I am very cautious and still confused on what to eat with my liver cirrhosis. And it sucks because I’m kinda scared of everything. Salt, sugar you name it. I only eat fruits and veggies and sometimes white meat chicken and salmon.I want to open up and eat more but I’m scared. As far as drinks I only drink water but I want to drink juices and stuff. Can anyone give me any suggestions?
Liver cirrhosis diet: I am very cautious... - British Liver Trust
Liver cirrhosis diet

You need carbs and protein and should be eating every 2 to 3 hours. Yes less salt, less sugar but fruit and veggies arn't going to give you enough fuel and eventually your liver will start to burn your muscle for fuel. You really need to ask to see a liver specialist dietician to ensure you are eating and drinking correctly.
Going to ping you a wee PM.
Good morning Abrielle,
As AyrshireK suggests, you can ask your GP for a referral to a specialist liver dietitian who can support and advise you as an individual.
Best wishes,
I am not diagnosed with liver disease but my blood test showed an issue. Getting a scan next week, so I’m eating as if I have got an issue to ensure my liver doesn’t progress if it’s scarred, the amount I used to drink it would have to be a miracle if it isn’t!
It is easy looking at a list of what’s good for you, but throwing together into an actual meal is the difficulty.
What might help is to buy some weigh watchers books, they are great! All meals you cook from scratch and you can make something and it can last a few days. If the recipe contains salt, simply don’t put it in.
They have a massive range of books, even meals on budgets, curries etc. All healthy and very low fat of course.
There’s slow cooker meals, one pot meals, list is endless. We found 5 books from when I went a few years back so going to go through and choose some meals to cook next week.
Give that a try for inspiration x
Just posted this on an another post that was 8 years old thought I was answering you so I am posting it again - Sorry. I was diagnosed with compensated NASH cirrhosis in February this year and was extremely worried especially about my mortality. As it was during the pandemic the surgeon just gave me a diagnosis and told me to look it up on the internet! After reading on the internet that life expectancy was 9-12 years and with the surgeon telling me I had probably had it for 10 already I started to get my things in order!!! I have not been ill before, am overweight and like the odd sweet things but not a really a drinker - only socially and occasionally. When I finally had a telephone appointment with a specialist he was lovely, calm and told me to eat a balanced diet with as little refined carbs as possible but not cutting carbs out - so eating wholemeal bread, pasta and brown rice. Also he told me not to cut out fats but instead make sure to eat healthy fats from fish, nuts etc. The only things he did tell me to avoid under all circumstances were:- alcohol, red meat & sugary drinks. He also told me not to lose more than a 1-2lbs a week as rapid weight loss can cause damage to a struggling liver. He suggested at least 30 mins walking a day and drinking lots of water. After doing all he suggested and reading about what to eat etc on the internet my next blood tests showed all my readings were normal. He was extremely pleased with my progress and said that as I am at the early stages of cirrhosis if I continue doing what I am doing regarding diet and exercise I will probably die with cirrhosis but not from it. If like me you are at the early stages then this is good news even though as he says 'it is not a race it is a marathon' and there are days when being strict with myself is really hard. I am an avid baker and will not eat any of my cakes now, however, for my sons birthday I made a 'healthy cake' (if there is such a thing) and treated myself to a slice. Oh and I also read that a study showed that drinking coffee is good for the liver too so even though before this I didnt drink coffee - I started and now enjoy it. This is, I suppose, my new normal and how I have to live in order to stay alive for longer. I am lucky this was found during an operation to remove my gall bladder when the surgeon took a biopsy of my bad looking liver - even though at the time I was devastated and angry as it came completely out of the blue. Life is hard but better with people in groups like this to help us when we are down and worried. Sorry for such a long message but just wanted to share the info and advice my specialist has given me.
What you’ve been told about diet totally mirrors my own instructions, I do struggle with anxiety over each thing I eat however questioning if I should be eating it. I also struggle finding enough fresh options as where I live produce seems to last about two days after purchase and I hate wasting expensive foods
So nice to hear Such a positive story. I, like you found out about my diagnosis in February. It came as such a shock. My early cirrhosis was brought on by medication I was taking for my rheumatoid arthritis. My platelet count dropped and my gastro doctor became a little concerned. I had a liver/spleen scan that showed a colloid shift to the spleen. My biopsy showed no fibrosis no cirrhosis. The doctor still felt that I have a little bit of this going on, but as your doctor stated “take care of yourself and you will be fine” . He said, yes you will die but not from cirrhosis. There is so much bad information out there. I am so glad this forum exist! Stay healthy and good luck !
Thank you Starfish13. Sometimes we really need to hear something positive as there is a lot of negative stuff to take in when you get a diagnosis out of the blue. I actually cried when the specialist explained things to me as I really was convinced I didn't have long left to live. I know it is probably going to be very difficult for the rest of my life but its the price I have to pay to stay alive and Im willing to do it. Thank you again and please stay healthy and good luck to you too.
Catz1, I would like to thank you too. Your story inspired me in a way that has finally allowed me to feel free to talk about it. When I was diagnosed I felt tremendous guilt thinking I would not be around for the people I loved. I have not told my friends and I am especially careful with my boyfriend and daughter. It sometimes feels like such a heavy load to bear. I plan to take extra special care of myself and enjoy every second. I am so great full for everything now. Hugs my new friend.
Hi. Trouble with your diagnosis is there’s no back up system. People with cirrhosis get totally paranoid about diet. Basically becoming a slave to something else. Dieticians will tell you to eat 3000 calories daily. 103 grams of protein and cut down fatty foods. Most cirrhotic patients salt guideline is 6grams max a day. Then that’s it. No food plan. Eating well this way is expensive. But you need to investigate yourself. I’m happy to share a food plan with you that will keep you enjoying food, decent drinks and no chasing fads. My mail is cammeag at hotmail dot com just drop me a line. Dieticians never helped me and consultants and doctors don’t have a clue. My diet was through prayer and lots of reading. Hope you get on top of this life dominating problem.