Diagnosed with cirrosis 42 months ago, no symptoms except tiredness and Child Pugh A Meld 6 still.
Was heavy drinker but quit right away and not touched a drop since, Private Dr (proffessor) added that NAFLD was likely pushing Alcohol cirrhosis forward 2 years ago but because alcohol had been mentioned my health insurance refused to pay out.
Within 6 months of quiting bloods all went back to normal but Latest bloods have all risen above normal and the one for cancer has also risen to what Dr says is a few points above normal.
Ultrasound was clear but Dr says possibly somethings hiding so wants an MRI.
I have put on a lot of lockdown weigh so Dr thinks that might be contributing.
My question is can this be just a blip or is it always the start of a downward spiral into invasive treatment?
Depression kicking in big time.