1st sign. : Is jaundice always the first... - British Liver Trust

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1st sign.

35 Replies

Is jaundice always the first sign

35 Replies
Zukosmile07 profile image

Hi Julie. Are you asking if jaundice is the first sign of liver disease? If you are then it wasn't for me. Mine started with little pins and needles in my feet and hands. I thought nothing of it. It's only when I think back.Everyone is different though Julie....

Danny x

in reply to Zukosmile07

Yes I was asking that just interested in first symptoms if you don’t mind me asking did you have abnormal blood test . Thankyou

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to

Hello and yes I had abnormal bloodS but this was way after I started noticing things.

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to

I was starting to get really bad with symptoms before going for a blood test. Has your son had some random blood tests and they have picked up on something... Because I didn't go for any kind of checks before starting to get poorly.

in reply to Zukosmile07

He just went to the doctors because his girlfriend said he was holding his breath when sleeping which they think might be sleep apnea doctor just done a routine blood test it’s come back abnormal on liver so doing another one. He is on antidepressants has been for 6 months or more apart from that he feels fine

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to

I wouldn't base those tests with liver disease just yet. But also problems with the liver is not the end of the world. I mean when had a fatty liver I turned that around with diet and exercise.

I really would just be patient and try not to worry until you get an accurate diagnosis...


in reply to Zukosmile07

Thankyou. You’ve been so kind and helpful. So pleased you have turned it around.

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to

My problems with liver disease wasn't over just at that. I'm lucky to be here. That is another story. Liver disease diagnostics can be long winded and you have to be patient. The people on here will help you no end specially with anxiety....Danny x

Partner20 profile image
Partner20 in reply to

Hi Julie! Both sleep apnoea and sertraline therapy have been known to cause abnormal liver test results, so that seems a possibility with your son. See what happens after the next tests, make sure everything is discussed with the GP, which means having all your questions ready, but, above all, stop consulting Dr.Google! As others have said, and as happened to my partner, if a serious situation had been revealed by the blood tests, your son would have been called into hospital. A slightly elevated level or two can be temporary, and can often resolve itself. Your son, if UK, can ask for a printout of his results if he doesn't have online patient access. However, this might simply increase your anxiety. Hope you get some helpful information soon.

in reply to Partner20

Hi and Thankyou for a lovely message. I’m really grateful. I know I’ve been a bit of pain on here to all you lovely people. You are right the doctor would of had him in hospital. I’m so glad everything turned out ok for you partner.I didn’t realise sleep apnea could have an affect even though he’s not been completely diagnosed with that the doctor has referred him to a sleep clinic for that. Also he drinks a lot of coffee. Not sure if that’s anything

Thankyou so much. . I have to say I hope you don’t mind I’ve read some of your posts and you’ve been on an incredible journey. You are a true Inspiration. Thankyou again. Julie xx

Kristian profile image

Hi again Julie,

No, Jaundice isn't always a first sign of liver problems. Indeed, in many cases there aren't too many symptoms or signs at all and for many jaundice may never appear.

Jaundice also doesn't always indicate long term liver problems. You can get an infection or pick up a bug that can have a short term effect on the liver that does show as jaundice. However, once treated or recovered the jaundice goes and there's no lasting effects.

in reply to Kristian

Thankyou again for your reply.

pushthrough profile image
pushthrough in reply to

Hello Julie, Jaundice was actually one of the last things that showed up for me. For some people it's the first. It's like Danny said, it's different for everyone. Mine was not eating as much as normal, extreme fatigue, cola color urine and heaving. I'm not sure if the heaving was from anxiety (I have had anxiety for a very long time) or the disease.

in reply to pushthrough

Thankyou again for reply . When you say chronic fatigue do you mean you couldn’t stay awake in the daytime or at work. I know his urine is darker in the morning but not throughout the day.did yours just stay dark all the time. Please tell me if I’m being to intrusive and I’m sorry if I am

pushthrough profile image
pushthrough in reply to

Like I said, it's not too intrusive. It pretty much had that color all day. It got a little more light throughout the day but it there was clearly a brown color to it. As far as severe fatigue, yes, I would have to take lunch early while working from home to nap. Then after work, nap again. Then sleep at night. It was a very crazy time. After I stopped drinking it all went away.

in reply to pushthrough

Thankyou for replying. He actually keeps a full time job down six days a week as a manager. As for his drinking he’s 30 now so I’m guessing he drunk in his younger days 18 plus going clubbing but not much nowadays can go weeks just really Christmas and stuff like that and occasional beer with a meal. He’s on antidepressants has been for 6 months or more 50mg Sertraline everyday

Ubwa profile image
Ubwa in reply to

I was like this, very senior manager in a massive international company and pulling it off, until I couldn’t. It can sneak up on you and give you a proverbial slap across the face. However, as others have said, jaundice by itself doesn’t mean any damage, I went bright yellow for a week when I was 12 due to Gilbert’s. While it is liver related, it’s generally seen as benign. Other things can cause it too.

