so I’ve been really stressed with work, a horrible accident my nephew was in, and just over all everything. So I’m not surprised I got shingles I am surprised I got Covid. I work in health care but I’m super careful and had 0 symptoms. I’m just wondering how hard this will hit my liver. I’m on Valtrex for shingles, the dr said it wouldn’t be too hard on the liver but it could raise my enzymes. I just wish I felt better :/ I have a lot withdrawals symptoms from going off my Prozac
shingles and Covid at the same time - British Liver Trust
shingles and Covid at the same time

Dear mtk0925, I hope your nephew will recover all strenth and well-being! You are, seeminlgy being assaulted on all sides, with one thing and another. In you r job, it is hard not to have to listen to all the world and its woes (and unwittingly absorb some of the worse, I am sure this can be unavoidable!) Yet, if I may suggest, unless you have someone with whom to 'vent' you will continue acycle of fatigue and illness and become your own patient! I am sure there must be someone who will listen. If I have it all wrong, please forgive me You sound to be a good person; there is someone who will want you to share? With all my so called comorbidities, I tested positive for covid on Saturday, and today, I am much, much better, and this is because of people like you ! Sending you strenght, Kind Regards Jon