What do you all do, when you wake up with the bird's and can't get back to sleep?
So.....: What do you all do, when you... - British Liver Trust

Know the feeling well I listen to the birds and take a bit of pleasure out of listening to there songs then maybe make a hot chocolate and on goes the iPad jigsaws are my favourite but there is a lot of games but I try and that’s the thing try not to let my brains run away with me it’s not a lot but I hope it helps 😀
I get up with them Alley. I've always been an early to bed early to rise person ( can always have 40 winks during the day ) 😉
I come on this Forum 😀.
I tend to sleep through birdsong but when it does happen I do more liver disease research!
Let the cat out, that usually shuts them up. Do they not know people are trying to sleep! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hi guys thanks for the replies...I am still awake at midnight so going to read a little bit...but, if the little tweeters wake me up tomorrow I will open my window and sing with them lol. It is just so very quiet and I bet the birds don't understand it. It reminds me of when I was a kid , hardly any cars about and people stayed home at weekends..eerie, but nice x
Bliss in that respect sometimes. Also, at long last, a lot fewer airplanes in the sky 😀👍.
See - this response proves I wasn’t fibbing in the answer I gave you initially. 😀.
Hope you sleep through.
Miles, these times remind me of when I were a wee lad. Hardly any cars, as most couldn't afford one, but plenty of bikes 🚲😊.
I was looking at UK airports on Flight Radar 24 last night, and Heathrow only had 2 foreign aircraft taxiing around, and luton was empty. I don't see many here, just light aircraft, helicopters and sometimes balloons........Oh and loads of Red Kites.
Strangely enough I was only remarking to 'Im Indoors yesterday how it's just like the good old days out on the roads. And walking along the lanes here - no traffic! What bliss! Every cloud really does have a silver lining. 😊🙏
May sound crazy to some, but I find it the perfect time to talk to God.
Listen carefully to what they are trying to tell you.