Sorry once again for asking same ques... - British Liver Trust

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Sorry once again for asking same question?

kuda123 profile image
22 Replies

I am felling worse now .I am having poor appetite insomnia severe hair fall.....If someone reversed fibrosis .is it still possible to regain appetite?

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kuda123 profile image
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22 Replies

Good afternoon kuda123.

I am sorry to hear of your symptoms. May I suggest you talk them over with your doctors who may be able to help and perhaps refer you to a dieitian.

Best wishes,


bintcliffe profile image

Hi Kuda123

Firstly when I came out of hospital I had poor appetite gradually it came back and I am now battling to stop putting weight on so my answer is yes in my opinion I think your appetite will come back also my hair came out so much I had bald patches what my GP found is that I required vit B12 injections after that my hair came back better and stronger this could have had nothing to do with the injections but I think it was.

Keep positive I'm sure you will see the benefits soon XX

Amethyst91 profile image

I know this is old but I wanted to see how your doing now with the symptoms? We’re you able to completely reverse the fibrosis?

kuda123 profile image
kuda123 in reply to Amethyst91

Sorry but I no longer post so much this forum since I subsided some of my symptoms by drinking extra cup of filter coffee 4 cups sometimes 6 cups a day.I have insomnia once in a while and also gained appetite a lot ..My bowel movement is again becoming normal...yay I think I am recovering

Amethyst91 profile image

That’s wonderful!

I wish I could feel the same. I stopped alcohol, cut out bad food, and drink coffee with a splash of almond milk like crazy and I’m just falling deeper down the home with no tests to show for it. I just started up having what I believe is horrible bile reflux again that I’m terrified could be early ascites. I feel so full with acid or bile that my throat and chest hurt and I feel like I could just throw up liquid at any moment though I’m not nauseated. I’m trying so hard to be hopeful and reverse this condition only diagnosed as mild fatty liver so far but I’m scared I’m just getting closer to cirrhosis if I’m not already there :(

kuda123 profile image
kuda123 in reply to Amethyst91

You can reverse now itself ..Don't let your body go to that condition .Stop drinking alcohol immediately..Start drinking Coffee brewed on a filter paper ..Get a coffee with a high caffeine that's put an extra favour to your liver ,Robusta coffee have more antioxidant and twice the antioxidant than arabica .My condition was miserable an year back ..I lost a lot of muscle mass ,hair .inspite of eating a lot of protein I was losing muscle of the arm .after drinking filter I regained muscle mass back .My hair fall decreased a lot . I drank coffee since I was diagnosed with liver problem but boiled coffee that again damaged my liver to some extent I guess..Remember drink filtered coffee ...only filtered coffee had been shown to decrease fibrosis cirrhosis and HCC risk .

Amethyst91 profile image

Omg I had no idea there was a difference with coffee. When I look it up it would just say any type of unsweetened coffee was good. I use k cups but now I’m gonna go buy an old fashion machine. My symptoms are so bad right now and idk what happened but it feels like my liver and spleen are so irritated my chest hurts. I’m so exhausted from all this.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Amethyst91


"The report provides evidence that:

- Regularly drinking moderate amounts of coffee may prevent liver cancer – the World Health Organisation has recently confirmed this reduced risk after reviewing more than 1,000 studies in humans

- Coffee also lowers the risk of other liver conditions including fibrosis (scar tissue that builds up within the liver) and cirrhosis

- Drinking coffee can slow the progression of liver disease in some patients

- Beneficial effects have been found however the coffee is prepared – filtered, instant and espresso"

So it doesn't need to be filtered only.

Dd4560 profile image
Dd4560 in reply to Amethyst91

Wait, I'm drinking K-Cups too, those are considered filtered coffee. K-Cups should still be good, it's hot water going through ground beans. Unless I'm not understanding something?

Amethyst91 profile image
Amethyst91 in reply to Dd4560

I think I did more research and it was fine. I misunderstood what it was saying lol. I’m still using k cups.

