Stubborn or what ! : Well its me again... - British Liver Trust

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Stubborn or what !

42 Replies

Well its me again who now realises's she has a stubborn streak!

For the last 10 days I knew I wasnt feeling 100 per cent , feeling hot and cold and just about making it to the loo for another hourly pee! The niggly pains in both kidneys should have indicated this has happened numerous times before but for some reason my brain didnt ring the bells.... was this brain fog or me just being stubborn and not wanting to visit my GP again !

Well yesterday I popped to my docs with another water sample and within 2 hours a GP called to say blood in water and you have another kidney infection ..... so more antibiotics! 👎

Will I ever learn that GP's are here to help and that I do have an unknown disease that keeps flaring up and maybe this is another part of it ......

CT Scan of Thorax Abdomen and Pelvis due on the 26th of this month ! I truely want to get to the bottom of it all !

Love and hugs from peed off Trishy ... get it! 🤣🤣🤣

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42 Replies
ThreeSmiles profile image

Oh dear oh dear 😟. I really hopethe CT scan helps find the issue for you Trish.

Good luck


in reply to ThreeSmiles

Thank you Miles ! My fingers are crossed I get somekind of diagnosis at January's meeting with my consultant! Not sure when the liver biopsy is to happen as yet!

Do hope your coping too?


davianne profile image

Trish, YOU stubborn....surely not🤣🤣🤣

Seriously though, I hope the antibiotics do the job.

It sounds like you have a great GP, unlike my useless one.

I hope the CT scan goes well, and you get some answers.


in reply to davianne


Your so considerate sending me another message when your not feeling to brill yourself!

Yes your correct on my GP practice,, its one of the very best around for miles so I'm a lucky sod I guess.

I do however think its all down to the practice partners running the surgery and who they employ as I've not yet come across a bad GP in the 2.5 years registered there!

Cheers on CT Scan comment too!

Trish x

P13jne profile image

Oh no Trish, get those antibiotics taken. You need to be fit for your big day. Hope you’re good otherwise my lovely. Jane xx

in reply to P13jne

Cheers for message Jane! As you can guess I'll keep plodding on just like you!😁

Hope your day turns out to be a good one?

Love Trish ❤

Hope you feel better soon Trish, please do remember to take medical advice about the jump, and make sure you are well enough. Your health is priority.


in reply to

Thank you for your advice once again but I'm sure the infection would have cleared by the time of the jump date arrives.


Was this brain fog or

' 'A perpetual pea-souper reducing vision to a few feet.'🤔

Get well soon.

Hi Trish

Please get those antibiotics down you. Hope you scan goes ok next Tuesday and they can at long last sort you out. Waiting is a nightmare isn't it?!? Sleep well sweetie. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

in reply to

Blummin heck Lynne, I'm seriously losing it! I was thinking my CT Scan's was the week after next Tuesday 👎It's amazing how quickly time's flying by!

I didnt sleep to badly, only up a couple of times which was a pain but hey ho!

Good luck at docs today, text me later !,

Love Trish x

in reply to

Will do and thank you. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

mncold profile image

Hi peed off Trishy,

Yes, got it

Given all the excellent advice you have given to many of us, not to mentions the sympathetic ear you offer too. Please take this in the spirit it is intended - what the he double hockey sticks were you thinking??!!

While sending good vibes & prayers across the pond to you [did you know we get a new tv station dabl that has a house selling show & saw some homes in Shropshire-fun] Back to the point - should something similar be going on with your lithesome self - please feel my hand giving you a gentle, loving, heartfelt rap. This in an effort to remind you to Listen to your body and not put off a call, at least, to the doctor's office.



p.s. meant with humor - just in case.

in reply to mncold

Cheers Mary and thank you for your heart felt rap which by the way was taken in the context given ! Lol

With regards to my earlier peed off Trishy comment , well I guess we all feel like this on numerous occasions when you find yourself visiting the docs once again when you'd rather not be, after all I'm only human and have the same feelings as most including a stubborn steak 🤣🤣🤣

Bye for now and take care of yourself too!

