Anti depressants : Hi guys could I ask... - British Liver Trust

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Anti depressants

Alley27 profile image
50 Replies

Hi guys could I ask how many of you are taking antidepressants please. Which ones you take and why you chose to take them.

I am struggling with so much and I don't really have a strong network of support.

I feel totally alone some days even when I have people in the house..

Thanks x

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Alley27 profile image
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50 Replies


I'm really sorry you feel so alone. Well, you will never be alone on here even during the night when you have people like me who are still awake!!

When my Dr was giving me a pain med called duloxetine, he told me it is an antidepressant as well. I weaned myself off my other antidepressant to go on this one, I must admit this one helped my depression as much as much as citalopram did.

How are feeling at the moment? Take care. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

GarboForever - 'I vant to be alone' 🤫

Alley27 profile image
Alley27 in reply to

Tonight I am still wide awake as many of is are who suffer insomnia as a result of our disease, or steroids. I usually fall to sleep about 3 to 4 am..up by 8 or 9. Its difficult when you cant help crashing at any time during the day lol

In myself, I feel a little worn down and exhausted. Been on the road of autoimmune illnesses for 8 years now. Medication helped at first but this last 18 months have taken their toll on me.

Like most I feel poorly more times than well. I feel isolated because I don't go put much anymore. A positive note here is that I have an allotment which gets me out for an hour if the weather is ok.

I have decided to try and get a mobility scooter so that I can get about more, I get very tired when I walk. This is another joyful part of our Illness. I call my bad days my WTF moments lol

Sometimes I do feel down but I try and get past it by walking my dog. Not too far though because she is an old gal and can't walk too far either lol.

I guess that we all have down days, but if we can stay positive and ease our way through them, we will be ok.

Take care xx

in reply to Alley27


Sorry you don't sleep well. I have an hour or less sleep per night due to pain, hence why I'm still awake now. I do hope you get some sleep. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Mirtazapine smallest dose 15mg. It's taken at night as it's also claimed to aid sleep.

TBH I don't think it worked for me. I might have needed a stronger dose. I've just weaned myself of them, not renewing my script. Will see how a Placebo effect works in withdrawal.

Fluoxetine (Prozac) had the opposite intended effect. It sent me nuttier, (Miles), crazy legs, muscle spasms etc. As with them all if you read the leaflet you wouldn't take them.

You may well know it's trial & error and we are the Guinea pigs. 🤔

in reply to

Nuttier?!? You can't be nuttier than you are are already 😅

in reply to

The Guardian 1999. I'm not Mad - They said it was safe

It was too good to be true. Prozac, the wonderdrug hailed as the answer to the war against depression and taken by some 37 million people worldwide, is not as harmless as we've been led to believe. Disturbing evidence has now emerged, showing that, after the initial relief and euphoria of the first dose, Prozac can push some patients into so agitated a state of mind that they are a danger not only to themselves, but to others, too.

Separate article -

Van Meerendonk was prescribed Prozac in 1990 by a psychiatrist: he was not suffering from depression, but dizziness, fatigue, tinnitus and hearing loss, after severe flu. “I stopped taking it after my head began to feel strange and my muscles started twitching,” he recalls. His old symptoms persisted, despite visits to specialists and an ear operation.

The article goes into more detail but too long to post.

Meerendonk ran the Benelux section of Prozac Survivors Support Group USA.

I concur with everything in his statement. 😵

in reply to

Safe, my a**e!! I wonder how many people are suffering the consequences of this drug and that the side effects have been life long!! It doesn't bear thinking about. I wonder how many meds are out there now causing people adverse effects. Take care Lynne

in reply to

Living proof.

