Apple cider vinegar...: Hi all, I've... - British Liver Trust

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Apple cider vinegar...

β€’42 Replies

Hi all, I've been told by someone at my group sessions that this stuff Apple Cider Vinegar is supposed to do good things for the Liver and aiding weight loss etc, so ive been reading up online as well and haven't seen anywhere that its harmful to take with Cirrhosis quite the opposite in fact, but is it all hocus pocus ( love that film lol πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ) or will it do more harm than good? Just wondering as ill try anything to improve my chances....within reason of course lol. Thanks


42 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Lots of positive anecdotal evidence re. tummy fat, fatty liver etc.

My folks all take it for other ails and me carrying a little tummy fat suggested I might get myself some. My mum then made me feel absolutely great about myself when she asked "Oh, do they do it in bulk?". I think she meant well in that we might save on a bulk buy but in light of it just following me saying what I had it made us all chuckle. I've got a bottle of it in the cupboard but haven't yet brought myself round to taking any.

As always should really check with doctors.

Katie :)

in reply to AyrshireK

That sounds positive then, and I will ask my consultant whenever I can get hold of her its been shocking lately, and I'm sure it's lot cheaper brought in bulk tummy or no tummy Katie lol. Thanks take care.


confused71 profile image
confused71 in reply to

I have been taking it for 18 months i hated it in the beginning but have got used to it now --- It certainly hasnt harmed me

PollyO profile image
PollyO in reply to AyrshireK

Apple cider vinegar will only help your gut and will not hurt your cause at all. Not gallons of it mind you, a couple of tablespoons in a small glass of water.

FlyingArrow profile image

Hi Ashley,

I must say I tried the cider vinegar recipe for around 6 months which helped me kick start my healthy eating a few years back! It an acquired taste!

Good luck ! x

in reply to FlyingArrow

Sounds like it worked its mystical magic then πŸ˜‰ right ill get on it in the morning πŸ‘. Take care.

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to

Morning Ashley

Apologises for the late reply but I've been a little preoccupied!

With regards to your cider vinegar adventure, do you have access to neighbours or friends apples trees as its the right time of year to have ago at making a few jars up of your own whilst you purchase some ready made. However you would still need some kiln or jam jars to store the vinegar in upto 6 weeks! It all depends on whether your prepared to weight this long?

However you could start by making yourself some apple smoothies which are a great refreshing breakfast start to your morning! I keep my apples in the fridge as they'll stay crisp and fresh for weeks and taste delicious when liquidised with water and a little honey! I must say I'm one for experimenting with all sorts of things when on a detoxing adventure which I've not done for sometime but will definately be restarting today with a apple smoothie for breakfast as I need to loose weight myself!

Good luck and I'm sure our liver's will thank us both in a week or twoπŸ‘πŸ˜Š

Love 🏹

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to

It certainly makes a good salad dressing with olive oil. I've heard the health benefits as well.

in reply to briccolone

Deffo give that a go, might be nicer than balsamic vinegar so ill give it whirl.

briccolone profile image
briccolone in reply to

yeas the better quality apple cider vinegars are similarly priced to cheapo balsamic vinegars. The really good balsamics can be eye wateringly expensive but are like nectar.... but we're talking health here not taste buds..

I just read up on that must get some too πŸ˜ƒ

in reply to

I would ask your Gp first I don't want you knocking at my door if things go Pete tong BellebenπŸ€ͺ lol

Is it in liquid or capsules you was told of

in reply to

I've got 1 litre of Braggs, not the cheapest but hope it helps with whatever healthy properties its supposed to bringπŸ‘

in reply to

So how will you take it πŸ‘€ mix in water maybe ? I was looking on Amazon.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

You have to dilute it down loads and take in juice or water but again you should check it is safe and appropriate with your doctors.

in reply to AyrshireK

I thought so, its very acidic so not easy on the teeth ive been reading which confuses me considering your drinking it but like you say, best to ask the people who know. I just thought I'd give it a whirl as people keep raving about it but if im told otherwise its going in the bin. πŸ‘

in reply to

What have others said about it. So inquizative me lol

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

Do your own web search & research as we know BLT don't advocate the use of any so called alternative remedies and such like unless you have discussed it with your own doctor so we probably shouldn't discuss it too much here or share anecdotal evidence on this forum.

in reply to AyrshireK

I have said im not recommending it to anyone like to think ive covered that point, I was only asking if any others have tried it and there opinions on it. I repeat...not vouching for it or telling anyone what to do just asking if anyone has any information on the subject other than a Gp's yes or noπŸ‘feel like I'm being told off πŸ˜‰ slaps wrist....

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

Not at all mate, I was replying to Belleben who was wanting details on what others have said and I was just saying it's up to folks to do their own research etc. as this isn't the place for any of us (including me) to promote it or really discuss it much further. I know what i've read and researched and what family and friends have found but with BLT guidelines and safety in mind I wasn't going to start sharing anecdotes and it's for us as individuals to do our own research and checks.

