Ultrasound Scans - Results: Quite often... - British Liver Trust

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Ultrasound Scans - Results

20 Replies

Quite often posters ask whether they find out their Ultrasound Scan result from the technician performing the scan.

I found this from the NHS website on Ultrasound scan procedures which may help...

“You may be told the results of your scan soon after it's been carried out, but in most cases the images will need to be analysed and a report will be sent to the doctor who referred you for the scan.

They'll discuss the results with you a few days later or at your next appointment, if one's been arranged.”


This only applies to Ultrasound scans I haven’t looked up CT or MRI scans.

Additionally for those of us men around 65 who will be having the almost obligatory (😁) AAA (Abdominal aortic aneurysm) screen another NHS page says:-

“You'll be told your result at the end of the test. If any problem is found, you'll also be a sent letter confirming the result and letting you know what happens next.”


I know because I have my AAA screen in a couple of weeks 😁.

Good look to all of us 😁👍 having scans or not!


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20 Replies
janeytrace profile image

useful to know thanks and i hope you will be given good results. good luck.

in reply to janeytrace

Thanks janey 😁👍

janeytrace profile image
janeytrace in reply to

You're welcome x

LAJ123 profile image

Hi PiloMilo, ( terrific rhyming )

Last week I accompanied someone to an appointment and the consultant booked a Fibroscan. He said that the test would be done by a nurse who would give the result on request or leave it until the next appointment.

Don't know about any other scans.


in reply to LAJ123

Aha thanks for that Jim - forgot about Fibroscan. Not had that one as far as I know - unless I was under the influence of an HE event at the time!

Roy1955 profile image

It also depends on the qualification of the person doing the scan.

If it's a tech or radigrapher they are not qualified so not covered by insurance for "misconduct or mistakes".

All my scans have been done by a Dr so I ask that they talk me through them in real time and explain what's on the screen.

If the person doing the scan introduces themselves as Dr XXX then ask for an instant opinion.

The fibroscan machine does it's own calculations and no human input is needed so anyone can read the result to you.

davianne profile image

Hi Loomilip, I originally thought it was Amateur Athletics Association, and was worried I wouldn't pass the entry tests this time🤣🤣🤣 I've not been been invited to this party 😥, is there a specific age requirement? Is it just for the youngun's 😁😁 I think I'd rather have my appt's reinstated to 6 monthly.


davianne profile image
davianne in reply to davianne

Oh, forgot to say , I get told by the sonographer, and get congratulated on my enormous speen 🤣🤣😥😥


in reply to davianne

Hey vadid

I don’t think they would let YOU in whatever age you are 😁 because you would fail any test wouldn’t you - now come on be honest 😁👍.


davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

Actually Millipop, you are sadly probably right😢😢😢 My interest's have for some time taken me in the less physical hobby direction😁😁.My misspelling of spleen, although a dyslexic and proofreading failure ( must do better next time or the cane beckons😆😆😆), just happens to be a village close to mine, so not entirely disconnected. But today, in my defence, I did get the lawns cut and the Koi pond cleaned ( a full days work which my fitbit only gave me 12,453 steps for... Meany🤣🤣🤣) I am now even more knackered than usual 😥😥😥


in reply to davianne

12000+ steps ye gods! That’s fantastic. I struggle to get 5000 ☹️. Btw I was only joking - sorry - a bit rude of. Me. I fell as.eep soon after posting that .... 😁

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to

No offence taken Pimollio, just friendly banter. This weight and exercise thing gets me down. Just a sniff of a chocolate bar is 500 kcals or so, and you Have to walk briskly for 2 miles to get rid of it😢😢😢. Life can be so unfair sometimes. I will sleep well tonight I hope, dreaming of what challenges await me tomorrow.

Sleep well💤💤💤.

Goliath slayer

Willh0 profile image

Hi Miles.

I was in hospital for something else when I had a ultrasound scan. It was for something totally unrelated to my liver. The ultrasound was fine until the scanner person mentioned as casually as you can imagine, yeah that’s all fine but you’ll need to watch your liver as you have cirrhosis. Then never mentioned anything else. I wasn’t sure if I had picked it up wrong but I then looked into cirrhosis. I was in tears for the next 20 hours thinking that I was going to die in the next few days!!! The doctor then came in and told me what was happening 20 odd hours after I got told. Not the best way to be told I think you’ll agree.

Cheers Will

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to Willh0

Hi WillHo, that is disgusting and very unprofessional. When I am told my scan results they know, that I know my liver has cirrhosis, but the sonographer should not be the one to tell you cold like that. That should be left to the consultant, and a word in his/her ear might be in order.


Willh0 profile image
Willh0 in reply to davianne

Hi David,

It was just one of those things. It wasn’t the best way to find out but there wasn’t any sign of liver damage up to then so it did me a favour. Not the best but it came up ok in the end. I have to say it wasn’t the best 24 hours I’d ever had but it did make sure I wasn’t worried or focused on what was originally wrong.

I wasn’t happy but what was done was done. From then it’s been focused on dealing with it and getting on with things.

Cheers Will

davianne profile image
davianne in reply to Willh0

Funny old thing life. It bowls you a googly, and then you hit a 6 from it😁😁😁 I always want to know the unfettered truth where my health is concerned, but yours came out of the blue, and worried you a lot. I hope your journey is without drama's, but it does take some getting used to.

Best of luck,


Hi willo

Pretty appalling I would say 👎🏻and very naughty of the scanner person. Was s/he right though. Hope not but what did the doctor actually say then?


Willh0 profile image
Willh0 in reply to

Hi Miles.

The problem was I was in isolation as my bloods were really low so to avoid infection I had reverse block nursing in place. As in a room by myself, spoke to a doc once a day and had 1 nurse per shift all masked and gowned up. So I spoke to my friend Doctor Google. Big mistake. When the doc came by the next day, he settled me down and went through the facts rather than all the horrible stories on the internet. From there it was right we’re going to do this and speak to these people over hear and get you into clinics to have this and that checked. They were really amazing about it. I had so much info to try and take in my head was spinning. But that was 4 years ago. That’s me 6 months PT and trying to get back to as normal a life as I can.

So it was a big mistake and potentially a massive breach of process but if they didn’t say and they weren’t as extensive as they were, it could have been missed and I wouldn’t be here today. So despite 20 hours of shock and panic it was minor compared to what’s happened since so it was a good thing in the end.

Cheers Will

mncold profile image

Hi Miles,

The US does it the same way. The techs do the testing and then the results get read by the "experts" and you get the results from them usually by letter or through your doctor. About the only thing different for the two of us is that when I go in with hubby for his every 6 month ultrasound, I let the tech know that he has an abdominal aortic aneurysm 5 mm in size just to make sure they get that in their scan.

Works the same way for us females, although my last mammogram I learned something - as we women age our breast tissue turns to fat tissue which makes finding possible tumors easier - the only good thing about aging LOL.

Although, here, I don't think they ever tell you if there is a problem unless it is urgent and seen in the quick look at the scan.

Thank you for the information - always good to have as much info as one can have.



p.s. Wishing you good results on your AAA scan.

I go for a bone density scan in about a week - have to harass hubby to get one.

Hi Mary

I had never heard of AAA until my Physio mentioned the screening to me last week. He is a little (very little 😁) concerned because of my Recti Divarication/hernia (I have had it called both so far by Consultants!). causing me loads of pain (yes I am a wimp). Does a AAA cause pain. 5cm (I think you mean cm. not mm.?) is big isn’ it?


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