Smegmer profile image

We need more information about the test results, some numbers and what they were. If his numbers were showing sky high inflammation he would be in the hospital already. So its a fair guess that there are some mildly elevated numbers at play here. If his bilirubin was high that too would be manifesting in some way, urine or yellow skin etc.

in reply to Smegmer

Thankyou so much j in really appreciate everything you have messaged me

in reply to Smegmer

His urine is darker in the morning

Smegmer profile image

I remember a young Dr telling me he drank at the weekends and tested his LFTs on a Monday sometimes, they will show mild elevation. Drinking some beers at the weekend for life generally doesn't kill people. I have for 20 years and my Fibroscan was 4.2. completely normal. If you are ill sometimes they will be elevated as you are fighting the illness. At this stage it doesn't mean much at all. If it were an emergency he would know about it I assure you !

in reply to Smegmer

Ahh Thankyou so much as you can see I’m not sleeping again. I think I’ve slept about 4 hrs in five days. Whoever r invented Google is causing my lack of sleep 😴

Smegmer profile image
Smegmer in reply to

I am not saying he doesn't have some kind of issue, but its not an "acute" issue from the little information you have given. The Liver Function Tests are usually:

Bilirubin - This should generally always be in the normal range, but there are expectations, i.e Gilberts Syndrome

INR - The clot time of blood, again should generally always be normal.Albumin - Should always be in the normal range generally

ALT - An inflammation marker, you can have this mildly elevated with a cold

AST - An inflammation marker, same as above

GGT - An inflammation marker, fatty Liver can cause this or even a heart attack, since the heart has this same enzyme. If the Drs suspect a heart attack they measure this.

Bilirubin, Albumin and INR measure the ability of the Liver to carry out its functions

AST, ALT and GGT measure its inflammation level as the death of the Liver cells leak into the blood stream. But there are SUPPOSED to die, you always have some in the blood stream, hence there is a normal range. Anyone's Liver is constantly being stripping cells and repairing.

There are things like Hepatitis C, B etc that can slowly chip away at the Liver for like 20/30 years with no ill affects until it fails. But they do show on the inflammation markers most of the time, can be very mild rises. If your Son took intravenous drugs he could be at risk of this for sure.

Again, you give us nothing to work on ! Does he have any symptoms of his health not being what it should? Is he a big drinker of booze? Why did he have the blood test in the 1st place ? What test did he have? What are the numbers given?

You seem very concerned and are experiencing a high level of anxiety about this, we cant really help you much more unless you give more information. Maybe you should pick up the phone and get some numbers for us from your son.

in reply to Smegmer

Thankyou my son went to the doctors because his girlfriend said he was holding his breath when sleeping because he has never really been unwell doctor just said will do routine bloods. That was 1/2 weeks ago then got a fone call Monday to have another blood test this Friday receptionist said something to do with your liver. So we have no numbers that’s all he got told. He’s never took drugs and has for drinking well he’s 31 now so really apart from younger days going out in his 20s it’s only usually Christmas going out for a meal never once a day or getting really drunk apart from Xmas really. I’m not judging anyone though. He was tired recently but has been under enormous stress with his ex about trying to see his daughter and also his urine is dark in the morning but usually everyone’s is. He has a good appetite holds down a good managers job with late nights and early throughout the week. He has been on Sertraline antidepressants for over six months but that’s it really. We put the tiredness down to the stress of trying to get court sorted to see his 2 year old. Now I’ve been up all night googling liver cancer. I feel bad going on when people on here are actually ill x

Smegmer profile image
Smegmer in reply to

I have seen many people now over the years on this site and others freak out and most of the time its nothing. But some have had serious and quite frankly worrying issues and signs, your son doesnt appear to be showing much of these. 31 is very young for liver disease even if he had Hepc to manifest right now. It pays off to be your own health advocate, I have seen many get more out of their doctors and thus health if they get their test results and question them. Get your son to get a copy of these results, its his right to do so and go from there.

in reply to Smegmer

I’m guessing he can get a copy of his results I’m not sure. Your so helpful and I’m truly grateful are you in the uk

Niques profile image

I had no signs at all. I have an autoimmune disorder and due to the medication I had to have regular blood tests. They changed in my blood work must have been gradual because by the time they decided to look into it I was F4/cirrhosis, past the stage of repair. I had been tired, and had just started feeling nauseous. I’m not a drinker so I can only assume they never thought to question my blood results. Don’t wait for a sign, You don’t want to find out when it’s too late to make a difference, although at my last scan, I was told the changes I have made are keeping things stable, so I feel quite positive 😃

in reply to Niques

Thankyou for your reply it’s quite scary you had no symptoms at I’m freaked out with that one but not your fault.

Niques profile image
Niques in reply to

That’s why I am a staunch advocate for early testing and diagnosis. There are so many causes of liver disease, yet it is not openly discussed because like many things there is a stigma attached and assumptions made.

in reply to Niques

How old were you when diagnosed

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Niques

Wow, keep fighting Niques, have the consultants ever mentioned your cirrhosis can be reversed to F3 compensated?

Niques profile image

I think I was about 57 I’m 60 now, Been having blood tests for kidney and liver function for 10 years

mayk19 profile image

Hi Julie, If this is of any help. Jaundice is REALLY noticeable. I've been very paranoid about liver issues for some time, and was sure my skin colour was becoming more yellow slowly over a year. I went to see the doctor before Christmas as i was also concerned i was becoming Jaundice and it was an unequiable no from him. he assured me the jaundice would be very evident. It doesn't help i'm dark, as in tanned looking skin, normally - and I have for whatever reason become darker skinned after the last 12 months. He carried out all the LFT blood tests and they were all normal. I hope that goes some way to given you an idea about my experience with Janudice - however, people are all different - LFT blood test would be re-assuring

in reply to mayk19

Thankyou for your message I appreciate it. I really hope his 2nd blood test is ok x

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