Beware the Ides of March - Part 2 ๐Ÿ˜€ - British Liver Trust

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Beware the Ides of March - Part 2 ๐Ÿ˜€

ThreeSmiles profile image
โ€ข112 Replies


Yipee yi-o ki-a,

Galloping all the way

Here comes Quick Draw McGraw.



No idea why Iโ€™m singing that! Maybe because Iโ€™m happy, because tomorrow- nearly a year to the day since pain started in earnest - Iโ€™m getting my complex hernia fixed (large incisional and umbilical hernias) - so for now itโ€™s a ๐Ÿ‘.

Anyone remember Brett11 - I bet you โ€œoldiesโ€ - forum oldies that is - do. He had a hernia and he called it Big Bertha. Thankfully Big Bertha met her demise a few months ago after Bob had waited a long time to be mended - maybe even longer than me? If you look at NHS websites incisional hernias are considered cosmetic - but then if they get very big then that verdict soon changes ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ‘Ž.

Three months ago in a thread of the same name I warned about being careful of lifting things after your Transplant - or I suppose any stomach op ๐Ÿ˜•. Iโ€™m sure mine started about the 6 month mark but may have been earlier - but certainly got worse and worse after the 6 month โ€œkeep out zoneโ€ time period. Despite two US scans it was hypothesised as just nerves mending. Hmm got fed up with them saying that every month until a very very nice Consultant got me a CT scan (Theyโ€™re all very nice but he was very very nice ๐Ÿ˜€). Say no more ๐Ÿ˜€ - we all - well a lot of us - know how good CT scans are!

Hence this new thread is just a reminder to be so very very careful. (Yes I know there can be other reasons for hernias to occur but....).

Take care all you transplantees or those about to have Transplants - again I wish I had!!

PS I may be brave and post a before and after photo later ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž


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ThreeSmiles profile image
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112 Replies
alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Milo.

Hope all goes well tomorrow and you are back home resting...โ€ฆโ€ฆ..and not lifting!!!! shortly after.

Don't go pinching any hand washes or theatre masks whilst you're in there!

:-) :-) :-)


briccolone profile image
briccoloneโ€ข in reply toalfredthegreat

well if you do see some spare masks not doing anything-there's a ready market here

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tobriccolone

Hi Brick - didnโ€™t see any masks and certainly no spare ones ๐Ÿ˜€!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toalfredthegreat

Hey up freddy - thanks but you have seen below it was cancelled ๐Ÿ˜•. I didnโ€™t see any masks but doctors were shaking hands and I saw a nurse coughing into her hand!

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreatโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

That beggars belief doesn't it when the medical profession are so lax about things ? :-(

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toalfredthegreat

There seems to be nil concern re the virus there except for a sign on the main doors and at the lifts.

P13jne profile image
P13jneโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Oh my goodness, thatโ€™s ridiculous. I knew I should have read the thread first ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ anyway still no lifting my lovely xx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toP13jne

I wonโ€™t/canโ€™t ๐Ÿ˜€. Thanks ppppjane...

Bust a gut. In stitches already.๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Bretter behave this time.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ‘

โ€ข in reply to


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

I behaved impeccably lol!! I did ask to see the bed manager after it was cancelled after pratting around for 8 hours but wife told me off and said NO - youโ€™ll only get cross ๐Ÿ˜€. So I continued to behave and we left without a word of complaint - well thatโ€™s not wholly true but .... ๐Ÿ˜€

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

I was there 4 hrs waiting on bloods, no competition. Ground hog day mara then or back on the scratch card lottery? ๐Ÿ™„

Seen it scratcher list ofeck๐Ÿ‘Ž

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

I hope itโ€™s not ground hog day next time for sure!

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Marching Orders

Any instructions handed down from on high which clearly delineate where to go and what to do. ๐Ÿค”

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

They told the nurses to tell me to do one.

I asked what that meant...

