Hi, so for the past month I've been experiencing pain in my right side and back. I went to my GP who carried out blood tests and an ultrasound thinking it was gallstones.
During the ultrasound the radiographer commented that there was a lot of fat in the liver and said all other organs they looked at were fine.
Got a call from my GP yesterday. It was unusual as he asked "what's your understanding of what we've been looking?" (Which felt like I was being given an exam) and I replied the radiographer didn't see any gallstones but said there was some fat in my liver. At which point he said that was the problem right there (very matter of fact-ish).
I pointed out my mum has NAFLD so should I be concerned and he said well that's essentially what I'm saying you have (again I was a bit taken aback by how the news was delivered).
I was a bit more shocked as I'm 27, have never smoked, rarely drink and have been in a healthy BMI range for the past 11 years (recently I crept up to a score of 27 in the past 10 months thanks to becoming a bit more staganant). So I was confused regarding what this meant for me (i.e. What caused it and will it progress faster than usual?).
He said he would do some blood tests to check my metabolism and if I had diabetes, but he didn't suspect this was the case (my previous liver function results all came back healthy) before realising he couldn't because COVID has restricted what lab tests they can carry out (but they'll let me know when I can get the tests done). I was then sent on my way with the advice to exercise/eat healthy, check out relevant websites and "notify the GP if my skin goes yellow or my abdomen swells" (whilst he entered the info on a computer with his back turned to me).
I've came away feeling like I got little info and when I look on the NHS sites I see that jaundice/swelling usually indicates more advanced stages (which feels like I'm just a ticking time bomb that will only get to talk about my health when it's at a severe stage).
I'm feeling disheartened and concerned. I am planning to call back my GP to request a bit more clarity. But could I just get some input, what is the outlook for someone in my position? (NAFLD at a young age), and given most people with NAFLD have no symptoms does me having liver pain mean I have NASH and not NAFLD? If so shouldn't the stage my liver is at be getting assessed more than this?
It's ridiculous but it's only really hitting me now and I'm just feeling a bit lost about what to expect and how concerned I should be.