Has anyone got any idea how safe it is to have an extraction at a regular dental practice rather than a hospital with liver disease this includes injections and bleeding risks ?
Dental work safety in liver disease - British Liver Trust
Dental work safety in liver disease

I'm.currently having lots of dematl work carried out at Kings, my transplant centre. I suffered badly with dematl issues before and after transplant. I've almost finished having all the work done. I think, perhaps, it's best for you and your dentist to speak to or make contact with either your liver transplant coordinators and your liver pharmicst. I know there was quite s bit of discussion regarding proplactic antibiotics. Best to check to be on the safe side
Good luck.
Hi poobear I’ve been contemplating having implants do you know of any reason why you can’t after TP cheers.paul
Hi Popel. My dentist recently wrote to my transplant hospital for advice on my treatment. She has decided from the reply received that if I have to have an extraction then I will have it done in hospital. I do know of other post transplant patients though who have had extractions carried out by their own dentist. My dentist was told not to give me the antibiotic Erythromycin as it can make Tacrolimus ineffective but penicillin antibiotics are ok. All the best. Alf
Hi there. I was just thinking of making an appointment with my dentist as I have a wobbly tooth. I was also just wondering the same as you . I have cirrhosis and was wondering if I should phone my Dr for advice. I'm sure someone on here has experienced this , so any advice please.
Your dentist should know if you tell them everything
You will be or should be sent to your local hospital they will need to check your platelets
I would think that in your case you'd be just fine going to the dentist.

I hope so my dentist said to leave the tooth in poses a worse risk of infection to my whole system and im in pain .
I can't really see a problem with you having the tooth taken out as your immune system is working perfectly well. Your risk of infection is just the same as anyone else, and if you were to suffer any infection, then a course of antibiotics will see you alright.
I would suggest going and having this tooth out, and being pain free.
Good luck.

Hi. I am glad you asked this question Countrywalks! I've got a bad molar. I hate taking antibiotics with my other meds (I am currently compensated), they give me the runs! You can build up a resistance to antibiotics if you take them too frequently, but sounds like there's a good chance they'll be prescribed in my case. 😞 My platelets are consistently low. Maybe yours are high enough to get the tooth yanked in the office. Good luck! 😉
Edit: I forgot to say, I always get tons of novacaine injected in my gums, even for cleanings, 'cause I am very sensitive to pain. I don't think I would go without unless it was dire! God just writing about it makes me squeamish.
I think the cleaning is the worst procedure at the dentist. Even than fillings and extraction! But I’ve never been offered any pain relief 😕
I've just had major dental work done, root canal treatment, an extraction, multiple crowns and 4 implants really every tooth in my mouth had something done to it.
I spoke to my G.P. about it as did my dentist. I had blood test to ensure my clotting was okay.
Everything was fine and I now have a brilliant mouthful of teeth however a much lighter bank book!!
Hope it goes well but remember everyone is different.
Richard is right. I'm chronic at stage 4 and had two extractions with no problems what so ever. Everything was as normal. I just made sure my dentist was updated regarding my condition and aware of what medication I am taking.
I think Maxey sums it up quite well. Make sure your dentist is aware of your condition and most recent blood results together any meds you take. He will then make a decision whether to proceed or not. I had a fair bit of dental work done pre-transplant and now post. Some were done at the dentist some at the dental hospital, but I was only sent to the hospital due to the difficult nature of the extraction rather than my liver condition. However, as with most things liver related everyone is different and for some hospital and or antibiotics is the course of action that will be taken.
Hi Kristian
Do you think you have had more dental problems since being ill compared pre ill? I have for sure but don’t know if the illness caused it or not. Trouble is post TP the problems continue - of course it may still be the pre TP effects keeping up?
I have cirrhosis and gotten all top and bottom teeth pulled and now have complete dentures, couldn't afford implants too expensive I had to get them all remove because of a lot of teeth infected before the infection got worse throughout my body. My liver doctor said it was OK to get them all remove I had no problem with blood clotting it's the best thing I ever did, do it because of infection, your overall health will benefit. Good luck, I can smile again
Ive had 5 implants due to decaying teeth since being diagnosed with PBC. I also have cirrhosis . Both surgeon and dentist were aware of my condition. I chose to have local Anesthesia rather than be put under. Thankfully everything went fine. No issues whatsoever. Best wishes!
The QE advised my partner to be right on top of dental matters because poor teeth can lead to infections with liver disease that mean you would be suspended from the list. Our dentist was fully briefed, just by us, and 5 appointments later 3 for fillings all sorted.
Did you get a diagnosis? I have same symptoms as you now. I know it’s 2?years ago this post but just interested. Hope your fears weren’t realised.