well with no more drinking beer or any sort of booze what can i replace sugar with in a nice cup of coffee as i beleive sugar is a big no no , as well as white bread am i allowed to eat brown bread or what ? i am really struggling with eating as i eat very little any way, 66 kg and i am 6 ft 2 and i am really struggling with what to eat or drink , and my first seeing of my hep doctor is august 28th so am i meant to waste away untill then ? i really are unsure of what to do ~~~~ thanks for reading
nothing better than a nice brew ? - British Liver Trust
nothing better than a nice brew ?

Not diagnosed yet, but eating fresh veg and fruit, chicken and fish and carbs over the day in small potions. Water. No salt, only what I’ve picked up off here.
Try drinking your coffee with no sugar in it for 10 days ( l know not great eh?) But after 10 days without it, pop a spoonful in .... it will taste like treacle and you will never want sugar in it again 😀
I had a similar problem. I now use a product called Flavdrops which has no sugar in it and it works it a treat. Other than that try sour dough as an alternative bread. Diet wise lose red meat and focus on fish and vegetarian food with carb heavy additions (pasta, potatoes etc) Anything acidic will push the liver to work harder and this may become an issue but weight loss is common. An example would be tuna mayonnaise, sweetcorn and pasta is a great dish. Plenty of carbs and taste. Im 6 ft 2 and weigh 74 kg so I hear you. Ooh and avoid ALL processed foods or any that contains trans fats. Bad on all levels.....
You need to make sure you eat plenty of protein rich foods including lean meats, fish and eggs and get plenty of regular daily excercise including weights. Together they will build up your muscles and strength.

thanks every one for your advice but there are bones popping up and out where i did not know i had them, i have been asked do i have cancer a couple of times and are you ill ? and i sort of brush them off but ime getting that thin that going to bed with my coat on has to be done as i am cold all the time . its not good feeling likethis as it gets in your way of trying to live a normal life but i think really that not a lot good is going to happen until i see my gastro specialist in august then what ever results i get then i can start dealing with it , bye all take care !
Have you been back to your GP regarding this weight loss situation? This sounds like you need to be seen more urgently than August to get a definitive diagnosis and appropriate dietary advice. You certainly don't want to be losing so much weight that you become malnourished or skeletal.A sensible balanced diet is all that someone requires, those with fatty liver disease can do well following a Meditteranean style diet as recently publicised by BLT on their website. britishlivertrust.org.uk/ea...
If you have contact details for your consultant I would be sending them a letter explaining what is going on and request to bring forward your consultation. You need to be seen a.s.a.p. judging by what you are saying re. the weight loss. You also need to see a dietician.
Best wishes, Katie
hi kate , there is no way with this pandemic raging on of me seeing her any sooner i was meant to have a first appointment with her in 2019 so as of yet i havent even met her so this has been going on for around 2 years. i had to ring oneof her nurses and tell the nurse that i am having like hung over days or i feel drunk but i am not drinkig and its affecting me quite badly could i have HE ? her reply was i can nothelp you as you have to be diagnosed, but i told heri am moving and meant to be hiring a van tommorow but for a few months now i have felt blurry andwhen it comes to driving i am wary that i may not be up to it, her reply was again you need to be diagnosed i cant help you , so it looks like i may get some answers in august if i am lucky as every other appointment has been cancelled, i can not under stand the delay as well as i have many issues the same as other people on here, any way she has seant me a gastroenterology specialist nurse service leaflet out, so i will give that a browse and hope to find something usefull, many thanks foryour responce kate, cheers !
Although my hubbies latest appointment was cancelled by appointments service the letter still said if you feel your condition has deteriorated and still need to be seen then get in touch.
Appointments are being cancelled by appointment booking services not the consultants, limited clinics ARE still being held and another 5 months is not acceptable in your case. As you say you still don't have a diagnosis and in the interim things could be going downhill.
I would definitly put your request for an expedited appointment in writing to your consultant - this will go into file.
Your GP should also be fighting your corner in this. 2 years without a diagnosis even with covid being about is unacceptable.
Although my hubby hasn't had a consultation at all since January 2020 he has still had his 6 monthly ultrasound scan, a dexa scan to check his bones and his annual endoscopy.
Push, for the care you need. If you don't get it then go via the Patient Liaison service at your consultant's hospital as this is unacceptable.
I have sugar in my tea and I have god knows how many cups a day! I’m going to try the 10 day thing and see if I can knock it on the head x
well 2 things to do (wednesday) 1, start the10 day sugar trial ,and 2, ring the appointments service and see about bringing my appointment forward (cant write due to a brain hemmorage ) but my situation is really getting worse , i am going downhill fast and i could mention other things but thats getting to morbid ! thanks every one for taking the time to help out it really is good to not be fobbed of again , many thanks !
Try a different coffee, some are bitter/earthy & would make me want to put sugar in it but others are smoother fuller flavours & good without sugar. Even instants vary quite a bit. Could be worth trying. 🙂☕