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles


briccolone profile image

hope all goes well mate

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tobriccolone

Thanks Brick but was a disaster being cancelled after eight hours of waiting ๐Ÿ‘Ž...

Really hope all goes well, I remember Brett11 and big Bertha!

Great advice from you.

Hope to hear you are much better soon.

I will be thinking of you. As will most on here.

Sending huge virtual hugs ๐Ÿค—

Waiting for photo lol ๐Ÿ˜‚


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Hi J or C or JC or jay or Cee ๐Ÿ˜€ - thanks for your kind words. All a bit of a disaster all in all - waited for eight hours after going through the obligatory interviews to be told throughout - waiting for a bed...still waiting for a bed..still....oops no beds bye bye ๐Ÿ˜€

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Oh no!! How gutting, I am so very sorry xx what next?

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Well on the plus side I rang the liver unit just now and they had already discussed me - or was that disgust me (ohh that is the wrong way round isnโ€™t it - it canโ€™t be me being disgusting I behaved myself - honestly ๐Ÿ˜€) - but will ring tomorrow with a date...we shall see ๐Ÿ˜•

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Well that sounds like a plan my friend disappointing but a good plan. Stay as happy as you always are xxxx Jay

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Thank you C J ๐Ÿ‘

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Good boy xx


Good luck for tomorrow and no lifting. Practice what you preach as they say!!! I really do hope everything goes well tomorrow. Will be thinking of you. Take care Lynne

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Hi Lynne - thank you! I did lift my bag both there and hey hey or boo boo back home after a very boring eight hour unsuccessful wait for a BED. I nearly offered to go and buy one but I donโ€™t think they would have been amused. It would have amused me though - and think of the stories I could tell the grandchildren ๐Ÿ˜€.

I'm sure alls going to go perfectly well tomorrow and when you finally wake from your beautiful long dreamโ›ต you'll wonder what all the worry was about!

Good luck Miles and here's a hug to help with a few hours sleep tonight!

Love Trish ๐Ÿ˜˜

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Oh Trish, Iโ€™m afraid to say Ih broke your five hour wait for nothing to happen record. In fact I shopped it ๐Ÿ˜€ - Eight hours. They wouldnโ€™t even allow me to do any training....canโ€™t think why!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Where did โ€œshoppedโ€ it come from? What was I even trying to say - I have no idea - whopped it?

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Topped it?

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Ooh you are too clever for me filly ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Iโ€™m sorry for your miserable disappointment today. What a waste of everything. It does feel like a service right on the edge. If this is what we must put up with Iโ€™d like a notice at check in saying what percentage chance of a cancellation. I could make a judgement for myself then if I was able to wait around or not.

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

You've definately topped my score for sure! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Not an achievement to be proud of though, is it ๐Ÿ˜•. Still, as I used to get told so many times as a child, worse things happen at sea! But worse - much worse - things happen in normal life too every day!! Cโ€™est la vie. ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Your so right on the everyday comment... lots going on ๐Ÿ‘Žbrother, sister, uncle very poorly and close friends having really tough shi ..y time.....

Life's a never ending battle but we must keeping being there for one and other through thick and thin as the saying goes !

I'm sending you all a Trishy hug especially to those of you having a bad time of it all!




I'm sure yours wonderful friends here will have there ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคžwell and truly crossed that your op is a successful one and the following recovery days are comfortable ones with lots of pretty nurses to fluff up your pillows whilst your there.

All the best if you manage to read this before you leave

Trish ๐Ÿค—

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

I didnโ€™t tbh .... you will have been able to read my mind by now though and know it was a disaaaster... well it was cancelled as above and below lol!

Kate50 profile image

Good luck for today hope all goes well ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜˜

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toKate50

Thank you Kate - but it was cancelled ๐Ÿ˜•. No doubt will have to wait months for next attempt.....

