Hi I was wondering if anyone has had a liver transplant and have problems with there heart .
problem: Hi I was wondering if anyone... - British Liver Trust

Hello Petrina,
When I had my liver transplant back in 2016, the only slight complication I had was with the inferior vena cava which is the largest vein in the body and carries deoxygenated blood from the liver and the lower half of your body to the right side of the heart.
Mine had developed a kink which worked itself out after about three days. I did find that this did cause me to become breathless at times.
There can be issues with hepatic veins as these can become blocked. However, I wouldn’t want to cause any anxiety as this is rare.
If you have any concerns, speak to the liver transplant coordinators. They should put your mind at rest and notify the consultants of anything untoward.
Above all, don’t go googling, stuff. It may be something minor that will most likely sort itself out and cause you unnecessary worry.
Please stay strong and call the coordinators.
Best Wishes
are you asking if you can still qualify for a transplant with an existing heart condition?
Hi Petrina_gmfc
I would follow the above advice and ask your friends husband to talk with his health care providers. He could also have a chat with our nurse led helpline who could talk through concerns. Call 0800 652 7330 between 10am and 3pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) or email helpline@britishlivertrust.org.uk (emails can be sent at any time and are answered during helpline hours).
Hi Petrina_gmfc, I have primary liver cancer and I was recently declined for a Liver transplant when during the pre-assessment an angiogram revealed a heart problem (clogged arteries). I was told my chances of surviving the operation alone were not good with a heart condition, and even then, my chances of 5 year survival were far less with the transplant than using other treatments for the cancer.
O right thanks for that I have not told my friend that I have a problem with my liver I just told some family and close friends and now I have problems with my kidneys to .
my wife had heart problems before her transplant nothing major just missed beats and a murmur but after the transplant, they fitted her with a heart monitor and all of the issues were gone we did get told by a doctor that the heart problems could be caused by the liver problems which must have been correct as no more problems after transplant
Hi Dave did they fir her with a monitor before transplant to see if there was a problem but couldn't find anything?
No they found the problem before the transplant but fitted the monitor after the transplant
hi it was not me that it happened to it was my Wife she is now a lot better but still a bit muscle weak after nearly two years of not being on her feet
She is a lot better than she was so things are looking up I am not good I had no one to talk to when it was all going on I had to keep cheerful for our 6 kids and I have not come out of it well I hate what it has done to her and hate the fact i could not do more to make her better
To all people out there that are caring for someone going throught this you need someone to talk to someone who will make you feel better or you will end up in a bad place like i have
Thanks too late now damage has been done went and saw a head doctor did not help too much in the end said she could not help me any more so goodbye