Dd4560 profile image
Dd4560 in reply to Amethyst91

Hope you get your biopsy soon. I would love to hear good news from you. I'm 35, binge drinker all my life, usually only on weekends. Then during the first 3 weeks of shutdown (Mid March to April), spent 3 weeks sitting at home and drinking everyday, heavy drinking (half of a 750 ml, plus about a 6 pack of beer daily). Took a break from alcohol for a few weeks, then started drinking again on weekends. Developed RUQ around late June, haven't drank since. My bloods were normal back in early March before my 3 week binge, in June I was at the ER due to high blood pressure, and my ALT-38 (0-41), AST-33 (0-41), Albumin was raised 5.4 (3.5-5.2), MCH was raised 34.1 (25.8 - 33.1). I still had a few binge weekends after the ER visit mainly cuz I was happy I didn't have a heart attack, until I started noticing a RUQ/back pain. Went to Cardiologist in early July, on a Monday after a binge weekend. ALT-33, AST-22, Albumin-4.9, MCH-33.6. So bloods were showing some elevations, but nothing to worry about. I was worried about my heart, but it was determined that my heart was fine after a stress test. I didn't even think about liver until I got an US and found out that I have a slightly enlarged/fatty liver. My BMI is 31, but have done weightlifting all my life, yes I am slightly overweight, but you wouldn't say I was obese by looking at me. RUQ pain has not subsided since it started back in July. Since the RUQ started I've become a nervous mess. Today I started going crazy thinking I have Terry's Nails. My lunula on my thumb seems bigger than normal, and if I look at my nail from a slight angle, I can see a white patch above the lunula, however if I look at it from another angle everything seems normal and pink... IDK, but reading all the stories, I will be getting an MRI w/ contrast to get 2nd opinion about my liver. Also I went on a diet this week and it feels like my RUQ is a lot better only after a few days of eating better. How were you able to manage your RUQ pain?

Yarkis profile image
Yarkis in reply to Dd4560

Hey DD, had similar issues myself. Here's some interesting info that helped me. The liver itself doesn't have pain receptors. When your liver "hurts" it's due to the thin protective sack around it being stretched. Aka some kind of fat accumulation or inflammation (hepatitis). Quit drinking for a month or two at the very least and eat right. I know it's difficult, I'm a recovering alcoholic myself. Keep reading on this forum though, alcohol won't only ruin your life, it'll take it. Consider the fatty liver a blessing and a wake-up call. Some don't get as lucky as us. My RUQ has pretty much gone completely. Little over three weeks sober and a strict mediterranean diet. Hope that helps!

Dd4560 profile image
Dd4560 in reply to Yarkis

Yes, I understand, it's called the Glisson Capsule. I hope my main issue is ignorance, as I have not drank at all for over 6 months, I had my US 3 months ago. I was told it's a mildly enlarged/fatty liver and nothing to worry about, however the pain has not went away. My thinking is that although I stopped drinking I really need to reconfigure my whole diet, as I have been hoping the pain and fatty liver issue would go away on it's own just with abstinence. I am getting on a diet and will be losing weight gradually in the next few months to see if it helps. I am suffering anxiety, and while sharing this information, I wonder, jeez if my liver showed mildly enlarged/fatty 3 months ago, how did my liver look after my 3 week binge in late March/April... I don't even want to think about it. My last drink was at the end of June, and I didn't get the US until late September...

Yarkis profile image
Yarkis in reply to Dd4560

I had ridiculous anxiety myself. Steering clear of caffeine helped me a lot. A cup of coffee and my anxiety was on the "I'm already dead" level. Being a weight lifter, I'm sure you've heard of milk thistle. Seemed to help me a lot. Though others might disagree. Takes a while to change your body as I'm sure you know. Just stick with it man. I'm trying to do so myself. 😅

Dd4560 profile image
Dd4560 in reply to Yarkis

Yeah, I've been taking milk thistle capsules for the last few months, 250mg/3x/day, however I have been pretty lazy and not really doing much in terms of exercise, also you know how people feel about milk thistle here... and I really have not done extensive research on it one way or another. Since my fatty liver diagnosis I cut out my nightly ice cream and have cut down on sugar aside from fruits, but still sometimes eat potatoes. Sometimes have a glass of milk, but it's iffy because there's sugar in there too. I've started eating oatmeal as I know those are good carbs, however I haven't really lost any weight, was just maintaining. In the mornings I have eggs with fresh peppers or tomatoes, and either a slice of cheese, or some smoked salmon, and wholewheat bread. Another question, does smoked salmon have too much salt? Also, a lot of people say to stay away from carbs, but others say carbs are fine just stay away from sugar. In the end, I need to do serious research about what is easy on the liver and what is not.