Kate50 profile image
Kate50โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Aw thatโ€™s rotten, plays with your mind, all set to go then they cancel, hope your not too down about it and you donโ€™t have a long wait until itโ€™s rescheduled, take care ๐ŸŒผ

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toKate50

Thanks Kate! Not as down as you get after an abortive liver TP trip! Yoiks thatโ€™s Hard Rock Cafe down!

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles


I'm so sorry it was cancelled, all that waiting around., I hope you are near to the top of the list ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐ŸคžThings don't change. 35 years ago when I was due to have my gall bladder out we had to phone to see if there was a bed, at least I could stay at home until I got one, luckily for me there was a bed available. Love and hugs to you and Lizzie Lynne xxxx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Thank you Lynne - I was No.1 today. When we got there at 07:00 (actually at 06:30 but they wouldnโ€™t let us in until 07:00!) we were told I would be going to theatre at 08:30....hmm many hours later - nearly 3 oโ€™clock - oops no bed...

davianne profile image

All the best for tomorrow Miles ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž, just don't let them use mesh, it moves about. Behave yourself with all those young nurses๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. I look forward to your tales of daring do.


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply todavianne

Thank you David! Mesh? What mesh ๐Ÿ˜€. Escaped for a few months. Cancelled as Iโ€™ve written elsewhere ๐Ÿ˜€. Actually Iโ€™m very sad not to be meshed....

davianne profile image
davianneโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Miles, I had an inguinal hernia repaired with mesh....the same as used on women. Mine moves, and can give a lot of pain in the groin when it does.


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply todavianne

Oh crikeyyyyy David. What a nuisance and obviously pain that is ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ‘Ž.Maybe with mine being across the front of my middle it may be better ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž. I canโ€™t leave it though because I am not allowed on holiday till itโ€™s fixed so this letter says. But I suppose by the end of next week none of us will be going hoo ๐Ÿ‘Ž

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply todavianne

Oh and so it was a daring donโ€™t ๐Ÿ˜€.

joeburger profile image

Good luck and take care in your recovery. Lesley

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tojoeburger

Thank you Lesley . Iโ€™ll hold those best wishes for next time - whenever that may be. I knew calls for TPs can often have to be aborted but not an operation which has been planned for over five months ๐Ÿ˜•....

joeburger profile image
joeburgerโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Oh I'm sorry they have cancelled your op after all that time waiting. Sending you some more kind thoughts and hoping you don't have to wait too long . Take care.


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tojoeburger

Thx Lesley!

Wass71 profile image

Thinking of you Smiles, wishing you quick healing, and recovery and a totally successful op. You'll be bombing around wearing Liz out very soon.

Big big, but gentle hugs x x x

โ€ข in reply toWass71

Iโ€™d like to see a pic of him wearing Liz out! It could start a new fashion ๐Ÿ˜‚ xx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

She wonโ€™t fit ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜

Wass71 profile image
Wass71โ€ข in reply to

Goodness, what a mistakea to makea!! I didn't even notice - I think I'll just go with exhausting Liz, as I can't work out the correct grammar at this time of night!!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toWass71

Ohh I think you got it right the first time - it was better fun to read ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€. But trust filly to pick up on that - it shows a certain mindset - doesnโ€™t it filly ๐Ÿ˜€.

โ€ข in reply toWass71

Sorry Wassy! Nothing wrong with your grammar! Just me deliberately doing that โ€˜Carry Onโ€™ thing of taking it the wrong way. ๐Ÿคฃ Iโ€™m not one to make excuses for myself but it was the mention of fluffy nurses and pretty pillows (?) that gave me the prompt to say something equally inappropriate ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Haha haha - I loved it whatever, and Wassy doesnโ€™t mind - do you Wassy ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘. Anyway it was Trishโ€™s fault for mentioning the fluffy nurses and pretty pillows! Trish! ๐Ÿ˜€

Wass71 profile image
Wass71โ€ข in reply to

Having had a night's sleep I'm now even more confused. My spelling is pretty awful at the best of times. I do get your wonderful SoH Filli, but I'm regularly confused regarding our crazy English language. X

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toWass71

Hey up Wassie! I think I have taken a leaf out of your book re cancellations, but yours were sort of, if not wholly, to be understood - a scheduled op should surely go ahead and not be cancelled for lack of a bed eh? Boo hoo ๐Ÿ˜€. Got to keep smiling - FourSmiles?

