Food Q: Hi guys I have changed my diet... - British Liver Trust

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Food Q

Lindy65 profile image
27 Replies

Hi guys

I have changed my diet as recommended and wondered if what I am having is okay and in the right direction:

Breakfast 2 weetabix, with bananas chopped, skimmed milk and tiny bit sugar.

Lunch smoothie’s mainly veg with odd piece fruit.

Tea for example tonight home made lentil soup.

3-4 black coffee’s through the day and as per normal due to one kidney up to 2 litre’s water.

I have stopped all sweets/ crisps and have got a bar of dark chocolate if I need a small square. Is this the right direction 🤔 also swimming an hour three times a week. Lindy x

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Lindy65 profile image
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27 Replies
Zukosmile07 profile image

Hello Lindy. Make sure you have some protein, nothing wrong with scrambled eggs on toast. A jacket potato for lunch, or a ham/tuna salad sandwich. Tea salmon steak with runner beans garden peas with no added salt garlic butter 😋

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to Zukosmile07

Ahh okay 👍🏻 We had salmon with roasted veg and couple new spuds last night and I could alternate smoothies with tuna sarnie 😊 I live srambled eggs so that’s a bonus 😁 how you doing today . Lindy x

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to Lindy65

Oppps… fat fingers .. love srambled eggs 😜

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Lindy65

I'm tired Lindy, I can't understand what has happened to my sleeping pattern. It has took a nose dive. I really hoped it would go back to normal. Ow well I think the bat and a good crack over the head might be on the cards...I can see a few likes coming on.. hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣. Everything else ok with you?I tell you what I did do, if you cook a chicken, save all the carcass (with some meet left on). Boil it up with garlic, pepper, rosemary, I add chilli it's up to you, strain everything off, blitz the contents, plastic containers and freeze it or in ice cube trays perfect for no salt gravy and stock cubes.

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to Zukosmile07

Is this all down to your condition ? 😟 my husband has a really bad sleep pattern he ends up watching films on his iPad from about 3 in morning then wants to go sleep at 6 when time to get up. We have tried everything g and nothing works bless him, so I can imagine what you are going through 🥺 mmm will give your chicken a try 👍🏻 Real name is Lynda but you can call me Lyn. Lindy was the only name I could join with 🤣xx

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Lindy65

No apparently it's down to the medication, I will check on Tuesday when I see my consultant. I am still on a high dose because I was having slight rejection to the new liver. I never treated my condition with a diet, I just knew what I could and couldn't eat. I chose to eat whatever I felt like at the time. I was allowed banger's and mash. I had to check the sausages for the best ingredients and no added salt butter for the mash. Frozen home made gravy...mwah..

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to Zukosmile07

Hope they can alter your meds … sleep is when your body heals isn’t it . xx

AyrshireK profile image

Some additional Fatty Liver diet information on the BLT factsheet - remember to eat a balanced diet too - don't leave out any food groups. Also make sure you are eating enough - if your body feels starved it'll end up hanging on to the very stuff you are trying to shed.


Lindy65 profile image

Okay thank you Katie x

Kristian profile image

Hi Lindy,

It may be worth seeking a bit of professional advice as to what a good diet would be for you.

Just looking at what you have listed there sort of looks like your daily calorie intake is going to be woefully low. It also looks like you are missing a fair bit of protein and for that matter fats.

It may seem a bit counter intuitive but some fat in the diet is necessary for us all as some essential vitamins are fat soluble.

I appreciate your desire to improve your diet but do remember its probably better to go for more balance. As Katie says including something from all the food groups is necessary. That includes carbohydrate too.

Its also not necessary to starve yourself either, lol.

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to Kristian

Wow thank you Kristian . I have printed off the facts sheets which Katie suggested so will try and use them as a guide. I must admit I have been starving after my smoothies . My first response was to cut out all fat having a fatty liver but it now makes sense on what you have said. I thought a smoothie would help with my five a day as I struggle to eat veg or fruit 🙄x

Kristian profile image
Kristian in reply to Lindy65

Good luck. Hope it all goes well for you. Just remember the secret to any effective diet is to do stuff you can maintain for a long period of time. So the real extremes you see are rarely effective long term as you just can't stick to them. Your initial diet seems to land quite considerably in to that bracket, lol.

A balanced diet thats not too drastic, is likely to be much better and effective long term.

Lindy65 profile image

Thank you … here goes 🤞😊x

Corin1950 profile image

Hi LindaI saw the consultant for my results last week and my liver is fatty. Fortunately it’s at the top end of mild but I still need to lower it. He said to continue to lose weight. Interestingly he said it doesn’t matter which diet you follow as long as it’s healthy and you lose weight. I’ve been doing the Mediterranean diet which is on the website with no salt or sugar. I’ve cut out red meat but intend to eat it about once a month. I eat nothing processed just chicken, fish, eggs, vegetables, pulses, fruit and nuts. I do a couple of veggie/vegan days. I use cows milk in coffee and tea but have almond milk in my breakfast cereal which is oats, seeds and berries. Oats are good at lowering cholesterol. I eat avocados regularly as they have good fats. I snack on a few nuts and a square of dark 85% chocolate. It seems to be working as I’ve been losing weight steadily. I’ll know in a years time when I have another scan.