I've realized now that just not drinking is not enough, I will be losing weight. Weight is easy to lose, however losing weight gradually is the hard part. I read some people further damaged their liver by losing weight too quickly.

Yarkis profile image
Yarkis in reply to Dd4560

Not wrong at all. You want to make sure you're well nourished for sure. What I would suggest is limiting bad fats and fiber-less carbs. Carbs are sugar. Your liver will turn them into glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Glucose/fructose is used as fuel for every day activities and sucrose is normally stored as a resource or shat out essentially. White bread for instance is basically a loaf of sugar with added sugar and close to zero fiber. The fiber helps keep your digestive track healthy so you can better absorb nutrients. As far as getting rid of the fat in your liver, a good place to start would be your blood. Limiting, or in my case eliminating, poor fats is a hell of a good start. The more HDL cholesterol you consume and the less LDL cholesterol you consume, the less free lipids (fat) flowing through your blood. Milk thistle has also been shown to lower LDL. I'm not a doctor though and this is all common sense/speculation from reading way to many health studies. As far as dosing with milk thistle, one of the major studies I read saw improvement at a 430mg before bed. That's what I do. If you're down for a large-worded read, here's a cool study on the main alkaloid silymarin in conjunction with NAFLD.

Amethyst91 profile image
Amethyst91 in reply to Dd4560

Honestly it’s been 7 months of being sober and really changing my diet and it still flares up at least two to three times a week. It did go from every to a little less often so I guess that’s improvement. My MRI dec 5th was more terrifying than anything . It stated my liver was still 20cm long so still pretty damn enlarged despite all the hard work and my portal vein measured at 1.5 which is like the boarder line cut off and technically on my paper work states enlarged portal vein. Enlarged portal vein is pretty much mostly and mainly portal hypertension which is freaking scary in every level however that specific diagnosis has not been made yet. I was set for a biopsy on Monday the 11th but caught covid during holiday rush at work so now everything got pushed back. My biopsy is now Jan 25 and I’m getting bloods drawn this coming Monday to see where I’m at now and if covid did any damage. Meanwhile I’m just trying my best to stay positive and eat as clean as I can in hopes I can still fix myself. Drs don’t really give a clear answer on anything so only time will tell just hope this isn’t NASH or autoimmune hepatitis either. I hope all your scan turn out well.

Dd4560 profile image
Dd4560 in reply to Amethyst91

Yes, thank you, I will create my own post with summary/updates when I get my MRI w/ contrast. Gotta get the doc to write out the rx first, I called today, she hasn't called me back, idk if she as my GP needs to see me first, or can just write it out and send it off to my nearest radiology center. What a strange time we live in, and on top of that we have these stupid health concerns to keep us occupied with. Please continue to take care of yourself and hang in there.

Dd4560 profile image
Dd4560 in reply to Amethyst91

Oh I was also wondering, does your RUQ pain do anything related to food? I feel like I get more RUQ pain in between meals, but it eases a bit right after a meal. Like I barely felt anything for a couple of hours after lunch today, and then before dinner I was feeling it more. Also have you tried more but smaller meals per day? I think I'll also try that soon. Currently drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day, and lots of water.

Amethyst91 profile image
Amethyst91 in reply to Dd4560

I don’t usually notice it specifically with food. Sometimes if I eat slot or if I know o ate not great food I’ll notice it. I think that’s what’s most frustrating is that’s very random and I don’t usually have a trigger for it. I know I asked my Hepatologist at my appointment for an mri and he agreed. It took my gi calling him after my mri and recommending the biopsy for my Hepatologist y to o approve it. It takes a lot of work get approval for all these things sometimes.

Amethyst91 profile image

Thank you! I’m in such bad shape right now. Idk why my bile is just backing up and sitting in my stomach causing so much discomfort I can hardly eat or sleep and it hurts my chest to move and breathe. I’m scared it’s finally tipping over to the bad side :(

Does anyone have information about melatonin and cirrhosis? I used to use marijuana but stopped when all this started to try and do all the healthy things so I’ve instead been using melatonin for sleep. I read conflicting arguments stating it obviously goes through the liver so it’s causes stress and some saying it’s a good antioxidant type that cirrhosis patients can use.

Yarkis profile image
Yarkis in reply to Amethyst91

Check out this medical study. I'd say it is probably good to take melatonin with a diagnosis of NAFL. The sleep will do wonders. Especially if you have high TST from your thyroid. Which is pretty common in any kind of lipid involved

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