I have stopped drinking for 2 days however prior to this I was drinking for 5 years very heavy I started to get really bad right side pain which I know is my liver, however since I stopped 2 days ago it hurts a lot less which is great I'm just hoping I don't have cirrihosis 😢
Liver pain cirrihosis question - British Liver Trust
Liver pain cirrihosis question

Well done, great start, keep it up, already you're seeing the benefit of going booze free. Your liver will thank you for it.
Best wishes. Laura
Well done Cashiee97 on giving up the alcohol which is a great start to 2020!
If your worried you may have cirrhosis of the Liver, then my first recommendation would be is to try your best not to worry and to visit your GP and be open and honest about your 5 years of heavy drinking. Your doc will probably send you for some blood tests which is normally the first step and nothing to be worried about.
I wish you all the best and pkease keep us updated on your progress as were all here to help you succeed!
Shropshire Lass x

Thank you xxx
Yes, congratulations on a very good start to 2020, now make that appointment with your GP and please let us know how it goes. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

I will do and thank you xx
Just a good morning note to say I'm thinking about you and to send you a wee hug! Remember were here by your side.
Trish x

Awh thanks that's lovely x
Hey and welcome- if you've been drinking for 5 years heavily it's going to take a lot more than n 2 days to start feeling normal again- 5 months more like it ...depends on your age etc. However , good start- keep it up. You should start seeing some improvements in 6 weeks to 3 months. You may have alcoholic fatty liver which can take a while to resolve. As the others say - book a non urgent appointment with your gp ,fess up and take it from there. Keep posting oh and Happy New year
Any break from alcohol is good (I don’t know why Dry January gets such criticism), but two days won’t make any difference to your liver. It’s probably your stomach settling down and enjoying its break. Give it another week or two, and you’ll start to feel better generally.
Hi and welcome Cashiee97
Well done for starting to take some important steps to improve your liver health.
However, we would suggest to consider going to your GP's and being open and honest about your history with alcohol and your pain symptoms. They will then be able to physically examine you and order some liver investigations, blood tests and a scan to check.
Here is a link to our publication 'Liver disease tests explained' that may be useful to read prior to seeing your GP:
Good luck, keep us posted,
Best wishes
Thank you all for the lovely comments😘 I will not be drinking for a long while now I'm only 22 and I really don't wanna die early on day 4 and still going strong I have a lot more energy too and only little niggles here and there on my right aide which is brilliant I can't believe how better I feel without it won't be going back there any time soon hope everyone had a brilliant start to 2020 💖
Cashiee... please dont ever go back to it... your life will be longer, healthier and far more enjoyable without it please dont pour any more of this poison into your system. At 22 , 54 will seem a long way ahead but it isn't and thats how young my husband was when alcohol killed him. Get fit and healthy now, you will be so glad you did.
All the best
Laura xx
You have amazing insight at age 22. You can get this before it gets you. Without alcohol you have a shot at a long healthy, happy and successful life! With alcohol your chances go way down. I'm rooting for you!
xx NYer
New on here but I'd hold back going to a GP some can be very judgemental and it will be on your Medical Records and could effect how Doctors and Consultants treat you in the future for any illness- some may just see you as an alcoholic and may hold back giving treatment that someone with a clear medical record would get- it's just a thought especially as your only 22
You are talking absolute nonsense and nobody will withhold treatment. Worst thing I ever did was to lie about my drinking until it was too late and I needed a transplant. Nobody has done anything other than treat me with courtesy, kindness and respect.
If I had flagged it up earlier, a transplant could have been prevented by intervention and signposting to the correct treatment.
What utter rubbish !!!! 😡If l hadn't raised concerns about my husbands drink problem and his subsequent ill health with the doctor he would never have gone for himself. He received excellent care and treatments throughout, councelling set up and even in intensive care for the last 10 days of his life he recieved 1 to 1, sometimes 2 to 1 nursing, and medication 24/7 . Had he gone to the docs for himself sooner he may well be alive today. Think on !
Two days is great! If you think you feel good now just wait. I'm sober for one year. It's as they say one day at a time. I started out not drinking ten minutes at a time! I found that going to AA meetings is a tremendous help. You learn how bad things can get but also how good life can be!
All the best to you!
I've been drinking for 20 years daily last year I've got it down to a few drinks at weekend, I've had bloods done well out but within 3 months back to normal, hope it stays that way , I had that pain i got told it's just your liver sorting it's self out , after 5 years of drinking I think you will be fine, just get some bloods done , to put your mind at rest , I hope everything works out ,I'm quite sure it will be . 5 mins to get bloods . Good luck
I did have a cbc about 4 months ago red and white cells were great and nothing was alarming to them as I went to a&e panic attack I had apparently 😦 however I will be going doctors again next week to let them take my bloods but no pain at all atm few niggles here and there but nothing like it was thank god