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Thats the spirit ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Is the spirit a little weak? Yes - now just waiting for all non-urgent ops to be cancelled - thanks Corona ๐Ÿ˜€. Oh, or all โ€œat riskโ€ peeps to be told to stay at home! Lol - arenโ€™t I upbeat ๐Ÿ˜€. Well I am actually trying to be - and as freddy would say - weโ€™re still here! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Maybe better if only emergency surgery takes place in the current climate? Itโ€™s a huge loss to a patient, preparing for surgery that doesnโ€™t happen? Now you need convalescence and you didnโ€™t even get fixed! Take care!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toWass71

Ohh and thanks for the hugs - you donโ€™t have to be gentle now ๐Ÿ˜€

Wass71 profile image
Wass71โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

I think it's always wise to be gentle, especially when you still have bits outside your body which should be inside!!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toWass71

Lol! As long as they donโ€™t go further out (they wouldnโ€™t would they if I was getting a hug ๐Ÿ˜€) then Iโ€™m happy ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘.

Best wishes Miles! I hope everything is to your satisfaction and high standards! ๐Ÿ™‚

โ€ข in reply to

And please donโ€™t wear Liz out - get a coat like normal people! ๐Ÿ˜‚

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Ooh filly - very clever take on words ๐Ÿ‘. I failed though because she was absolutely physically and psychologically knackered after getting up at 0400 and an eight hour fruitless wait in the Hospital. Going to town tomorrow to buy her a new coat - ohh wait, maybe Iโ€™ll use Amazon (other retailers are available) instead - donโ€™t want to mix with Corona....

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

I asked Amazon to gift wrap my new phone in case I was out and they threw it over the roof. Hard times call for softer landings. I hope Liz gets her new coat safely!๐Ÿ˜€

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

That one went right over your head then filly - didnโ€™t it - be honest ๐Ÿ˜€

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

I canโ€™t say if โ€œitโ€ went over my head because I donโ€™t know what โ€œitโ€ you're talking about! I can say for sure youโ€™ll get an honest answer from me if you can remember what the โ€œitโ€ was๐Ÿ˜…

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Your new phone ๐Ÿ˜€

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Iโ€™m not convinced you remembered! Anyway, BT arrived before Amazon. I didnโ€™t even need a new phone!! So now Iโ€™m stockpiling phones. I gotta stockpile something apparently. I hope it goes up in value!!

โ€ข in reply to

ET phone home ๐Ÿ™„

โ€ข in reply to


โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

No. I was home taking a nap when Amazon knocked loud and I shouted Just Wait! Lucky he didnโ€™t throw it at my head!๐Ÿค•

Good luck Miles! keep us posted :)

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Thank you Trust1 Rebecca. Unfortunately cancelled - no beds - after eight hours kicking our heels in a very very dour waiting room at QEHB. Not like QEHB at all ๐Ÿ‘Ž. I felt like Mary - no beds at the Inn ๐Ÿ˜•. But my lovely โ€œnamedโ€ nurse squeezed me into a consulting room with a trolley so I got a half hour kip ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘.

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

A nurse after my own heart ๐Ÿ‘

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

So sorry to read it got cancelled, that is always so frustrating. Well done to the nurse for getting you somewhere to rest. keep us posted.

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Thanks Trusty1 and I will ๐Ÿ˜€

jacobsmum24 profile image

Good Luck Miles x

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tojacobsmum24

Thanks mum - was cancelled due to lack of a bed - just one little bed was all I needed ๐Ÿ˜€ - actually no a big long bed is what I needed. Perhaps that was the problem no long(er) beds available!

jacobsmum24 profile image
jacobsmum24โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

I need a dislike button ! How frustrating ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

โ€ข in reply tojacobsmum24

What's he like. Safe to say like, as unlike doesn't cut it or register.

