My wife has found herself back in hospital, she was taken by ambulance to the our local hospital. She has several ongoing problems, one which is she has an occluded blood clot in the left portal vein which supply's one side of the liver. Unfortunately she had a gastroscopy which detected grade1 varices, so the dilemma at the moment is how to remove the clot from her portal vein. The consultant at our local hospital is of the opinion that it would be too risky to give her blood thinners. We have an appointment later this month at Kings for her to be assessed & hopefully they will have a plan how to overcome this problem. This occlusion that was discovered at kings is primarily her problem in the buildup of fluid retention.
Portal vein blood clot: My wife has... - British Liver Trust
Portal vein blood clot

Hi Solybananas. Sorry to read that your wife had to be admitted to hospital. I hope that they are able to sort out the problems that she was admitted for and that she is back home soon. Pre transplant I had a clot in the portal vein and I was able to have daily injections to help in stopping the clot blocking the vein but each case is different. Hopefully as you say they will sort it out at Kings. All good wishes to you both. Alf
I hope your wife gets better soon and they come up with a plan for the blood clot
All best
Julia xx
Hope everything turns out fine. I'm sure you will be in good hands at Kings. You both take care. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Hi solybananas,
So sorry to hear about your wife's current issues. Sending best wishes that a resolution is found.
Take care of yourself, too, while you are caring for her.
Best wishes,

Thanks Mary
Hi soly
I feel for you both.
I find this site good as it explains things in simple terms.
I bet there’s similar info on the LiverTrust web site.
Good luck to you both. 👍.

Thanks PiloMilo
Hi Soly, so sorry to hear about your wife, I do hope she will soon be feeling a bit better and that her appointment at Kings goes well. I can only speak from our own experience, Peeps was diagnosed with PVT three years ago, two years post his cirrhosis diagnosis and varices burst a year later. He has had Warfarin and Rivaroxaban to no avail and currently Clexane injections but we have yet to find out if they are helping. He had his gall bladder removed by open surgery because of his bleeding problems two weeks ago and is making amazing progress. Before the op we were told, after MRI, CT and MRCP scans that as well as well as his portal vein, his liver and bile ducts are covered in varices and once he is back to full health post op, he will have to go back back in for multiple varices banding. We are both aware that all these are temporary measures, with his history and at 81, I am really lucky to have him. Apologies if I have detailed too much but I am wishing you both well and despite all Peeps’ problems over the past five plus years, we have still been able to share a great quality of life and make many special memories. Very good luck to you both, my thoughts are with you. Hugs, Anne x
Hi Peeps
Sounds like torrid times - for you both. Glad to hear you still have a great quality of life 👍👍.
Really wish you both the best of luck!
Hi Solybananas
I have PVT as well. The clot has destroyed my vein and left scar tissue and no longer working. I had a few esophagus bleeds before pregnancy, during pregnancy and afterwards. They placed my TIPS in July 2018. All was well but then I had another clot in the TIPS which is called TIPS occlusion. Tomorrow I got for an ultrasound to see if it is open still. They placed me on blood thinners that I inject (Tinzaparin)
Hope all goes well with you folks. Thinking of you.
Thanks for your reply, at the moment she is hospital in regards to her having some fluid on on of her lungs, which seems to have developed from her 4day physical assessment at Kings, also she has a stiff bottom which has caused her not able to move out of her bed. She a strong one really, so let's hope they can get her mobile.
Thinking of you both stay strong for your wife.
I had the same pre transplant and they just monitored me they just told me chances of survival were slightly reduced but here I am 😊
I had my transplant about 7 months after they diagnosed the clot I also had loads of drains at the same time as the clot I am sure things will be fine x
Stay positive
Hi solybananas sorry to hear your wife has this problem, but I face the same problem and they that is the doctors at East Surrey hospital are banding my varices after my visit to kings hospital said get them banded and when I go back to Kings next month they are thinking about putting me on Warfarin?
Sorry to here about your wife keep us posted thanks Anne
Unfortunately she is still in hospital unable to sit or stand, seems like she has something wrong with her muscles in her bottom.
Hi solybananas,
So sorry to hear your wife is still having problems.
Wishing her & you some answers that will help her soon.
Best wishes,
Hi Solybananas, I know its a few months now since you first posted about your wife's blood clot. I wondered how she is getting on. I've had mine for 3 years now, still on warfarin, fairly stable, but beginning to accept it is never going to go away, but the body is miraculous in that it can use smaller veins to bypass the blocked portal vein, so I am still here! at first I felt like a walking time bomb, and it was and still is very frightening, but I think, and I might be wrong, it's the type of thrombosis that doesn't move about the body. Anyway, I was just hoping your wife is as well as can be expected, and she is not alone on this horrible path.