I hope you have good results with it and keep on doing so well. Latest profile pic is another stunner ;)


in reply to AyrshireK

Oo I see sorry Katie, yes exactly like you said i was just seeing if anyone has tried it on here like yourself. Thank you by the way and ive hit my 9stone mark now so im Feeeeeeeling Gooooooood (that's my Micheal Buble singing there) πŸ˜‰. Take care.


in reply to

Well done!! How much you lost now altogether. I been up to all night reading about apple cider πŸ€­πŸ˜† (joking)

in reply to

Hope you got some sleep lol just hit my 9stone mark took a while as I've been on and off with my diet last couple of months, but back on it like white on rice now πŸ‘πŸ•Ί

jules45 profile image
jules45 in reply to

I took it for a few months and it gave me nausea and liver pain. It's in the back of the cupboard like an unwanted wedding present


in reply to jules45

Ok not good then ill carry on and if I have any adverse effects it will be going in the bin, no cupboard wasting space here lol. Thanks Jules, take care.


sunnysmile profile image
sunnysmile in reply to

Hi there - sorry its late but just logged on. I have taken OrganIc CV for years in warm water for years but then got gastric issues and now it hurts like hell. Fab if u can take it but don't go in at tablespoons - test it by a tsp in half a glass of warm water first thing. Then take it from there.


in reply to

Im adding 2 teaspoons to some warm water first thing in morning before any breakfast/coffee etc but please don't take my word for it im just saying this now for health and safety β›‘πŸ‘·β€β™‚οΈ false advertising etc πŸ˜„. I shall let you know how I get on, as it doesn't smell like something that will be lovely jubbly, but if it helps then so be it πŸ‘.

FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to

Whoops, you've already hit 9 stone so well done Ashley! I'm guessing my earlier apple vinegar advice is not really required but good luck on improving your livers health!'


in reply to FlyingArrow

Thank you for the advice but I'll stick to the brought stuff I'm not much of a home brewer, jar making kinda guy ill probably end up making real Cider with my track record πŸ€ͺ. All the best.


FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to

I'm sure your going to do brilliantly as your well focused !

Take care Ashley x

Laura009 profile image

Looking good Ash !! 😍

in reply to Laura009

Why thank you Me lady πŸ˜‰ (rides off into the distance on my valiant steed) πŸ˜… hope your well?

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to


All well here thanks Ash πŸ‘

Mufan99 profile image

If you are going to try Cider Vinegar it is much more effective if you use a "live" vinegar that still has the bacteria that turns alcohol to vinegar and all the good probiotics that come with that. Plus if you have two or three months of patience you can use it to start your own vinegar from wine or cider. Home Bargains sells a very reasonably priced live cider vinegar from Spain, it is about 20% the price of the identical product in health food shops. A friend who also swears by live vinegar gets her's reasonably priced at Costco. This is not medical advice, but my partner has cirrhosis and portal hypertension from NASH and our GP who treats him is a big fan of live foods for maintaining general health and likes that we make Kim-chi and Sourdough and use "live" products like Vinegar and Kefir.

Lam1e profile image
Lam1e in reply to Mufan99

Hi Mufan

Just for information for anyone post transplant, the advice is to have no foods or drinks with any β€˜live cultures’! Which is completely opposite to the advice given pre transplant! I’m not medical and not criticising, but if in doubt get some get some adviceπŸ‘


Good morning Ashw88,

I am well aware you have covered this very clearly in your chat, but just for any new members I have attached the information from the British Liver Trust website.

Take care,


jon3067 profile image

Hi Ashw88

From personal experience only.

My consultant said that I should take apple cider vinegar daily - organic with 'the mother' every day to help reduce the ache from my gallstone. I have experimented with / without - and with capsule forms - and from my own experience only - it really does help - not sure of the science - but in my opinion it works.

I do not have any liver issues, so I would definitely check with your GP if it would cause any issues there.


purple64 profile image

Not tried drinking it in water , husband has. We use it on fish or salads etc πŸ˜‹

Kristian profile image

Yeah, probably all hocus pocus. I believe there is no real proper evidence to support the assertions. Apparently according to Wikipedia, normal vinegar has the same effect. Me suspects its just a bit of hype to sell either more apple cider vinegar or somebody's latest diet plan.

If you check out the chemical and nutrition make up of various vinegars there ain't much difference, lol.

PollyO profile image
PollyO in reply to Kristian

Not quite correct..."regular" vinegar as you called it, such as Heinz is not comparison. Just saying.

PollyO profile image

It is good to keep your gut healthy and probably because of that does a lot for the rest of you. It has to be a vinegar that has the live culture settled on the bottom. Here in the states most stores carry Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. It has the live culture and many apple orchards make vinegar as well.

2-3 tablespoons in a small glass of water once a day will do it. It is quite refreshing.

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