I read articles on Quora USA from two individuals that developed Liver issues from Doctors prescription's of Ibuprofen & Naproxen.

in reply to

When I think back, one Dr in particular was writing my prescription as I walked into his room!! I wish I'd been more knowledgeable then but I trusted my Dr!!

in reply to

We have Dr Meanie who wouldn't give you a pill or sick note if your head was hanging off. 🤕

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Feckle - Nuttier - is that possible 😀. Well you prompted me to say that didn’t you! Oh Lynne beat me to it - GJ Lynne 😀👍

in reply to ThreeSmiles's early bird🥜🥜🥜 🙄

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Not a clue me ol’ fruit, not a clue




What you’re on about....



in reply to ThreeSmiles

Summit with an e innit. Totally irrelevant but e got there 1st, early bird.

Oh! Nuts 🤪

in reply to ThreeSmiles

😂yes, I did!!

How's you?

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

You did what Lynne - get it? Please explain pour moi SVP 😀

in reply to ThreeSmiles


Can't find it now 😂 typical moo!!

Anyway, got fibroscan this afternoon xxxx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

😀 firstly 😀.

And then good luck at the fibroscan. How may of those have you had now?

in reply to ThreeSmiles


I've had one about 2 1/2 years ago. How's you?

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Coolio thanks 👍. Got GS#2 today - fortunately wife is at home - phew, because who knows when I’ll drift off!!

in reply to ThreeSmiles

Adorable👶 and I bet you enjoyed every minute especially with those match sticks pinning your eye lids open ! 😉

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

😀👍 I did thanks - but I didn’t have time for any 💤 💤😑 partly because I had to go to Hospital for appointment 😑😑😑

in reply to ThreeSmiles

Glad to hear👍Hope appointment went well 🤔

I'm guessing GS is to old for a chest papoose ??? Sleepy Snuggles together... Ah 🤗

in reply to

It didn't work for me either. Typical ☺️

jacobsmum24 profile image

I am sorry you are struggling with depression. I have struggled with bouts of cyclic depression and anxiety for many years which has led me to ruining my health through self medicating with alcohol. My GP will not prescribe anti-depressants for me as my liver would struggle to metabolize them. I manage mostly using mindfulness, exercise, acupuncture, relaxation etc. Some days I do struggle but tbh dont feel any worse than I did on prescription medication.

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to jacobsmum24

Well done for choosing other methods to help relieve your depression, most definately better and more affective alternatives to long term use of medication .... keep smiling xx 😀

in reply to Laura009

Liver friendly 😵

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to

Yes indeed 👍

Brightstar15 profile image

I was on a cocktail of antidepressants and antipsychotic. I have learnt from a consultant that my cause of cirrhosis was probably due to the amount of medication I was given, was not even sent for blood tests that you should of have had. I was put on the antipsychotic for anxiety and that I could not sleep had an in patient. My consultant said that it was a fact that the antipsychotic and antidepressants I was on give me a fatty liver caused massive weight gain, resulted in type 2 diabetes. Now I have come off them cold turkey, I don’t advise anyone else to do this but to slowly wean yourself off them. But I am a type of person who it’s all or nothing and ride it out. I am now on a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins. And I use music has therapy. Sometimes these drugs do more harm than help. Sometimes people do need them but sometimes GP leave you far to long on them. Just wanted to warn people that to be mindful. Don’t ever feel alone I am willing to help anyone out who is feeling low day or night. Anna xx

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Brightstar15

What also happens is once maybe twice a year, people on antidepressants have to be accessed in order to stay on them. How easy is it for a patient to say oh l need them still, I'm so much better for taking them. Convincing eh? Box ticked, another prescription printed out!

Brightstar15 profile image
Brightstar15 in reply to Laura009

And like my self Laura was not assessed, even when I was told I had cirrhosis. Never once I have I been called in to ask if I am feeling more myself. Just kept taking them, got repeated every week when put prescription in. xx

Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Brightstar15

I'm really pleased you are now living a more happy, healthy life without them.

Millie09 profile image

Hi alley ,.I was on sertraline 100mg daily , was in a bad way with depression, moods , etc.. this was in 2017, I'm now off them , they dont interfere with the liver , my gp checked out first yet I'm not happy with the fact that last week I was given naproxen by a locum gp , this was due to me falling over my cat holly 😏 damaged what muscles I have left in my left leg , I suffer bone degeneration of the hip and spine so as I am not on painkillers I was shocked to see I was issues these for short term pain relief, i had to take a few due to how I was feeling. My new gp will not issue anything, I'm off to see her Wednesday for meds review which I think is most important .

