The last 3 of my lfts showed raised bilirubin so my GP tested me for Gilbert's and I've just been told I have it.The last 12 months have been stressful and I had noticed a very mild yellow tinge to my skin.Prior to this I had no symptoms.Being diagnosed with this at nearly 50 is puzzling me.My GP sent me some information regarding the condition however it mentions you can have trouble with medications.Ive just been in hospital and I did react to a few of the medicines they gave me.It mentions paracetamol does anyone know if medications affect you and if you can take paracetamol as I can't take ibuprofen? Any insight into the condition would be appreciated
New diagnosis: The last 3 of my lfts... - British Liver Trust
New diagnosis

There are a few forum member with Gilbert's Syndrome who may hopefully pop on to provide support.
The British Liver Trust has a page all about GS too which you may or may not already have seen. Find it at:-
Best wishes
I think that you were diagnosed that late is a sign that it is not so big issue for you. All in all it is a good news regarding reasons of elevated bilirubin. The best option. About ibuprofen I think you can use it. Do not stresss too much and avoid starving and everthing is going be alright. I have it also and it is not impact my life at all.
Always had allergies especially to food and medication.Cant have ibropufen cos of my stomach.Always took paracetamol bit unsure now what to have
I see but I think it is not Gilbert's related.
Can you take medications prescribed or are there ones to avoid do you know? How does medication affect Gilbert's. Thank you for replying
The BLT page says 'Your doctor should consider the effect of GS when prescribing medicines. Although it is uncommon, there is a possibility that lack of the UGT enzyme can have an effect on the way you respond to certain medications.'
I think anesthetic is the main one to affect Gilbert's. I find I'm ok with a small amount of paracetamol. Better with ibuprofen (but can't take naproxen as it starts asthma attacks).
I'm not sure about local, but it definitely affects general anaesthetic. I didn't know I had Gilbert's until I had an emergency section and lots of drugs. My blood results were quite wonky for months after. The next year I needed surgery with a general anaesthetic. I mentioned previously having had surgery and being able to taste the anesthetic for a fortnight afterwards. The anaesthetist looked concerned and said that wasn't usual. And it wouldn't happen again. It hasn't, and I've had two surgeries since, one a general the other a local.
Strange isn't it?Being newly diagnosed I'm a bit unsure what I can and can't have.My GP not much use.Bit weird my lots normal until recently 3 out of range bilirubin so I was tested.Had paracetamol alot over the years antibiotics didn't agree with me now I know why.Had 6 surgeries under general.Take medication,eye drops for high eye pressures and eye drops plus vitamins.Need all of them just going to carry on until told otherwise
I think I've read that menopause can exacerbate Gilbert's. I had an ancestry test done the other year. It had a pharmacology section that lists which meds will work (and not work) for me. I think the Gilbert's has some effect on things.
I have Gilbert’s, diagnosed at 12. It shouldn’t affect anything like what drugs you can take etc. it’s pretty benign.