Hi I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver September last year and I have been losing lots of weight I was wondering if it is normal. Also I am still waiting to see a dietion so really don't know what I can eat and what I can't as don't know how many calories and protein I'm allowed a day. All I was told by my consultant is to cut down on salt which I have done. Also every now and then my skin gets very itchy could that have any thing to do with my liver and my hands and feet are always cold doesn't matter what I but on my feet they are like ice. Any advice will be much appreciated thank you Mary x
I have cirrhosis of the liver and wond... - British Liver Trust
I have cirrhosis of the liver and wondering if it is normal to lose weight

Hi Mary,
Yes weight loss is a common symptom of liver disease and it is important to eat sufficient protein and carbohydrate to provide fuel and stop your liver from burning your muscles for fuel. (Going to ping you a PM)
When your liver is not working well or when you have liver disease, your body needs extra energy (calories) and protein. This is because sometimes your body cannot digest and absorb its food properly and therefore is unable to store and use energy.
Malnutrition (weight loss and muscle wasting) is common in people with liver disease.
Malnutrition has many causes, including decreased food intake due to liver disease symptoms such as:
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Feeling full easily which may be due to ascites (fluid collecting around your middle)
- Unnecessary or inappropriate dietary restrictions.
Good nutrition is vital to overcome symptoms of liver disease, by:
- Stopping muscle wasting and feeling weak
- Maintaining strength and mobility
- Reducing hospital admissions
- Helping wounds heal more quickly
- Speeding up recovery from operations and infections
- Helping to prevent ascites and encephalopathy (confusion caused by liver disease) getting worse.
Feeling cold is also a common symptom - your liver does 500 different tasks one of which is as part of your bodies thermostat so when your liver goes wonky it knocks on to these different tasks.
If you haven't already seen it the BLT has a page on cirrhosis which explains and lists the many varied symptoms of cirrhosis. I found it helped make sense of some of hubbies symptoms.
Best wishes, Katie
Which stage Cirrhosis have you been diagnosed with Mary? Decompensated or Compensated? Have you been told to restrict your daily liquid intake? Don't add extra salt to food and it's best to check all labels before buying food items, because youd be surprised how much salt there is in certain products. Which Meds are you on currently? Michael x
Hi I was diagnosed with compasated liver disease
Are you still drinking at all?
No I haven't drunk for over a year I went for a detox in January 2020 and found out I had cirrhosis of the liver in September 2020