Like yourself I dont get out much, if and if I'm lucky to keep my pip award I'm going to invest in mobility scooter ..needs must , it's hard each day, fatigue, nausea , insomnia, now I have found a mole that's raised, red and very sore ..I had one removed many years ago ,it was malignant melanoma, i have many many moles on my body due to my skin colour being olive ,so that's another issue to deal with

Try to remain positive alley ,its difficult at times but we have to make the most of it

Linda x

Alley27 profile image

Thank you Millie, you stay positive too...yes the time has come for me to invest in a set of wheels. My friend said she is going to customize it lol...we are both a little bit goth, so imagination runs wild in this area.

There are some good second hand ones out there to buy and I might do this with the back pay PIP owe me. I had my home assessment for PIP a couple of weeks ago. I definitely need that money to allow me to way healthy and get about a bit more or, invest in a cleaner , as I cant manage that like I used to.

Steroids and other meds used for these conditions have a lot to answer for.

Take care hun x

in reply to Alley27

Like the goth bike idea....piccies please if you do it! 😉

theoldboiler profile image

Hello Alley. I take the lowest dose of Citalopram having always been very anti taking anything . All I can say is that they suit me (I had panic attacks and anxiety, one of the reasons I was drinking too much) but I did do self help stuff too (still do) walking, good diet, breathing and relaxation. This time of year is very bad for depression and low Vit D because of the light levels. Are you getting out and getting sun in your eyeballs? It really helps. Wendy

Alley27 profile image
Alley27 in reply to theoldboiler

HI Wendy I posted at the bottom and hope I didn't upset anyone. My gp thinks I would benefit from a low dose antidepressant but my mum was addicted/reliant on valium when I was a kid and my step father was an asshole to me and my I have always had a very negative understanding of antidepressants.

My fella said that I have mood swings but I always manage to pull myself around. I am just so overwhelmed at my slow and steady limitations that keep appearing....I do not like being unable to do the things I used to do.

I am brought to tears because I don't have the energy or strength to clean my home properly, or like I used to, I can't get out and about much any more but, I was given an allotment which I had been waiting for 10 years to get...I have been our much more in the last few weeks than I have in 6 months lol..also, I have been given the opportunity to have a mobility scooter from a friend for a very reasonable price, so I am going to have it.

With everything else, AIH PBC overlap, hashimoto's, hyper mobility syndrome, asthma, osteoarthritis and raised blood pressure, I have been diagnosed with you can imagine my dilemma.

I do often think in amazement how wonderful the human body is. We have these rare and dangerous conditions, and our bodies still cope...perhaps our minds don't, but if we share the burden its better than struggling alone.

X alley.

theoldboiler profile image
theoldboiler in reply to Alley27

Hello again Alley. 3am and up as spent the evening in hospital with my Dad so still processing what they told us in addition to my own health problems. I recognise all you say and empathise with most although I don't have asthma ( I don't think but it is the latest thing to talk to doctor about as I keep getting "bubbly/squeaky" lungs since I have been ill) There will always be some people who don't agree with taking anti-depressants and I was one of them (now 58 years old) but I wish I had taken the low dose I am on now a while ago before I "self medicated" with alcohol. I can see why you are scared of them and I wouldn't for one second recommend any treatment as I am not a doctor but all I can say is that they have really helped me. I have a history of addiction - fags and booze in excess for many years- and that added to my fears but my consultant and GP seem happy that my liver can cope with the low dose Citalopram and although it may be placebo, I know it helps me cope. I cannot recommend more highly though that walking, swimming, talking to good friends, reading a good book and finding a bit of joy in silly or trivial things every day help just as much. Keep buggering on Alley

Smyally profile image

Hi Alley. I’m on lofepramin. I went on them four years ago when I had a bad Varical bleed, my husbands best friend and his dad died within days of each other and life was pretty rough for a long while. My GP had to check and those were the only ones I could take. Also had a lot of counselling at the time. I’m really sorry to hear how you are struggling, thank god you have this group where you can air your feelings. What I will say is my counselling that I had was invaluable and I would definitely recommend that. Wishing you good luck going forward and take care xxx

Greenham profile image

Hi I take Mirtazapine 45mg and have done for 10 years . It keeps me on an even keel . Are you taking them ?

