Hi I'm usually OK on laxido but I was in hospital in March I have stones and had pancreatitis I've been fine till June then slipped up with a meal and I've had a few flare ups since managed it with paracetamol which normally I don't but I've had three flare ups in 4wks normally only have one dreadful attack a year I'm worried laxido could be causing it but need it every night any ideas please x
Gallbladder issues : Hi I'm usually OK... - British Liver Trust
Gallbladder issues

Good afternoon lolly64,
Sorry to hear you have been unwell.
May I suggest you try and discuss your current symptoms with your GP ? Any persistant or worsening symptoms should be assessed.
No -one here is medicallly qualified to comment on medication- perhaps your local pharmacist could also help with medication query ?
Take care,
Hello Lolly64.
I agree with Trust9. If I were you I would have a word with your GP if you think that Laxido is causing it.
I know that when you have problems with your Gallbladder or have gallstones
the pain can be debilitating.
I've been in hospital 4 times since Christmas because of the Gallbladder issues . Oooh it even made me cry its been that bad. Twice they were going to operate,but I have a Heart problem that was causing issues.
Next Tuesday I have to go and have some Coviid 19 and Mrsa swabs taken.
I have to stay in the car while this is taking place. We have to park the car outside the Main Outpatient Department.Then I am being admitted for Abdominal Surgery on the Friday.
I know that they are removing the Sludgy Gallbladder and Gallstones .
They are also unlocking the Bile Ducts.
I don't know just yet if they are going to use stents to keep the Ducts open.
I have been taking Laxido for about 6 months.I dont much like taking them,because sometimes I would have to take 2 or 3 packets a day.. But we are not all the same..I used to take Lactulose, but they told me when I was in hospital that I'm not allowed to take it, even though I'd much prefer the Lactulos than the Laxido.
Hope you feel better soon. But please go and see your GP about it. 👍.Good Luck.
Hi KB47 sorry I haven't replied grandson now back at school so I have some time I can update to say I had a phone appointment with consultant and he's put me on the urgent list for GB removal four to six weeks thankfully I've been on low fat diet so although I've had a few attacks not needed to go hospital he Says he thinks the pancreatitis is due to the stones one became stuck in the duct I have lost a stone in weight eating less and low fat haven't touched drink since the I came out of hospital but I'm 66 so altho it's laparoscopy I'm still nervous apparently out same day so fingers crossed and thank you all for your help
I had urgent Gb op last week, not for gallstones. I went in fairly fit and healthy and a week on I can only eat toast, I've lost a huge amount of weight, can't go out as can't go far from the loo !! My advice is make sure you are aware of post op diet and be prepared for a possible rough ride with post cholescystectomy syndrome and bile acid diarehea. They do these ops and chuck you out within hours although I did stay in overnight, no advice no follow up. Good luck !!
Hi bantam12, .you're right about having a rough ride after Gallbladder removal. I was taken in as an Emergency, even though I was on the waiting list at Neville Hall Hospital. I ended up in the Royal Gwent Hospital. I went in Friday morning at 7 am,was taken to Theatre at 10 am. I had Gallbladder and Gallstones removed they also sorted out my Bile Ducts. They also did 2 Hernia repairs at the same time.I was allowed home the following day. With no Diet sheet,or how to take Care of the wounds, in fact no information at all. No followup whatsoever. I'm still in pain 4 weeks post OP .I have stitches sticking out of my Belly Button also in one of the incisions that I have in my side..The Practice Nurse at my GP surgery cut a little bit of the stitches down for me. She was concerned about touching my Belly Button area, because they used mesh in that area. I feel like using my eyebrow plucker's to pluck them out. I am a bit concerned about doing that though, Because they could be attached to the mesh.Then I could have more problems. I've not been having the Diarrhoea like you have. I've been getting constipated even though I take Laxido twice a day. How are you doing now.bantam .Hope you are a bit better.
I'm slightly better thanks but still having bad days, im still not able to eat properly, so fed up with plain rice, toast and apples ! No help from my GP or Consultant so I guess like you I have to go it alone. One of my incisions is a bit dodgy and because I'm allergic to plasters they used loads of glue which has been worse as it's all stuck in the incisions ! They say this is the most common surgery performed but they never mention how life changing it can be for some and not in a good way !!
I hope you improve soon and you can sort out your stitches and pain, it's really no fun is it 😕
Hey Lolly 64. I'm so glad they're gonna sort your GB problem out. You're bound to be nervous about it.But try not to worry too much. I've had mine done 4 weeks now. They removed the Sludgy Gallbladder and the Gallstones, sorted the Bile Ducts out. They also did 2 Hernia Repairs at the same time. Save me having to go back in again. I'm still in pain ,but I've got Fibromyalgia and I think that's making it worse. 😱😨😞😰😵.. I can't even remember going to sleep. I just woke up and it was all over. 👀. You still have to be careful of what you eat, even after you've had it done.I can't eat Crisps or Toffee sweets, no cheese or anything that tastes nice. 🍰🧁🎂🥧🍮🍤🍢🍠🍫 😂. 🤣 😃 Some people get Diahriria and other's get constipated. We are all different. Oh I gotta go .Stay in touch and Good Luck.🤞👍.