I too thought your diet was a bit extreme. It’s so much easier to stick to if you have plenty of variety and you enjoy it.

Good luck with it all and let us know how you get on x

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to Corin1950

I know I call it my panick diet 😊 now the panic is settling and you have all given such good advice , I think I have a better idea of what I can have 👍🏻 I know it won’t happen over night and I will slip here and there but I think I am going in the right direction. I can always look back over these replies to check if I am 😁 my problem is I find it easier to follow a weekly diet plan than work it out myself…. Bit lazy really but I need to learn as it is for the long term . Lyn x

in reply to Lindy65

Haha, when I was first diagnosed (only September) my first reaction was 'eat fruit and veg' and that's almost all I ate for the first 2 weeks, then obv it wasn't sustainable and I now have oats for brekkie, a chicken salad wrap for lunch and chicken or fish mostly for tea with veg and maybe (but not always) a bit of potato/rice/pasta (wholemeal) I'll also have a little orange for after lunch, pineapple for after tea and grapes as snacks (I've developed a thing for grapes!) And I do the same as you Corin1950 with the milk, Soya for brekkie and cows milk for tea and coffee (soya doesn't like coffee much, lol)I have always wanted a diet plan to follow Lindy65 and I think my hobby is searching for food - diet plans/recipes - I rarely make any, I have loads of cook books that have never been used, just read 🙈🤣

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to

Thank you. I find at the moment I am craving something sweet 🙄 I am eating a lot of veg and careful with the fruit 👍🏻 Which oats would you suggest 🤔 I love oats but not sure on which , not a lover of soya milk would almond milk be okay .

in reply to Lindy65

I get the Quaker oats and I use soya because I've been through the menopause and it's supposed to mimic one of the hormones that you lose.

Grapes are quite good for a sweet craving, unless you're craving something specific, then I find it's better to allow myself one or two because by the time I've gone through the cupboards trying to have something healthier I would have saved a bus load of calories if I'd just gone for the thing I wanted in the first place.😆🤦

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to

Lol 😁 I know what you mean 👍🏻 Ah okay I will get some Quaker Oats thank you 😊

dave_tsda profile image

Hi lindy, lots of good advice on the thread and it sounds like headed in the right direction. The one i would recommend is taking a look at your overall carbohydrate intake. Being from the states, i had never heard of weetabix before, but that is fairly high in carbs looking at the nutrion info. Factor that in with a banana and skim milk, you would get almost a days worth of carbs in one meal. And i bet you'd be hungry in about an hour.

As others said, having the right balance of protein and fat is crucial. Talking to a dietician to figure out what works for you would be a good next step.

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to dave_tsda

Hi Dave thank you. I am waiting to have another scan and bloods and then Appt to see Liver Specialist so I assume he will also recommend a dietician. Are you saying I should not be eating weetabix 🤔 I think I am getting confused as the diabetic nurse said that was the best cereal for me , sugar wise but sounds as if it conflicts with what my dear ole liver should have 😊 like you said the best think is to do what the dietician says 👍🏻x

dave_tsda profile image
dave_tsda in reply to Lindy65

I didn't see your diagnosis, but generally speaking, limiting your carbohydrates is good for your liver. More specifically, removing refined carbs like breads, pastas, pastries, cereal...etc is very beneficial. Other things like vegetables that are high in starch like potatoes, corn, and rice are good to limit as well.

A second thought, I would encourage you to read the labels on things that we were taught were healthy. As an example, I grew up drinking a ton of milk, specifically low fat or skim. But I was surprised to learn that a cup of skim milk has 15g of carbs, 14 of which come from sugar (lactose). While it is healthier than other options, a banana can have 27g of carbs, 14 of which come from sugar (fructose). Its true that bananas have other vitamins and nutrients, but a glass of skim milk and a banana has more sugar than a candy bar.

Last note, not all liver doctors will recommend a dietician. Quite a few will just say "eat healthy" and leave it up to you. So once you get your appointment, make sure to bring it up that you'd like help there

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to dave_tsda

Wow… it’s amazing what is hidden in everyday foods … oooo this is so hard 😳 yes I have to learn to check labels now 😊 I definitely need help from a dietician so will remember to ask 👍🏻 Thank you

Hi Lindy,As some of the other members have noted, it may be a good idea to see a hospital registered dietitian for some clear diet advice and guidance. Your GP or liver specialist may be able to refer you.

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to

Thank you. I have a really good boss who is very knowledgeable on healthy eating since her husband had open heart surgery and she has offered to help until I can see a dietician . Feeling very lucky 😊

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Lindy65

My hospital dietitian/nutritionist was fantastic. I found out some brilliant diets and booklets to suit. You could do with a good one that understands your condition. One thing I did find out about the condition is the diet change through each stages of liver disease. A good dietitian knows this and provides the correct one.... All the best...Danny x

Lindy65 profile image
Lindy65 in reply to Zukosmile07

Awww thank you 👍🏻😊Danny x

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