Take Spirolactone 50mg and furodomide 50mgs.been on them for about a year for ascites management. Working great no bad effects apart from constant peeing. Last blood test showed kidney stress. Freaking out at the thought of stopping them as don't want to end up with draining etc. Got bloods on Monday then decision will be made. Anyone experienced this? I get the impression they want you off of these.
Kidney problems : Take Spirolactone 50mg... - British Liver Trust
Kidney problems
I was on a much higher dose than both of those, I had both ascities and oedema. Eventually they impacted on my kidneys and I had to stop taking them, altogether. I was actually being drained at the same time. Eventually, I went back to 20mg of Furosemide.
Hopefully if they are hesitant about making a decision, you are borderline. I suspect that you are already doing the reduction in your salt intake and drinking plenty of water?
Wishing you the best for Monday.
Yes using low salt do you think that is any good? Also have cut down in fizzy water drinking still. Don't know what else to do thanks for the good wishes 😊
Just watch your fluid intake 2.5l /day max too much can affect sodium levels which is a marker for the kidneys performance
This is a balancing act they don’t want a problem with the kidneys as well. My sodium dropped and as a result I’ve had my medication tweaked very often at present my kidneys are normal and have been for three tests. However the furosemide isnt working as well so they have Now increased to 60mg in two stages from 20mg . Spirolactone reduced from 100 to 50mg. The only advice I can give you further is to watch your fluid intake to 2.5l/ day