Good point though. ๐Ÿค”

ThreeSmiles profile image

Hi everyone

Thank you all for your kind words and good wishes ๐Ÿ‘

Not to beat about the bush - after an eight hour wait the op was cancelled because of lack of a bed! Hard to believe tbh but even the surgeon said he would be twiddling his thumbs if a bed wasnโ€™t found! Somehow itโ€™s hard to believe thatโ€™s the way you should be running a Hospital like the QEHB - well actually any Hospital for that matter....๐Ÿ˜•.

Not a very pleasant eight hours in a rather dour waiting room as well - while Iโ€™m in moaning mode ๐Ÿ˜€.

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreatโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Words fail !!!

Commiserations Milo :- ( :- ( :-(

Bed nobs & dipsticks. Shame on The Management. ๐Ÿ™„

โ€ข in reply to

Not great is it? Bringing a vulnerable patient to wait in a hospital for 8 hours to be sent home without treatment?

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply to

Yes - please call me Mr Vulnerable! Meet all the criteria ๐Ÿ˜€

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

You and everyone waiting for surgery.....๐Ÿ˜•

โ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Venerable, Sir Smiler. ๐Ÿง๐Ÿ˜‚

briccolone profile image

Curses Miles hope all went well ๐Ÿ˜Š

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tobriccolone

Lol brick - youโ€™re obtaining feckelโ€™s SOH - beware ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

briccolone profile image
briccoloneโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

hehe- I aspire to those dizzy heights :-)

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tobriccolone

Unobtainable ๐Ÿ˜€.

briccolone profile image
briccoloneโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply tobriccolone

๐Ÿ˜€ I was joking of course - wasnโ€™t I feckle ๐Ÿ‘

P13jne profile image

Hey Miles, sorry Iโ€™m too young to understand your yodelling ๐Ÿฅด.

Good luck with the op Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll be very careful after this, leave the lifting to others my lovely ๐Ÿค—.

Sending big hugs. Jane xx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toP13jne

Aha - now I see what you mean above or below ๐Ÿ˜€about reading the thread first! Itโ€™s OK itโ€™s hard to keep up with threads sometimes, isnโ€™t it! The hugs went down well though so Iโ€™m glad you didnโ€™t cancel those ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘.

P13jne profile image
P13jneโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles

Plenty of hugs, I'm sure you will be fine now as they're magical xx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toP13jne

Sorted ๐Ÿ˜€ thank you!

Owlie profile image

Hi Miles,

Sorry I seem to be a day late! Hope all went well Chucky egg and you are soon back on your tootsies! X

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toOwlie

Owlie - you predicted that so well - I am indeed on my tootsies - nothing disturbed their rhythm at all! It was cancelled - well I hope just postponed by a couple of weeks ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

Owlie profile image

PS just got to the end of the post to see it was cancelled, so technically Iโ€™m not late!

Sorry to hear about the cancellation matey boy and hope they rebook you soon, bug hug and sending you a lolly! ๐Ÿญ

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply toOwlie

Hehe Thanks Owlie -or is that Matesey girl ๐Ÿ˜€

Is it a diabetic lolly? Hope not ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

davianne profile image

Oh Dear Miles!!!! what a bummer๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ . Wouldn't you think they should see if a bed is available, and tell you if frustrating for you to say the least.

I hope you get it re-booked very soon.


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmilesโ€ข in reply todavianne

Thanks David ๐Ÿ˜€. I agree - drink ups in a brewery spring to mind - unless dearest (not ๐Ÿ˜•) Corona has already struck there and theyโ€™re not telling anyone - conspiracies rule KO...

davianne profile image
davianneโ€ข in reply toThreeSmiles


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