Hair Loss: I had my transplant in... - British Liver Trust

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Hair Loss

Roots57 profile image
25 Replies

I had my transplant in November 2020, almost 4 months ago. I am losing my hair steadily. Not clumps of hair thank goodness but daily loss of single hairs. My hair was strong and thick and now it is becoming very thin. The Hepatologist had told me that it is unlikely to be permanent as I am not losing clumps of hair. Has this happened to others?

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Roots57 profile image
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25 Replies

Hi Roots, I had this with my hospital admission due to Cirrhosis not as severe as you as mine was in bald patches back of my head, now its moved to my facial hair. I was told its autoimmune Alopecia as the body is fighting a trauma and the hair follicles seem to get affected In certain individuals. I was told Biotin would help but please ask your GP if applicable for you. Take care.


Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to

Thank You Ashe, will ask tomorrow at my clinic appointment.

AyrshireK profile image

From the auto immune hepatitis page it would seem that certain immune suppressants can also lead to hair thinning, breakage and loss.

in reply to AyrshireK

Hi Katie I didn't have autoimmune hep or any suppressants so im confused (not hard lol) and I know your spot on with what advice you give.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

I know your hair loss was different I was just pointing out that it's common for some of the immune suppressants that someone post transplant (as poster is) can contribute to the issue as well. Might even be a combination of things.


Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to AyrshireK

Thank You Katie, I think it may be the Advagraf. Hopefully it improves. Keep safe and well

CarpeDiem11 profile image

I lost clumps of hair when I was anaemic & had low levels of ferritin. Whilst Biotin is regularly sold in supplements, it is rare that adults will actually be low in biotin, according to leading experts in hair loss.

Dr Rupy, who specialises in interviewing docs who specialise in things like " eating for stress", "eating for the heart" etc has done an interview with a hair loss expert, if you're interested.?

Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to CarpeDiem11

Thank You for replying. Yes I would be interested to hear his interview. Thank you again

Robbie21 profile image

It is very common post transplant. My husband's hair loss started about 2 -3 months post tp and continued until just over 12 month post tp when it settled down. The texture of his hair has changed from what it was. It is now course & grows incrediably fast, but has thinned a fair bit. He also went very grey. But it appears to have stopped falling out.

The Drs said it was his bodies response to the trauma, he had an urgent transplant.

They did a full mineral and trace element blood screen and started him on some multivitamins.

When I asked within the Leeds support group there were many that the same thing had happened to. One of the things that appeared to help was a product called Watermans . He uses the shampoo, conditioner and serum.. Its expensive, but goes a long way.

Hope this helps reassure you that it is not uncommon and good luck with your continued recovery.

Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to Robbie21

Thank You Robbie, will try the shampoo you mentioned.

Flowergirl24 profile image

Hi Roots57

Pre transplant my hair gradually broke in length. I didn’t loose it from the scalp although it did go very thin. Was told it would grow back. Had a good sharp cut , as I recovered, got plenty of fresh hair & late evening sunshine for natural Vit D ( spent the entire summer ‘20 under a hat & in the shade as advised and it’s now grown back thick and long again (drug reduction also probably helped) you’ll get there!

Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to Flowergirl24

Thanks for much needed encouragement. Your advise makes sense. Appreciate it.

TN-Nurse profile image

Hi! My son is experiencing the same and he was taking Spironolactone for previous fluid build up. His doc switched his meds. The doc said it was from this medication due to the high estrogen. This is just my sons experience with thinning hair.

Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to TN-Nurse

Thank You. I had been on a high dose of spironolactone prior to transplant. I currently only take Ardvagraf and Advil- D3. Never took medication before my diagnosis but as you say the medication has an impact. Don’t like complaining but just need a bit of Hope. Hope your son continues to improve and thank you again

TN-Nurse profile image
TN-Nurse in reply to Roots57

Of course! The doc felt like he would see regrowth since stopping the medication. He’s only 30 yrs old. He’s more concerned about his hair. Lol But he’s doing great! Thank you!

Yellowsydney profile image

Hi, this is very common, at 5 months post my hair fell out, transplant consultant said it's due to trauma of major surgery. It did stop after a few months and grew back curly. Don't panic it will stop falling out, this is a frequently asked question on liver transplant Facebook groups


Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to Yellowsydney

Thank You Hilary. Hopefully it improves. Appreciate your encouragement

Perkywerky76 profile image

I there - I’m pre transplant and my hair is so thin, it starts growing and I have no bald patches , but it’s so thin that I had to buy a silk hair topper to put on it . This has helped my confidence , but I am very poorly. The condition started years back due to a haemorrhage in my ovary , then in oct 2019 I had an oesophageal bleed needing 3 transfusions - 3 months after that it started to come out again , and hasn’t stopped. Can you see the root when you see it come out when you run your fingers through it ? If so , it’s likely to be called telogen effluvium , it can last for 3-6 months then grow back , or it can be chronic - mine is now chronic - I take biotin but it doesn’t help much ... the best thing I did after it kept coming out was to get my wig topper ... I still hope it will come back one day , but whilst it’s bad I at least have an option. Hope that helps

Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to Perkywerky76

Yes it does and Thank You. I know it is what it is and that I should be thankful for my life which I truly am. I just don’t want to deal with new problems but really trying to remain positive. Hope you continue to recovery fully

Liverpoo profile image

Hi there. I put up a post with exactly the same problem about 6 months ago . I had my transplant in April so about September I was moulting. Today, after washing still losing a bit but definitely improving so there is hope!

Best wishes x

Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to Liverpoo

Many thanks. Do you use regular shampoo

Hope-feb3-2017 profile image

W❤️❤️❤️Hi, I remember 2 months after my transplant my hair was so weak and it was falling out a lot in my comb. My husband noticed a section of my hair - he said what is that. Sure enough it was a clump of hair gone. I know this may sound scary - it is not. Please know thank it grows back. I can say I have my full head of hair now. Just be patience. And it will come together xoxo.

Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to Hope-feb3-2017

Hope, thank you for the reassurance which is much needed. I certainly feel more positive so thank you

PoppyPiper profile image

Hi Roots, just seen your post and like most of the replies, my hair also started to fall out again after my transplant. Not in clumps, but when I was washing my hair or brushing it there was a lot on the brush or in the sink and definately not as much as when I was first diagnosed with Cirrhosis. I am happy to say that today after over 18 months post transplant, I have a fab,

thick, glossy mane of hair again and my lovely hairdresser who has been great dealing with the hair loss says that although it is not as thick as I used to have, there is very little thinning but she says my hair is slightly coarser than it was.

I took the hair loss as a mixture of the operation, my extremely poor health (I went down to below 7stone) and the meds I was on.

Keep eating well and hopefully it will grow back.


Roots57 profile image
Roots57 in reply to PoppyPiper

PP, thank you. So far my story is similar to your own. Hopefully the ending will be too. Thank you for the encouragement

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