Love Trish

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

I hope you cook it first though Trish.... it might be getting a bit mouldy by now as well - been around a few years - 50 isn’t it ....


in reply to ThreeSmiles

I'm struggling with your comment so please give me a few moments as my brain fog hasn't cleared yet 👎👎

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

OK I’ll look out for a reply next week then....


in reply to ThreeSmiles

Stop it! You know me better than I do ...... I'm trying to clear the blummin brain fog! 👎

in reply to ThreeSmiles

There's a fabulous song by Lietennant Pigeon called Mouldy Old Dow which was published in 1972 ...47 years ago .... Did Trishi pass the test👎👍

in reply to

That's the tune they always play at Oldham, it's their signature tune!! Say no more!!!! Xxxx

in reply to

I'm sorry for the trouble you're having with health (and Miles!). As soon as I read "steak" I guessed Miles would be next to reply... He doesn't let us down, does he?

I hope that you'll soon be feeling better. x

in reply to

Cheers Filistines !

Trouble with Miles , Nope ! 🤣 I think you'll agree his SOH's great which always makes me and I guess others smile 👍

On the health front, I'm ok, just getting wobbly legs re sky dive

in reply to

I agree. He makes me laugh often. And I like how he gives a detailed, clear, kind answer to anyone wanting to know how others experienced something difficult.

It's what you expect from the Wonderwall but nice to get it!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Filly you are deliberately trying to make me blush I know - but it’s not hard 😳

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

OMG Filly am I getting that predictable ☹️. Time for a new strategy...

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to mncold

Mary - skip the humour and just stick with the telling off 😁 (said with humour to you but in earnest to Trishi)!


in reply to ThreeSmiles

Now there's the SOH I like 😁! Cheers for your polite telling off even if it's taken you a day or so to say it 😁knuckles slapped 🤣🤣🤣

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Evening all....


Brain fog really is thick this morning Trish. Slow down - have a cup of that funny stuff you drink - and chill - eh!! 👍

in reply to ThreeSmiles

Now your pushing it Miles ...... Thick hey....maybe the antibiotics are playing tricks ! Now here's a thought, send me some of your meds tobtake with my funny stuff I drink as there definately working for you!

Still struggling 50's mouldy thing ! Ah I have a song in mind ....emmmm

in reply to

I could sing it to you but we don't want it to rain and snow !! Xxxx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

I didn’t say you were thick Trish - the fog is - but it’s actually a gorgeous morning here! And you’ve edited your post - you naughty thing - so my comment looks even more thick than your brain fog is this morning 🙂

You’re human and you’re 50 aren’t you?



in reply to ThreeSmiles

I may look 50 with slap 💄👠on 🤣🤣🤣 but my brain is definitely thick with fog .....

Yes I did edit earlier error's and apologies if I made you look or feel thick 😁 ... your definitely neither!

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

PS I bet you wouldn’t pass you sky dive medical assessment check now......

in reply to ThreeSmiles

👎Miles ! Nothings really changed as such since my GP signed the approval, yep more tests! My bloods are back to almost normal, infection being treated! Knees well that's arthritis which a lot of old folk get plus there well rested 🤣If a 90 year old can do it then why not little 50 year old me 😁😁

Maxey666 profile image

Wishing you well for next Tuesday and hope you get to the bottom of what's going on. You're bloddy brave jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane, I applaud you for undertaking that. Personally I like to keep my feet well and truly planted on terra firma. Keep safe

Max x

in reply to Maxey666

I too would like to keep my tooties cemented well and truely to terra firma, but it's a bit late now plus I've never backed away from anything in my life so why now !

On the health front I'm feeling fine again so those concerned stop panicking!

Has anyone heard from my wingman lately? Miles you do know your still down for opening the plane door 😁

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

No no no no - I lost the bet - don’t you remember! Owlie won - one of your post from a couple of months ago hehehehe. Go for it Owlieeeeee! 👌

Ah the fog hasn't lifted 👎

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to

Bummer 👎

in reply to ThreeSmiles

Good night Miles ! Fog lifted and seeing clearly 👍

mattymoo33 profile image

Sorry lovely, not been around for a bit.

Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today. I think we can relate to keeping GP visits to a minimum, but when a girls gotta go...!

Sweet dreams 😴 xx 🤗

in reply to mattymoo33

Thanks Matty and totally agree!

Hope you slept ok and dreamt wonderful things😁

Love Trish x

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