On the 1st October 2017 it will be my first Liver Transplant anniversary, and I'll be celebrating my rebirth with an alcohol free chinese buffet. My transplant has been totally uneventful, as I appear to be one of those very fortunate people that don't appear to have suffered any after effects or complications. My heart really does go out to all those that do continue to have problems. It must be so hard having to build yourselves up, and to have all those efforts knocked back time and time again.
This past weekend I've gone and contracted a flu virus. Yes, it turned into full blown Man flu. You ladies have know idea just how much us guys have suffer. This started on Friday night, coughing and sneezing, by Saturday evening I was shivering and head was all bunged up, ears blocked, and was just starting on my second rain forest in tissues. I was expecting this to last for weeks as I know that our immune systems are turned down, so I had thought that my body was going to have it's work cut out fighting this. Today is Monday, and I'm feeling so much better, the coughs gone, hardly any sneezing. My head's still blocked so I'm still having to say, "What" or "Say again" to the wife twice and normal. All this, without taking anything, only the odd paracetamol.
But it's one of those days that make to think just how good it is to be alive.