Alley27 profile image
Alley27 in reply to Greenham

No, I am not taking anything at the moment. An issue with my mum when me and my brother were young gave me a very negative view of antidepressants.

I don't blame anyone in our situation, for finding the best way, for them to deal with everything that we have to face on a daily basis.

I do have some positive things as stated and I am going to find the best way for ms to cope. Just sometimes its lonely on the battlefield xx

Pussycat65 profile image

Hi, I have Cirrhosis and other probs with family which was getting me down. My Dr gave me some Sertraline tablets for depression which have certainly helped. Hope this helps. Tanya

Lunartic profile image

It’s hard with no one around to help you. I’ve been taking antidepressants for around a year now, wasn’t on transplant list at the time but was struggling, crying a lot. My friends said you need help so I went and got some, best decision I made, it just takes the ‘despair’ away and I felt more like myself! I’m on 20mg of fluoxetine daily.

Take care of yourself Sam x

kat54 profile image
kat54 in reply to Lunartic

Glad to hear that people are being helped by anti depressants. My husband wont get them as his doctors say they would further damage the liver but they would really help him as he is quite depressed I think.

utep99 profile image

I take Prozac for survivors guilt and issues during my childhood.

Peppy05 profile image
Peppy05 in reply to utep99

Hi utep99, I take privacy also 20mg daily, it helps me a lot.

Peppy05 profile image
Peppy05 in reply to Peppy05

Sorry I meant paxil.

Alley27 profile image

Hi guys thanks for your honesty in your replies. I was asking because some days I am in total despair. I have no real help around the house. I say that I am struggling but they say you only have to ask...but if you can see what needs doing then why do you need to be asked..I have my 2 boys living at home. They both work, one away a lot, the other not as much.

I think that sometimes I am too hard on myself because I used to work away from home too. When you work away from home and you don't even get 24 hour turn around to your next deployment, you can expect that you would not have a very tidy home, but when you are retired and you still gave an untidy home, then you begin to feel like an outcast. I won't have visitors because my home is untidy.

Before diagnosis I was so house proud my home was lovely and tidy. Currently, it's far from what it was. I am not lazy I am just not fit enough to do it alone. Can't kick my lads out either, they help with Bill's and dog care...

It's horrible to have such limitations, but what can you do. I was ok until November 2018 then everything has just worsened for me...I don't know what I expected it would be like 8 years in, but I didn't expect this.

I told my gp last month that I'd bloodywell had enough...she said you have a serious illness but, you are still here, and there is help available to you like medication or talking therapies. I said no thank you to the psychologist and anti depressants. I don't want to take them no matter what...but that is just my own feeling about them. I do not want to become dependent on them...I don't have any issue with anyone that has to take these medications so please don't think that of mum became dependent on valium and it was not a nice experience...

I do have some positive news, another issue I have had is getting out and about on the off days, when even going 5 minutes to my local shop is a struggle. I have been offered a mobility scooter from a friend for a very reasonable price so I have taken friends say that they are going to pimp my ride for me lol. Its red and they are going to goth it up for me lol...I don't like asking for help, like most of us but when you realise that you have to, then you do.

Sorry for the rant...just needed to know the effects that antidepressant have on us. If they help or hinder our lives. I don't know if I would take them because of the experience with my mum but if they help you then take them...we need all the help we can get xx

Cobwebs profile image

Horrible situation. I have low dose Diazepam. Hated all of the others. Hated feeling numb. How can you feel the highs and lows? Well, you can’t. I only take the diazepam for airports. No fear of flying. Just big, bright places with stairs and escalators!

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