A Long story short (difficult) in February 22 I came home to my husband yellow and barely breathing but conscious. Ambulance took him to hospital and he had to be resuscitated twice as his heart stopped before being put on a ventilator he had erupted varices in oesophagus(he'd been losing blood both ends for days but didn't tell me) and blood clot in his portal vein, his liver was/is severely damaged (C something I think) amazingly he pulled through and after a 1st failed attempt at TIPPS the second attempt worked. He left critical care unit in March after a month and was sent home after 3 days on ward.
Initially his prognosis was ok, the consultants even joked asking if he was human as they could not believe he survived. He's now diabetic and has had multiple appointments blood tests scans etc to keep an eye on it. The oesophagal varices have completely gone according to hospital but the clot in his portal vein is stubborn and despite fragmin daily its reducing very very slowly.
The worry is they told him last week if he doesn't change his lifestyle he'll be dead within 2-5 years. When he first came out I fed him healthy I've always fed him healthy but due to nerve damage caused by the Defibrillator to resuscitate him he's in agony and can't sleep properly they cant give him anything other than pregablin because it isnt processed in liver which doesn't seem to work and his diet and structure has gone downhill i try but hes feels sick all the time.He doesn't drink anymore but I have to believe that it will slowly improve if he sticks to a good diet. He exercises everyday walking he drinks water, has prescribed fortisip (his ascites haven't been drained) but sometimes his stomach looks a little less swollen but not much. The hospital are wonderful and they see him fairly regularly he's under different (body part) departments and they take blood regularly.
I'm struggling as to how to help I've researched everything but I can only find depressing results on TIPPS which seems to go against initial consultants view of telling my husband his life would improve with it.
Please please take care of yourselves and thank you for reading.