GGT results 134! Is this manageable! I do drink too much and am planning on cutting on right back and next blood test 17 July! Is it possible to reduce this ? And how bad is 134! Nurse said it should be around 42! So I am scared
GGT 134: GGT results 134! Is this... - British Liver Trust
GGT 134

Sounds like a nature’s warning to cut back or even stop drinking? No doubt that figure would drop if you didn’t drink until the July test, but isn’t It a good idea to quit anyway if you’ve said you’re drinking too much?
Hi I also have elevated GGT and had to quit drinking from Dec-May of this year. It didn’t go down at all and I’ve been speaking to a Doctor about it and due to no alcohol he believes I have NAFLD Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease due to high cholesterol and diet. I wasn’t a regular heavy drinker anyway but have had the occasional pint or 2 but little more these days. I need a full scan to confirm and delayed due to COVID restrictions. Good luck with yours
BTW the GGT max level seems to change depending on who you speak to and which labs they use for the test. The NHS guideline is 70 so like you almost double over that. I was told it’s a very sensitive marker and can go up and down rapidly. The constant wasn’t overly concerned with mine bit said to keep an eye on it. I’ve Google searched and noted Alcoholics with a GGT around 900. I still believe cutting alcohol back is good though
My nurse said it should be 40! But again open to interpretation! However I am working to get this down now for the next test and onwards etc ! I wish there was a kit you could buy for home use to keep an eye on it
Yes mate there is in the UK so not sure where you are. In the UK it’s
Thanks everyone, I am certainly cutting down alcohol and also cholesterol is bordering on high do bringing that down as well and even if it goes down a bit come July I now have a marker to work towards!