Can anyone shed some light on this. In Feb 2019 my bloods were high especially the alt. Was 160 ish others were haywire too apart from bilriln. Over the last 12 mth they steadily come back to normal. Just a few weeks ago everyone was normal range. Perfect infact. Consider I was borber line cirrhosis and a very very fatty liver. It confuses me. I've not drank no alcohol for a year now.
Blood elevated: Can anyone shed some... - British Liver Trust
Blood elevated
It is probably down to the fact that you haven’t had a drink for a year. Well done and keep up with your lifestyle changes.
hi there-I don't think there's anything confusing about it. As TT says-you've made made major changes and you're now seeing the rewards of it. Stick to it-don't be tempted to go back to the old lifestyle because next time it will hit you me. all the best
Yeah I know this my liver nurse said if I started drinking again. My liver won't take it, used a example of a bloke who stopped then started again binge drinking for 3 weekends on trot. And that was enough to finish him
yes sadly that can be the result....take care
Well done on abstaining for year!! That's fantastic!! You should be very proud of yourself!! Keep up the good work. Take care Lynne
The think is I was never a everyday drinker. I used to go to pub prob 3 times a week. Never sat there with a bottle on vodka I just drank lager. Maybe to many but I got the taste so never knew when to go home. Social thing more than anything. Never expected to get ill. Never thought I'd have so much fat in my liver either. How I got to that I will never know. They said I had a fatty liver years before but no one told me the extent. Until that day I had the fibro scan. They don't look after you well with guidance. Proper intervention and awareness needs to be done. The awareness is shocking tbh. But they can put knackered lungs on fag packets. Why is this allowed this day and age. Rant over lol
Excellent point about the health warnings, it should definitely be on alcohol labelling.
You know the reason why like me MONEY!!! The government makes to much off it. Health is wealth to us. But to government. Wealth is wealth. Discussing really at least get ppl checked more. Women have screening for cancer. Liver scans should be easy accessable . What a world we live in
Yes, that us so true. You should have been warned years ago when you were told you had fatty liver. I have Nash caused by meds from my drs over the years but I do understand that drinking alcohol can become an illness and you deserve as much help as anyone. Alcohol should have the same type of warning on as cigarette packets. Like mine was caused by meds, my Dr never warned me, maybe I should have realised but you think your Dr is right. Please take care. Thinking of you. Lynne
A lot of us here have said the same Chris. Instead of there being health warnings about the horrendous dangers of alcohol consumption, it is advertised, promoted and even glorified. Glad you are recovering
That is so true. How are you doing today? Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
It's about time it changed laura. Someone needs to get a petition n get ppl to sign it. And get it to 10 downing Street and get them to listen once and for all
Go for it, the majority of us here would sign it to get it kickstarted !
We need a leader Laura I'm not good at things like that . If we could get someone to draw something up. I'm sure we could get it circulated via social media. It's about time we all stood up to this n make a change for future generations. Otherwise more ppl are going to suffer.
I've sent you a private message x
somebody/something is to blame (for something) 🤔
There no awareness, no adverts on TV. Just a Web site drink aware. Who goes on that really!!! Won't put it on TV cos ppl with think twice. Or some ppl will. Then theres fear of losing revenue. They rather let ppl suffer with Iiver disease
Should be stopped and hide the alcohol like tobacco. But it's too Taxing!? Up to the petrol station for fuel, bread, milk & the Off-sales within keeps calling me.
I'm into watching 🏈, Six Nations sponsored by Guinness, my old friend followed by a few.....say no more. 🤔
Who needs it😵
Yeah I agree. Or at least have treatments in place for when ppl get ill through it. Just before David Cameron left office they pumped 30 million into research. Really!!!!! 30 million. That peanuts to what they rake in through it. But it's a start. Should have been sorted years n years ago. Not rocket science tbh. When u cut yourself it heals n scares it the wound big enuff. The flesh around the scares heals and shrinks the scar. So the healing cells do there job. More cells to the scars equal more repair. Now how to get the cells in high quantity to the scares. That's what there on with. This could have been sorted decades ago. Come bk Einstein!!!!
But the brain cells have & always will be lacking in that .gov department. 🤪
It's not that. They have the best health care. Privately! So why they bothered about us peasents lol. Discussing really. Equel rights n all that. My arse!!!!
Good game France/Italy
Roll on 23rd England vs Ireland 👍😁
Mediterranean diet. The Italians were stuffed. 🏈🐸
Truly ! 😁
Too much pasta not enough saucissons
Congratulations on beating the booze for a year. Don’t waste a moment on “they” who could “do something” to prevent alcohol poisoning- we can do something far more powerful ourselves - avoid alcohol like any other poison and go for healthy living. This isn’t easy but it works as you are proving. Talking about weak and vain politicians or how companies make profit is easy but it changes nothing. We can be the change by what we do ourselves. That’s what really gets noticed! Keep on getting better! 😉