I have non alcoholic cirrhosis, heriditary hemachromotosis, small auto immune disease, and my stomach's gets huge, nauseated, flu like symptoms for days not ascites cause I can usually see and feel fluids if this happens. I take zofran I've switched to fish diet due to not being able to eat much of anything. I'm miserable.
Liver disease and stomache issues! Help - British Liver Trust
Liver disease and stomache issues! Help

Hi bjw!
Feeling miserable is pretty normal I would say but hopefully sometimes interspersed with bouts of feeling not quite so bad? Hope so.
What is the situation re our seeing a Hepatologist or any other Consultants? What Hospital are you referred to? What is their prognosis? And what is their/your plan of action?
Please do tell more. It can help people respond - well I hope it will - usually does 😀👍.
Good luck!
Thanks! I see my general doctor today. And I also see a gastroenterologist, and hepatologist. I get my scans every 6 months and am on lactulose. Miserable medicine! Not much in plans, continue to monitor, and eventually a transplant when meld score reaches 40 here in the states. So I figure just get hospice when time comes, my meld s ores are still low for now, that's a plus,but I just stay so ill, I'll keep you posted.
Hi bjw
Sorry so slow in responding GMail for some reason automatically put your response in a different subfolder in my mail - very odd 👎
How did the meeting(s) go? Quite a busy time for you!
Don’t you like lactulose then I quite liked it apart from it was a bit OTT sweet!
In a strange way hope you get the Meld score you want!
Good luck!!
It sounds like you are coping with a lot at the moment.....As Miles says above, are you getting enough support from your medical consultants? Is there a specialist liver nurse and hospital registered dietitian working with your liver team that you could discuss your concerns with?
Keep posting, you are not alone.
Warm wishes
Hi. Sorry for what you are going through. I too have stomach issues that are aggrivating as hell. I get a distended gut severely tight with so much pressure it hurts. I also have dark brown urine that will not clear up no matter how much water I drink. Is this also an issue for you and have you gotten any new info yet about your stomach? I hope everything works out for you.
I still haven't got any results. My gp put me on omeprezol. See my gastroenterologist on March 10,with liver disease I think nothing will help. No problems with urine. There are so many foods I can no longer tolerate, especially red meats. It's misery.