Normal scans, mostly normal blood test... - British Liver Trust

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Normal scans, mostly normal blood tests. Can you still have HE?

LFTmystery profile image
13 Replies

I have had abnormal LFTs for 2.5 years (that I know of - no tests before). Normal ultrasounds x4, normal HIDA, normal CT scan, normal fibroscans x2 showing F0 and approx 240 CAP. An MRCP showed sludge when I was pregnant. I went and got my gallbladder out which showed chronic cholestasis but nothing else.

I've had every possible blood test for common and rare liver diseases but still have no idea why my GGT and ALT continue to be 1-3x ULN and why I get sharp pain in my URQ. My BMI is a little high (26) and I do have some belly fat left over from pregnancy.

Question: can you get hepatic encephalopathy with these types of results ie. normal scans and normal bloods bar GGT and ALT 1-3x ULN. My albumin is not low (40+) and platelets nice and high (300+). But I'm feeling very dizzy over the last week.

Doctors don't seem overly concerned with my liver (GP or Gastro) but I haven't asked the HE question. I'm hoping it is something else causing my dizziness - I have felt very anxious. From what I read HE is usually cirrhosis or advanced liver disease. Interested in your thoughts so I can hopefully put my mind at rest.

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13 Replies
Zukosmile07 profile image

No you only get HE with decompensated cirrhosis of the liver usually stage 4. I think you must be googling things. Please don't do this while knowing that you suffer from anxiety. Try to concentrate on a solution to your anxiety. You will stop thinking the worse.Danny x

Suduko profile image
Suduko in reply to Zukosmile07

I have end stage 4 liver cirrhosis I saw my liver nurse last week and my liver has gone from decompensated to compensate so my liver is working and I feel so much better there is always hope x

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Suduko

You managed to become compensated from end stage, there are 2- F4's and 4 stages you must of been the 3rd stage. I don't think that is end stage. Have a look at this, just saying I was end stage and the specialist consultant said no return. You are very lucky indeed! Well done 👍

Aotea2012 profile image
Aotea2012 in reply to Zukosmile07

I’m no expert, and I’m hoping Katie responds. But I had a really bad infection...sepsis...which threw everything liver wise up in the air. I had underlying chronic liver disease (and didn’t know) and then the infection triggered me into decompensated. I had jaundice and ascites. Long hospital stay and then alcohol free, good diet, meds and my bloods returned to normal. Feel very well. I think it was called acute on chronic liver failure. So I think it depends on the extent of the underlying condition but possible to go from decompensated to compensated in that context.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Aotea2012

I agree it is possible to go from Stage 4 decompensated cirrhosis to a lower stage of cirrhosis. It's exactly what happened in my hubbies case. When he was hospitalized in April 2012 it was due to a massive variceal bleed which is on the Stage 4 diagram above (I believe) as Rec VH/Variceal Haemorrhage. His bloods were massively deranged and he had jaundice.It is possible (in some cases) to treat and return to a more stable state. In a letter supporting PIP award his consultant wrote that he had liver failure.

Hubby is back now in about Stage 2 - last endoscopy showed only some very small varices.

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to AyrshireK

Wow Katie that is fantastic news. Any chance it was the cycling, I'm thinking my next step in between small jobs. I'm still waiting on the rejection to calm down. My next appointment is Tuesday and I'm going to ask whether overdoing things is bad for rejection because I don't feel any different apart from some pain in my right side.Brilliant news again.... Dan x

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Zukosmile07

No, the cycling is a recent thing. Obviously the variceal bleed destabilized his liver leading to a spell of full on liver failure - deranged bloods etc. Over the years he had 42 varices banded and his liver must have calmed itself down to become compensated again - he did have the splenic aneurysm issue in 2014 with the resultant embolization operation reversing his portal hypertension and improving his liver numbers. He was listed for transplant in 2014 - delisted 2015 and 2022 all still plodding along.

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to AyrshireK

Wow that's a magnificent CV for the unwanted disease cirrhosis. I am clear of the disease but I hate it with a passion. The things it put me through. I only mention the juicy bit's. I wish I could go back to the days where my bloods were slightly elevated. I would skip all the way to the doctors. 🤔 haha😉

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Aotea2012

Hello not spoken for a while.... F3 is still compensated Aotea, you just can't see it on the chart. I took a photo of the chart when the specialist consultant walked away after explaining what I had. I could only get the right hand side because you wasn't allowed to take pictures on the ward (big no, no) and had to be quick.

Suduko profile image
Suduko in reply to Zukosmile07

I was taken into hospital last July with vercis bleed I can't remember getting there and was out of it for a long time. The consultant saved my life 3 times as I had 3 more bleeds and was in hospital for 3 months. I have had 2 lots of banding done. I came home the end of October last year and had endoscopy in November in outpatients and nothing needed doing as vericise had shrank. I saw my liver nurse last week and that is when she told me my liver was compensating I had 10 litres of fluid drained when I was in hospital but have never needed anymore. I feel so lucky as I could have easily died but I thank God for every day. I am 76 years old female. Hope you are doing well

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Suduko

Jeez Louise you've had a tough time with this horrible disease. You managed to get through all that at your age and with COVID lingering over us all. You deserve a medal with your story not a "LIKE". So glad you are doing better and wish you all the best.....Danny x

Suduko profile image
Suduko in reply to Zukosmile07

Thanks so much Danny I am so lucky and grateful for every day i hope you stay well x

kensimmons profile image

You are googling things that you probably don't need to worry about. Could you maybe have anemia? What about simple anxiety? I don't google too much because I become convinced (for a minute, then I come to my senses) that I have everything. I will sleep badly on one side, wake up with a sore arm (from sleeping on it) and be convinced I have "lower arm cancer" or something equally ridiculous.

Note - I AM NOT a doctor, so don't take my word for it. Of course you could have something. But your numbers are not those I believe one would see with HE so I would see a doctor (not some fool like me) and have him/her figure out what is going on.

Good luck and stay relaxed!

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