I have been on here before. I have not stopped drinking and up to half a 750ml of fireball a day. I have noticed if I bump into something I bruise very easily and last 2 periods I have are very very heavy never like that before. Aren’t these symptoms of cirrhosis? I don’t have jaundice or ascites and I sometimes have pain in the liver. The bleeding and bruising are very scary
Still worried : I have been on here... - British Liver Trust
Still worried

Bruising can be an issue with advanced liver disease - your period issues are probably totally unrelated.
HOWEVER, as you've been told when here before you really, really need to get a grip of your drinking or else you are going to become very poorly if you arn't already.
You need an up to date medical but you also need to get yourself together as regards the drinking. It's no good repeatedly coming on here saying you are scared about the results of your drinking but also carrying on drinking.
Linz, seriously that is an insane amount of liquor to drink a day. I’m saying this with love. If you don’t cut back you are going to kill yourself. You need to find a doctor or facility to slowly get you off that. I have cirrhosis from alcohol and I never drank that much.
I am going to start tapering this weekend. Been drinking like this for a year and a half before that was just a social drinker
I'm sorry to point this out but 7 years ago you posted this :—-------------
7 years ago•
"I know I sound crazy but any input would help. I've posted here before. Here's my story 33 year old woman drinking heavily 3 years over the last 2 months have had right quadrant pain fatigue nausea dry mouth aching muscles pale nails and prominent blur veins. Went to the hospital ultrasound liver gallbladder normal. Lft ast 12 alt 11 alp below normal bilirubin 1.8 In October pale stools 2 days vomited once lft normal. Ultrasound in February normal liver gallbladder pancreas spleen lft normal. Redid my bilirubin 1 month ago 1.3 direct .02 normal cbc and negative for hepatitis I'm still scared to death I have cirrhosis would something show in any of these tests or are they missing it?"
Please reread some of the previous replies you've got from forum members. This is beatable. If you're still in a position to avoid serious liver disease, please do. The years and years of worry must be exhausting.
There will always be support and inspiration here.
Best of luck
You are absolutely right years ago I was drinking a lot and I quit pandemic hit and I fell into old ways. I’m sorry to come on here I’m just so scared and I have no one to talk to nobody knows how much I drink I’m so embarrassed
The heavy bleeding may or may not be related to liver problems, which you probably will have by now having never sorted out you drink problem dispite all the past advice you have received. It's possible you have fibroids or ovarian cysts. So see and ask your doctor. You should then be referred for scans for diagnosis.
You do have cirrhosis. Stop drinking. You can live a long time if you stop now.
Hi Poly I'm guessing you sent this to me by mistake (I don't drink or have cirrhosis)
We also don't know if the original poster has cirrhosis but they clearly do drink a worrying amount.
Thanks for pointing that out no wonder why I have anxiety because when I post people just say yea u have cirrhosis and they said I have no platelets pretty weird to just assume 🤷♀️
No problem. I agree that nothing you've shared is anywhere near enough to justify those comments and conclusions.
Alongside that however, there is your history over the years of serious misuse of alcohol. Evidence of an extremely unhealthy dependency. Evidence of the toll it's taking on your mental health and happiness. Evidence of the cruel cycle you're trapped in.
It is incredibly hard for the very strongest of people to end this dangerous consumption.
Consumption in both senses of the word.
Please reach out to a professional. They CAN help. It's their mission to help.
Livers can reach a tipping point. You've actually no real idea how close you are to yours.
Most people (and their livers) are generally very redeemable.
Please make that first appointment.
Best of luck
Push throughI have never drink alcohol in my entire life but have Cirrhosis, (through having a Fatty Liver) within one year of an ultrasound showing my liver to be Normal. My BMI is 23 and my weight is 10st4lbs. The worry of having this, causes me daily stress. I have to sit and wait to see what the future decides! I have an annual endoscopy, an U/S twice- yearly and bloods done quarterly to monitor the condition.
Alcohol is a blood thinner which can cause excessive bleeding and easy bruising. Please get help with your alcohol consumption. It is just a matter of time before the drinking destroys your health.
Hi Linz
There is also a possibility of low platelets. If our livers "beat up" our spleens or our spleen is damaged by any other reason, it can affect our platelets level. When that drops, we do bruise easier, even our gums will bleed more when we brush or sometimes floss. I am not inferring that is what you have but a blood test would rule these things out.
As Chris pointed out above, you know it will happen if you do not stop drinking, and, it is worrying you, it is as though you want to drink right up to the last moment when you think it is still safe.... the problem is, nobody knows when that moment is. As the liver feels no pain, damage will be done. At this moment your liver may be on the cusp, lab results and scans may say "within normal range" but one last bottle might trigger a lot of damage... but how many bottles would you drink after that one before you got your next scan?
Linze you are young, I can barely remember my 40th birthday so you could have 40 or 50 years ahead of you... cirrhosis can cut that down to 1 to 3. I would really like it if you stayed and updated us on your sobriety, Help others when they come here worried about their drinking and be part of our support community please.
Yes, Dave is correct. I know from experience you can go from just drinking a "safe" amount to being in icu for 11 days. You won't know that's happening until it does, and you don't want to end up there before you quit drinking. It's quite scary.
And try not to be embarrassed. You'd be surprised how not judgemental the medical professionals are. I was embarrassed too, until I knew they were there to help.
Hi Linzenilss38 - I can hear that you are struggling and I would suggest that it will be challenging to commit to becoming abstinent without support. Are there people who could help you right now? And also can I suggest that you do not stop drinking without speaking to the GP. It could be dangerous to your health to stop without support or medication.Warmest wishes
You don't have platelets. You could easily die of a stroke.Stop drinking and get on a protein supplement. Ascent casium protein rather than whey. Slower burning protein. It will help, but you have to stop drinking now.
Linz I’m not passing judgment but stop being stupid with your drinking With what you have described I can only advise you to see your doctor as soon as possible look at some of the people here that been heavy drinkers
You don’t have to live this way