I have been drinking since I was in my teens, started slowly and the past 4-5 years I have been drinking heavily (6 pack of beer per day sometimes double that). (I tried to quit 2 times, once for2 month and again for 2 months now I have stopped completely ) . I am worried that I might have serious liver disease, no major symptoms. A mild discomfort in the right side under the rib, feeling like somethin is stuck in my throat and yellow rings around my eyes (It looks like Pinguecula ... yellos). I called the doctor but they are in vacation at this moment. Did you have a similar experience ?
Worried about liver disease: I have been... - British Liver Trust
Worried about liver disease
Hi Mark. You need to see your doctors when you can, explain your concerns and be honest about your level of alcohol consumption and get some basic tests done.
Bloods, perhaps a scan and maybe a referral to Ear, Nose and Throat to look at your sticky throat issue.
Thank you so much. for the fast response.
The yellow rings around my eyes are really scarring me everything I find on the internet says alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis.
Hi Mark don't google anything, it will make you believe you are about to die and you certainly aren't about to do that. Like Katie says, see your doc about having tests done and take it from there. In the meantime be kind to your liver and don't worry. Eat healthily drink plenty of water and get regular daily exercise. Above all give up the booze for good. Your liver has the amazing ability to heal itself as long as you don't continue to throw toxins at it. Good luck.
Thank you for the responses Laura.
This community is amazing and I will share my experience to. This alcohol really ruins lives and you don't even know it.
Thats so true. Do keep us posted
Will do.
Yes don't google, it will lead you down a dark path to anxiety! The chances are if you have no symptoms and you control the alcohol intake any damage done will be able to reverse but as above, its best to be open and honest conversation with your doctor so they can make sure and do any appropriate tests. Good luck Mike
Thank you, this gives me some relive.
It really gnaws at me the idea of something being horribly wrong since I went all out with alcohol abuse also not the healthiest lifestyle and that it might be to late. As soon as I can get a hold of my doc I will make an appointment and let you guys know how it went.

Please do, and don't be afraid to tell the doctors everything, they have heard it all before and far worse besides, and will find it easier to organise the appropriate tests for you if they feel you need it! Let us know and don't be a stranger :)Mike
I will do that, thank you once again.
Hiya. Please do go & be honest with your GP. They'll know if you don't! Alcohol is a terrible thing to stop, but you must try & try again. Looks like you CAN do it but then there's something that causes you to start again. Try & really look at WHY you reach for that 1st drink. Your GP will take bloods & then you will know IF something is/isn't as it should be. Until then, try not to drink as you'll have a head start b4 you see the Doc.