Hello Liver People, I have just found out that I too am a liver person. When I went to join the BLT (the irony of this also being a bacon sandwich does not escape me), I realised they are under the umbrella of Healthunlocked and I'm already a member both of the BLF and the Raynaud's group, this is becoming excessive.
I've been diagnosed with PBC, as an underweight teetotal individual with substantial chronic health conditions I'm rather mortified. However, given my limited understanding of the condition it seems likely that I've developed this because I have wide ranging immunological inconsistencies and I think I'm very lucky that it appears to have been spotted in it's very early stages.
I'm very interested in human biology and consequently reasonably well-informed but the liver is not something I know much about just because it's so complicated and so I'm having to catch up pretty fast under the doctrine of know your enemy (the condition not my poor, beleaguered liver).
But I do know what great forum this is and just how amazing many of its members are, so this is a small light in what is otherwise a dark and rather scary period my life. I'm gonna leave my post here on the basis that it's already plenty long enough and return to learning about my wobbly friend and it's malfunction but I suspect I may be back seeking the collective wisdom of the Liver People before I go to meet my GP to discuss the findings of the recent tests I've had. She is a lovely lady I have a huge respect for and confidence in but like everyone in the field she only has limited time so I want our conversation to be as productive as possible and right now I don't even know what questions I have with the possible exception of; can you help me banish the hellish itching before I lose my mind entirely? Now I'm off to slather much of my body with menthol cream because it's all I have!