Cirrohsis with no symptoms and normal ... - British Liver Trust

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Cirrohsis with no symptoms and normal blood tests?

redbull236 profile image
1 Reply

I recently had an elastrography done and my GI doc called and said the results were an F4. I was pretty shocked to see the results come back as an F4 since I had a Fibrotest/Actitest tests done about a month before showing .58 (F2) and A0 (no activity) respectively. I've been a moderate drinker for 20+ years so I wasn't surprised wither there being some damage but not what I'm interpreting as pretty advanced cirrohsis. I have none of the symptoms I've read about. My AST/ALT scores are 20/28, bilirubin is 1.1, GGT is 29 - all blood tests seem to be within range.

My GI doc has ordered a liver biopsy now so I guess the biopsy will give more conclusive results (?) but in the meantime I'm freaking out a little bit! I guess my question is how accurate is an elastography test? Do they tend to over or underestimate damage, or are they usually pretty close? Is it possible to have cirrohsis with no symptoms and blood tests coming back within range?

My doc didn't seem too concerned, he said they would order the biopsy but a few weeks or a month wouldn't matter if I couldn't get it done right away. Not sure how to interpret that one.

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AyrshireK profile image

Fibroscan/elastography usually only over estimates scores if there is significant ongoing inflammation in the liver as it can't tell the difference between inflamed tissue and actual fibrosis. However, as you AST,GGT and ALT are well within range and don't indicate ongoing inflammation your result may indeed be accurate though you will need the follow up tests to confirm 100%.

As regards cirrhosis and bloods being normal then yes if you are well compensated with no symptoms then a cirrhotic liver can return normal bloods. Liver disease is known as a 'silent illness' - often people have no clue that something is wrong with their liver until symptoms reveal themselves.

If indeed you have cirrhosis and are symptom free then your liver is currently compensated, if you can tackle the cause of this either with treatment and/or lifestyle changes then you can reverse some liver damage to a degree or at least slow down or stop further damage.

The BLT page on cirrhosis might be a useful read for you.

Fingers crossed you get feed back and follow up tests a.s.a.p. so you know where you are.


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