I have Liver Cirrhosis and my liver is ok thanks to the gods, but I asked my Doctor if If I should go on the transfer list just in case, but he told me I wouldn't get one because of my age I,m only 62 . this really upset me. Youth these days need a brain transplant ?
Liver transplants, and a moan? - British Liver Trust
Liver transplants, and a moan?

Where in the world are you Nictesla?You've a Cornish flag on your profile so if you are in the UK that's a lot of nonsense that you wouldn't be transplanted at 62 - the forum has members who have received transplant older than that and I personally have met a lady transplanted at 72.
The transplant criteria is strict and advanced age (which 62 isn't) is a relative contraindication to transplant owing to older age often bringing with is frailties with heart and lungs that might make transplant impossible.
They will only assess and list people when the clinical need says they need to be listed, when all else has failed or been tried and symptoms are starting to put a risk on life. They don't put folks on the list 'just in case' because being on the list brings restrictions on travel and all sorts so you only go on the list when transplant is needed (hence my hubby is no longer on the list having been listed in 2014 - delisted in 2015 when his bloods stabilized and it took him out of the criteria for/need for transplant).
I presume this is a local doctor and you arn't currently being seen at a transplant unit. If your liver is doing ok you wouldn't currently be assessed for transplant and certainly wouldn't be listed BUT if you do become symptomatic or your condition worsens do ASK for referral/2nd opinion at a transplant centre - touch base with them and see what they think.
Your doctor is very incorrect in saying you wouldn't be transplanted in your 60's. Unless you have other issues which would prevent it.
That's just what I was thinking!!
Hi Nictesla
I would request his comments in writing or request a second opinion !
Sorry I cannot comment further as I'm not a TP patient !
In the meantime I wish you all the best
I was transplanted at 68 also.
My husband at 62 was told he is young so therefore he is being referred to the Transplant Assessment Team.
Hello Nictesla, Jaycee is perfectly correct about the age thingy. I've heard of a gentleman who got transplanted at the QE aged 69. Age is no longer such a factor. A normal GP can't refer you to be put forward to go on a liver transplant list, and I find that a lot of GP's are rather out of their depth when it comes to liver disease. This is why most patients will be referred to a Gastroenterologist, or a Hepatologist at their local hospital.
If these guys feel that a liver transplant is needed or required, then they will make a referral to one of the seven regional liver transplant centres. I think the nearest one to you will be the Royal Free Hospital in London. Here a team of around five different people will decide if a transplant is a viable option. Improving a persons quality of life is a high on the list.
I totally agree with what Katie has said. Good Luck .

Just to clarify...
The nearest centre to Cornwall is the south west liver unit at Derriford hospital, Plymouth. They are currently bidding to be able to provide TP services at Derriford. However they are linked with King's College Hospital, London, and therefore, pre TP assessment and post TP support are provided at Derriford, the actual TP happens at King's.
The team at Derriford are excellent, and if you feel you need further assessment ask to be referred to this unit. They will be able to decide if you require assessment for transplant. As others have said, this would only be considered if your liver is decompensated, or your quality of life is severely affected.
If you are relatively well then don't be in a rush to be listed, it's a very challenging experience, and only considered for those who are in liver failure.
Best wishes
Hi Nictesla,
I have F4 cirrhosis, compensated just now, and I asked my Hepatologist if, at 72, I would be considered for a transplant if it became necessary, and he replied "unlikely" At 62 though, I would think you are considered young enough for assessment and listing, if your cirrhosis worsened.
Hi David, do you have other health issues beside liver-related ones?
Hi Boot,
The only other health issues I have are Migraine, and osteoarthritis, so apart from the joint pain, and headaches and sight impairment when having a migraine, I'm as fit a butcher's dog🐕😊
Sounds like you’re the top dog to me David.
Oh that's awesome. I think if you become decompensated, then you'll be assessed, unless you are against the surgery. But sounds like that isn't near the case, so far so good. 👍😊