we’ve been told my dad has 3-6 months left. He became unwell in July so this has come from nowhere. Has anyone experienced seeing someone die from liver failure? Is it quick? Is it likely to be 3 rather than 6 months? He’s sleeping a lot. Thank you
Told months to live: we’ve been told my... - British Liver Trust
Told months to live

Dear Indy8
If you are in the UK and would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust
I'd call the helpline if you can. They are really supportive and can answer specific questions. Death from liver disease can take different forms so none of us can really answer your question but those of us who have been through it very much empathise with you
This is not the best place to get answers for that.Try to have a face to face chat with the hospice care nurses, they will guide you.
Hi Indy,
I’m sorry for what you are going through. I lost my mum to liver disease last year and so can relate to some of the anguish you are going through.
It is hard to give timescales, as others have said, as each persons journey is individual. I too wanted numbers and estimated timescales for how things would happen however on reflection I think the most important thing at that point was to be present in everyday and make the most of whatever time was left. Easy to say, but hard to do when you are in despair.
I would recommend contacting the Nurse led helpline for support - they are fantastic. Keep speaking to the medical team who are looking after your Dad. They can’t predict exactly but they can guide you based on his presentation. Al-Anon groups have also been a great support to me. My inbox is open if you want to chat.
Sending you lots of love to get through this difficult time. Remember to take care of yourself too ❤️
my husband hubby died in April, get palative care on board they were lovely and so helpful,they spoke to me alone and told me what to expect, he had lost all mobility and kept saying he wants to go, the last couple of weeks he wasn’t eating and barely drinking, just slept, the day before he passed he coughed up blood it was at this point I new this was it, the following day palative said about the shringe driver going in, I agreed and he died 6 hrs later in his sleep, he was 64 and Not alcohol related,decompensated since 2020. It’s so hard so no what your going through god bless x
Every case is different. My husband was ill with liver disease for 4 years. Don't know when " liver failure" was actually determined. But by the time he was in HDU his kidneys had also failed, 2 days later in ICU with pneumonia where he died 10 days later. Thoughts are with you, it's a very difficult time.
Laura xx
Hi Indy, I lost both parents to liver failure. with Dad it was cancer, with Mum it was PBC. There were similarities and differences - livers are notoriously unpredictable. As Whitethorn has said, get palliative care on board. Your Dads consultant may have already made a referral to the palliative care team in your area, check with Dads GP and if they haven’t request one. Also make contact with your local hospice, they can support you and tell you what to expect. I wanted to know how long we’d got too, so that I could plan and make arrangements. Unfortunately liver disease isn’t like that. You just have to take each day as it comes. What I will say is that both my parents deaths were peaceful at the end. Thinking of you at this difficult time x
Hi,I was told I had 6=18 months to live,that was 5 yrs ago,I had decimpensated liver failure,due to me being alcoholic,told o wouldn't see my sons first day at school,well I stopped drinking,started to eat health ( ish ),now I'm on yearly blood tests and scans & at the moment all is good,there is hope,I was 42 & in a very bad way,Never give up hopeXxx
Thanks to eveyone that messaged. My Dad had 13 litres of fluid drained on Fri & looked much brighter than when I saw him 2 weeks ago. His cirrhosis is caused by a fatty liver, not drink, but he hasn’t been told anything apart from his life expectancy. He’s at home, no dietary advice, nothing for the fluid left in his legs, no care plan given as yet. Seems like he’s just been left to get on with it
So sorry you are going through this. My dad passed from cirrhosis and his timeline was (after years of related health issues on / off) I’ll give u the timeline for “the end” bc other times we were told if he didn’t quit drinking he wouldn’t live much longer and he did. But anyway the end (years ago) June stopped drinking very Sick we were told in august it was end stage and he had a few mos. He passed in oct. That was just his timeline but it was a decline like you could visibly see and symptoms were worsening and treatments/medications not working much anymore his body was just deteriorating. In the end needed dialysis bc after his liver stopped his kidneys tried to make up for it and he needed dialysis but overall his body just became too weak. He was 63. Hope this helps any other questions please ask.
Hi there,
My husband was diagnosed in April 2021 with decompensated cirrhosis, he was assessed for transplant in November 2021 which was declined, he was to poorly and had other underlying issues.
We saw his consultant face to face in May of this year who estimated he would have around 2 years, and they could only deal with his symptoms and keep him comfortable.
He was admitted to our major a&e department beginning of sept this year, after tearing a chest muscle, and he was really poorly with low blood pressure due to bleeding which they struggled to stop and get him stable, they eventually moved him to our other major hospital, he gradually started to decline, with other complications, he had a lot of fluid retention, however not enough to drain, got very confused at times, he lost some of his kidney function, he had already discussed end of life care, he didn’t want to go to icu or be resuscitated if he relapsed, which was quite upsetting listening to him talking about his wishes, however I’m glad we did talk about it. I think he knew he wouldn’t be coming home again, he said that to me, and I still kept pushing him to fight on, that we had so much to do, and it’s not supposed to end like this.
4 1/2 weeks after his admission he very sadly passed away, the palliative care team were involved for his last 3 days, they kept him comfortable, and he was pain free, and passed very peacefully, with all of us with him, I couldn’t have asked for anymore than that.
The only regret I have is that he wasn’t able to return home to spend his last few days with his cat, how he loved that cat.
Every person is an individual, with an individual liver journey, and there is no set time limit as to when someone will pass away.
Take care xx
Hi Indy8,
Sorry to hear about your dad and will be hard for him and you his family to take in after being given such a short life expectancy. My mum was admitted to hospital this time last year with a variceal bleed and HE and had entered the last stage of her prognosis of nash that she was diagnosed at decompensated stage back in 2017. We were told mum was now in the end stage and released from hospital with a hospital bed put in her lounge and I and my dad cared for her. Mum passed away in July of this year, so from being told she could go at any time, she kept us and the community nurses on our toes. The Hospice at home team didn't kick in until the last 8 weeks 0f her life and at this stage she was permantly in bed. All I can offer in advice is get the doctors in to assess for community nurse help if needed, they were our lifeline, Doctors should then refer you to your nearest hospice who will come out and access your dads needs and pathway. Be there for your dad, I took on mums care and it is not an easy job, but an honor in the end. There are lots of mobility stores where you can buy useful things if your community nurse team cant provide.