoses. . So much for a healthy New Year. Sending you love and hugs to get through this. Hazelxx

in reply to Radnor

Thank you so much . Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

canadaliz profile image

Hi Lynne, I am sorry for the trials you are experiencing. As for your lumps try not to stress (easier said than done). I have just come through breast cancer which is what landed me here on the liver support page (hepatotoxic response to treatment.) If you have two palpable lumps you near certainly do not have BC. Having bilateral cancer is the rarest of the rare. If the doctor really thought there was a concern you would be in having a mammogram and ultrasound within a day or two. I would insist on an ultrasound as my BC did not show up on a mammogram. Also ask if you have dense breast tissue. If you do you will always have to have an ultrasound as well as a mammogram. Even if they are a bit suspicious and send you for a biopsy over 80% are benign but they must ere on the side of caution and extend an over abundance of caution when investigating a lump. My advise is sit with a cup of tea, let the fear and stress wash away, then focus on just today. You will deal with tomorrow when it comes but today is yours for the living. Best wishes to your beloved.

Cheers, Liz

in reply to canadaliz

Thank you so much for your kind words. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

kyia profile image

What a terrible day for you both - hopefully, everything will be sorted soon x

in reply to kyia

Thank you. Went hospital with hubby, he's got very dry eyes, has to go for another test next where he has to leave car at home as can't drive for 5 hours after test. Dr said if he was worried he would have had him back tomorrow, he said he wasn't concerned. How are you feeling? Take care Lynne

kyia profile image
kyia in reply to

Everything is stable right now, thanks, which I'm grateful for. I'm sure you're both relieved that the doctor isn't too concerned about his eye.

in reply to kyia

Yes we are , thank you. Glad you are stable. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs to you. Jaycee

in reply to

Thank you. Went with hubby today, he's got very dry eyes, got to go back next week for another test, got to leave car at home as can't drive for 5 hours after, Dr wasn't concerned, said he would have had him back tomorrow if he had been. How are you feeling? Take care Lynne

in reply to

Hi Lynne, I am if truth know a tad fed up, I am 240 days on the list and still waiting. Trying hard to stay positive.

in reply to


Sorry you are having to wait so long. You are doing well to stay positive. Take care e

mncold profile image

Hi Lynne,

I was sorry to hear you and the hubby got worrying news at the same time - harder to deal with.

Good to hear his doctor is not overly worried but still staying on top of things. A slight lessening of the stress regarding your husband, which I hope is good.

I saw that you had some excellent replies from people with more experience in breast issues than I have - and I learned some things.

Sending you the very best of good wishes that everything goes well!

Best wishes,


in reply to mncold

Thank you so much, you are so kind. My appointment is on the 9th April, I will be there for four hours cos they will do all the tests on the same day . How are you doing?

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to

Hi Lynne,

Good to hear that you don't have too long a wait and while 4 hrs is a long appointment, at least you will get all the tests done at once, and hopefully not need anything more.

We are doing fairly well. Hubby doesn't go back to his liver doctor for his next 6 month follow up til June and his last one in Jan his blood work is still improving a tiny bit, his VA doctor had him add a noon time dose of lactulose to improve his pooping LOL and it seems to have worked, so that make me happy :-)

On Apr 9 - I will have seen my oncology surgeon for my 6 month follow up - hopefully he will say things are still where they should be and I am improving and start the nag for losing weight and quitting smoking, which is better than hearing you need to concentrate on getting better. And the 8th I get to see the dermatologist for a follow up for skin cancer and get something off my leg LOL.

So I will be thinking of you on the 9th and sending good vibes and best wishes your way - so at least one of those shivers will be my good vibes to you.

Best wishes,


p.s. Thank you for asking and I hope I didn't give you more info than you ever wanted to hear.

in reply to mncold

Thank you so much and I will be sending good vibes to you too. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

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